Only fishing rook....go go go. I hunted from 830pm til 1130 pm and struck out except for clad. Then the boss cut the trip short and im back in the keys now. Was happy to see one of my ambergris hunting partners had scored. He found an entire block !! Not sure the poundage but one of the largest pieces I've ever herd of.....he is sitting on 250,000 cash !! He said it was the size and shape of a car transmission!! The only way ill succeed at getting my piece is a solo mission....I just can't find a partner worth their salt....or someone who has the experience. Slowly convincing my loved ones that I must do this. Planning a far out islands walk about.....I will have to fund it from my own pocket so I sold my 1732 pillar dollar !! Ambergris hunting trip plans are in the works !!