THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

This has got me intrigued :icon_scratch: If its not a quarts vein ,then what is it ? Its Way back in the woods away from any homes/roads/people.So what is it ??? Any ideas ? This is as far I can zoom in.

Looky! Looky! Somebody is hooky'd :headbang: Nicely done:occasion14:

This has got me intrigued :icon_scratch: If its not a quarts vein ,then what is it ? Its Way back in the woods away from any homes/roads/people.So what is it ??? Any ideas ? This is as far I can zoom in.View attachment 1999222
Morning RTR
If this was an area that has produced gold in the gold rush era, I would say it could be the separation of the panning/tailings.
But in the areas that I have seen it's usually along the banks of the rivers and streams-not mid stream as this.
Unless the stream bed changed course over a century and the sand bar built up on the bank-side of the tailings.

Good morning all...actually I've been up since 1230 hrs. my time. :icon_salut:

This has got me intrigued :icon_scratch: If its not a quarts vein ,then what is it ? Its Way back in the woods away from any homes/roads/people.So what is it ??? Any ideas ? This is as far I can zoom in.

It is a creek entering another stream, or a channel the stream has cut
through the sandbar. If you can access it, it would definitely be a spot
I'd do some test panning.

I marked your image to show the water direction.


Good morning all...actually I've been up since 1230 hrs. my time. :icon_salut:

It is a creek entering another stream, or a channel the stream has cut
through the sandbar. If you can access it, it would definitely be a spot
I'd do some test panning. View attachment 1999235

I marked your image to show the water direction.

View attachment 1999234
Those might be some pretty good sized boulders in that view.

Is this really what it pays-or a pipe dream?

How much money do you make per 1000 views on YouTube?

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Good morning all...actually I've been up since 1230 hrs. my time. :icon_salut:

It is a creek entering another stream, or a channel the stream has cut
through the sandbar. If you can access it, it would definitely be a spot
I'd do some test panning. View attachment 1999235

I marked your image to show the water direction.

View attachment 1999234
Thanks I think you nailed it ! Now it looks like a small feeder stream that has cut its way thru a sand bar, down to maybe, Bedrock :)
Timing might be critical when hitting this creek due to rain run-off.And your arrow is differently the water flow. direction.

I think that should be my companies new slogan WD. :laughing7:

Look here Generac peddler:
You need to heed the customers top complaints and get them forwarded upline.

There are things that make owning a Generac a degree of buyers remorse.

#1. Why is it that prior 20 mile an hour winds knocked out the power , but after the generator was installed , 60 mile an hour winds do nothing?

#2. Test runs at scheduled intervals need a warning beep before firing up and scaring customers and pets and livestock into a temporary levitation while furiously trying to run in vain while treading air.

Because the power will not go out anymore because a Generac has been installed , how about a quick disconnect to allow multiple homes to use the same generator when made portable?
Just sell a universal home hook up.
(No ,Generac is not going to do that being it is the house side. Understood.)

While driving ground moles away from generator site when vibration and noise ensues is a good thing , where they go beyond should be something the homeowner is warned may need a war plan for in advance.
Please include the suggestion that to reduce mole and ground dwelling creature stampedes headed elsewhere they be ready at first start up with a fishing net to swoop /swing at startled ground moles , ground squirrels and other ground dwelling creatures when they are startled /scared at first fire up and are temporarily suspended in space three foot above ground treading furiously in thin air. If in a densely populated nightcrawler area , safety glasses or goggles are suggested.
La-Cross sticks may be used. And for Canadians , hocky sticks. Just be aware of nearby windows or delicate items thrown/hit moles may damage.

Good morning all...actually I've been up since 1230 hrs. my time. :icon_salut:

It is a creek entering another stream, or a channel the stream has cut
through the sandbar. If you can access it, it would definitely be a spot
I'd do some test panning. View attachment 1999235

I marked your image to show the water direction.

View attachment 1999234

Your arrows indicate a most likely best spot for a fish trap. May be after dark till active , unless warm water makes the cooler and more oxygenated end of rapids and riffles a necessity.

Two deltas and six edges showing? A lot of water came down at a couple or more different intervals...
Not seeing any boulders or structure from the blurred view to trap gold. Roots grass ect on deltas might be sniffable if no cobble exists. Maybe a bar below somewhere might hold some something , after checking fishtrap potential sights hole.

Good morning Whadi, I caught the Delta variant after a trip to my US office in September. I had a virtual consult online with my doctor, I got a PCR Test, I was then told to isolate for 14 days. To me it felt like a very bad head cold, my wife's symptoms were more severe though. My asthma flared up and I lost my sense of taste and smell for two months. But we both recovered after 5 - 7 days without any needing any medical attention. both were vac'ed?

I tell my customers, "folks need to buy what works and what they can afford during the current supply chain issues, but all generators are only as good as the maintenance they receive once they're installed." Remember... "The sweetness of the low price will fade, but the bitterness of poor quality will remain forever" ... you get what you pay for people. :thumbsup:

Sorry folks, that's the career 'salesman' coming out of me. :laughing7:! If that were only true!!! :dontknow:

Look here Generac peddler:
You need to heed the customers top complaints and get them forwarded upline.

There are things that make owning a Generac a degree of buyers remorse.

#1. Why is it that prior 20 mile an hour winds knocked out the power , but after the generator was installed , 60 mile an hour winds do nothing?

#2. Test runs at scheduled intervals need a warning beep before firing up and scaring customers and pets and livestock into a temporary levitation while furiously trying to run in vain while treading air.

Because the power will not go out anymore because a Generac has been installed , how about a quick disconnect to allow multiple homes to use the same generator when made portable?
Just sell a universal home hook up.
(No ,Generac is not going to do that being it is the house side. Understood.)

While driving ground moles away from generator site when vibration and noise ensues is a good thing , where they go beyond should be something the homeowner is warned may need a war plan for in advance.
Please include the suggestion that to reduce mole and ground dwelling creature stampedes headed elsewhere they be ready at first start up with a fishing net to swoop /swing at startled ground moles , ground squirrels and other ground dwelling creatures when they are startled /scared at first fire up and are temporarily suspended in space three foot above ground treading furiously in thin air. If in a densely populated nightcrawler area , safety glasses or goggles are suggested.
La-Cross sticks may be used. And for Canadians , hocky sticks. Just be aware of nearby windows or delicate items thrown/hit moles may damage.
#5 The service panel needs redesigned. My service technician barely has enough time to service the generator before the ambulance carts him off to the hospital to treat him for anaphylactic shock from all the wasp stings.

Good morning pirates.

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