THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Since there some really good CZ’s out there today and if it hard to tell about the stone like my example that I found, it’s not a bad idea to get advice or get a jeweler loop. In my humble opinion you can usually tell by the ring itself or the band. Personally I like to find gold bands.

Well, I'm off... heading into Toronto today with my daughter tagging along to make a few dealer calls, then I'm done work until January 3. :hello2:

Hope everyone has a good day!
Dave, Your daughter must be bored hanging out with pops....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: enjoy yourselves.

Since there some really good CZ’s out there today and if it hard to tell about the stone like my example that I found, it’s not a bad idea to get advice or get a jeweler loop. In my humble opinion you can usually tell by the ring itself or the band. Personally I like to find gold bands.
They are junk.

So... want a lesson on "how to tell" ?

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Good morning, me hearties!

And yes! YES! I can't learn a darn thing if you don't post it! Cheese and crackers you are such a tease sometimes! :laughing9:
The immediate "red flag" when looking at ANY piece of jewelry... as to its "quality"... both overall and more particularly concerning any "stones"...

IF the stones are not fully pronged /set... they are junk... glued in.
And not even mediocre quality pieces will have this tell tale sign of crapiness.

They are junk glass or worse... hence the lack of "work" to secure them.
It is commonly known as a "fake" when names are involved... such as "Rolex" Channel" "Tiffany" etc....
with no names it is considered "costume" /"fantasy"

Even when names such as CORO... Trifari... Monet etc they will be both glued and pronged.. but these names have "value"... some more than others.

Furthermore... i will add /say this... not all stones of value reside in items that are pronged...
This pronging on fake pieces is also done as to "throw off" the suspicion or to up the quality look etc

But... overall...

Your more likely to find value in well pronged stones... as to rarely in glued ones... unless it is a named costume designer... then glued can have some value due to the name.

OTher instance with a glued stone MAY / was a repair by an owner in isolated incidents.

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PS... even good glued stone costume piece OR pronged costume piece is almost always maker marked.... 99% of teh time... for its the "name" that holds the value...
Next is the overall quality... / subject matter / amount produced--- aka "rarity".... these factors are what dictate a value that extends past the cheap glass glued stones and foil backs etc etc etc

I was given a recommendation of a jeweler. So, yesterday, I bagged up a few rings to have cleaned, and my mom's wedding ring set. But, first I went to the antique store. I was talking to a couple guys at their booth and the subject came up. I showed them the rings. One of which was the Thai princess ring. He is the one who first told me he believed it was from India. He got out his glass and was taking a closer look at it. He had a real funny countenance about him. He then told me he used to have one just like it. But that's all he said on that subject. Then, I showed him my mom's wedding ring set. He guessed at the weight, 2.5. He got his scale out and it was a 3. Whatever, I don't know the lingo. He said it would cost more to repair it than it was worth. He offered $108.00. I politely declined because it has sentimental value. I told him I was on the way to the jewerly store. He said it should be around $80.00 to put the ring back together. I went to the jewelers, she gave me 2 quotes. First was just to put the ring back together - $70.00. Second was to put it back together and repair all the tines - $280.00. I brought it back home. I don't know what to do with this thing. It is really useless as is. But, because of the sentimental value, I don't want to get rid of it.
I also told her what the guy said about the other ring. Her reply was, "Yes, I believe he's pretty close." Now why wouldn't either of them be upfront and tell me what they know? WTH? Do they not really know their stuff, or what?


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I was given a recommendation of a jeweler. So, yesterday, I bagged up a few rings to have cleaned, and my mom's wedding ring set. But, first I went to the antique store. I was talking to a couple guys at their booth and the subject came up. I showed them the rings. One of which was the Thai princess ring. He is the one who first told me he believed it was from India. He got out his glass and was taking a closer look at it. He had a real funny countenance about him. He then told me he used to have one just like it. But that's all he said on that subject. Then, I showed him my mom's wedding ring set. He guessed at the weight, 2.5. He got his scale out and it was a 3. Whatever, I don't know the lingo. He said it would cost more to repair it than it was worth. He offered $108.00. I politely declined because it has sentimental value. I told him I was on the way to the jewerly store. He said it should be around $80.00 to put the ring back together. I went to the jewelers, she gave me 2 quotes. First was just to put the ring back together - $70.00. Second was to put it back together and repair all the tines - $280.00. I brought it back home. I don't know what to do with this thing. It is really useless as is. But, because of the sentimental value, I don't want to get rid of it.
I also told her what the guy said about the other ring. Her reply was, "Yes, I believe he's pretty close." Now why wouldn't either of them be upfront and tell me what they know? WTH? Do they not really know their stuff, or what?

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My bride inherited some rings several years back one of which was her dads mason ring which is a beauty of a stone and real. Along with that her mothers stuff. We know exactly where her dad shopped for her jewelry. We were going to get an appraisal for insurance. $70 bucks per piece was the asking price. NO thanks. We just put a high estimate on them an put in a lock box. Moving back to ARC’s comments a moment ago. The example of the CZ last night. I posted found in a volleyball pit. Even though the big stone was a CZ the smaller stones that trimmed the ring (from my jewelry buddy) called chips are real stones to hear him tell it. Not worth a lot but real.

First and foremost.... Louis Michel Aury DID NOT even have anything to do with this area.

No documentation... myth only
It was Gasparilla. I think he was confused.


He said it would cost more to repair it than it was worth. He offered $108.00. I politely declined because it has sentimental value
You can't put a price on sentimental. It was your mom's wedding ring. Get it fixed.

Well, I have been down one rabbit hole after another. So, here's the thing. Nothing I have, my mom had, my grandmother had, or anyone else in the family had/has, is high end jewelry. I know that. But this vintage costume jewelry stuff is apparently very collectible. Sarah Coventry, Hobe, even flipping Avon pieces are worth more now than when they were new. And there's the stuff from the Best Products Catalogue store, QVC, HSN. And then, there is the off chance that I do have something a little more valuable. And what can I safely let my granddaughter play with and not regret that decision? I am the last of the sentimental breed. My kids are not. I need to start weeding through this and decide what to sell and for how much. I don't want it going in a garage sale for $0.25 or $0.50. I may as well get something out of it before I die.

Mornin all.

Nerve spasms at 5 A.M. still. Rough night.
Bulldog spewed surprises for me just before I got up....
He might have a plastic squeaker in him or something.

W.C., maybe buy your Granddaughter some jewelry. Decent construction.
Save the heirlooms for later.

Back to Hog island.
A site occupied for so long (even if not full time) has evidence upon arrival back when.
The risks of a cache are partly in being watched without knowing. Or while known.
Makes for a poor choice of site.
Then follows eventual recovery. How would one know the conditions upon arrival/ Both people being present or having been finding your disturbance after you left last time. Or the weather.

It's a to and fro of tide there. And an inlet. That inlets channel could move easy enough following a storm. And like many , likely has.

Getting to ground where a storm would be less likely to erode away , or bury deeper a cache , you're getting distant from the ship. Not always a good position to be in when in an area a culture caches it's dead. Even if friendly at the moment. Which , being an intruder is not assured or after someone from your culture insults the locals , becomes unlikely.

That does not mean a valuable cache was not made.
Fresh water was there so that's a good thing to land on or near.
But until known it's safe from prying eyes and the possibility of being unwelcome , careening for repairs or starting much of a project has to have the risks weighed.
I don't like the Hog Island logistics if needing a site to cache valuables on , by it being attended by natives for so long..
Someone else may have. Plenty of other places existed though. And more unattended, closer to some better privacy ones. Some out of the way or range of high storm surges pulling soil/sand into the ocean too.

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