JVA? I'm about to say something to you that I once told somebody else online a very long time ago!
That person was suffering a severe health crisis and was online chatting with people about what he should do. Telling each one about why he *can't* do these things. But....continuing to freak out and keep going back and forth about symptoms, history, affordability, no transportation.....etc etc.
I hope everybody here can vouch for how well my intentions are and how sensitive I am to others' suffering.
I'm not telling you this to do *anything* but try to help.
Hang up your phone, get off sites, and use your phone to call 911 or *ANY* hospital. Fill them in what's going on and about no insurance but that you need help!!
No matter what we think we can "afford"......the alternative is something you might not have to pay for.....if you don't treat your health........*FIRST*!!
You have my prayers...