Picked everything from the nursery yesterday, the rains during the day were a spit here and there, nothing serious-well until I was just about home then the skies were open. Stopped at he farm, unloaded trees, a few other things, picked up things and got a lovely duck and rice dish of food to get me through my days end.
Traffic going east bound through Toronto was a 4 accident affair-added an hour of stop and go traffic wasn't a winner. Managed to get unloaded by 10pm-loaded the Mrs up for company on the rental trip back, got home a 11:30pm. Long day-the getting up and go isn't there this am-more like a burnt out bulb feeling.
Too many hrs, miles, loading/unloading makes me body weary.
The upside is I have my plantings, the van was sparkly new!!! Now with it having under a few thousand clicks on it meant the suspension was tight, it had guts, and doing the 120-130KPH speeds in traffic was an OK!.