THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Oops you asked about the prosthetic...

Guy left the facility that was building it.
Pushed my visit back a week.
Good team , I'm in good hands. Just a delay. The doctor heading the department has been there with me since before I head of a prosthetics department there.
My other "mad scientist leg doctor" retired during my prolonged absence.

Fitting a socket can be (and has been before , and will likely ever be) multiple visits. Has to be really. Not so much a matter of of how far off are we , but are we closer than last time.
Then will come P.T..
I have set a high goal. Falling short then would still be success , compared to merely striding about.
Last time in rehab (in the bucket style socket) I climbed multiple flights of stairs. A ladder. And obstacles on level floors.
Pounded on bone to do it. But was on pain meds back then....

I’m a praying for a success!

On my morning walk yesterday had a bit of an oddball experience. I've been walking along the lake recently and then swinging up to the commercial main street in the eastern part of the city.

In any even when I turned up the street walking at a good pace some gal tugged on my backpack and called out heh you!

When I turned around she jumped back and apologized as if she thought I was someone else. Then she started making small talk and asked me if I wanted to go back to the apartment with her.

Judging how fidgety she was odds are she's doing some sort of heavy drugs and trying to turn some tricks to pay for her next hit. I abruptly told her I was married and kept walking.

I'll probably switch up my route and stick to the blvd along the lake on my return walks now.

That’s kinda scary. I’m glad that is all that happened.

Good morning fellas.

Been having computer trouble lately, it might be time to upgrade. :(

Good Morning All! It's off to the grocery store for me. My grub supply is quite low. . I may need a loan on returning.

Fat that is a weasel. They squeeze in a tiny hole . They suck the blood out of their pray and leave the body lay. It wouldn't surprise me if you have more deaths today. What ever you do don't plug the hole it's getting into with the weasel inside.

....IDK what? They are in very secure pen. Just killed, no eat.
I saw your broke white spear. Anymore? Make some pics plz.

I missed your post reporting kills?

Heads crushed or broken necks?
Single wire mesh or fence they can get thier heads through?
Avian (and other) predators can spook fowl and grab heads if they get presented through wire.
Quail would seem to tighten the covey if threatened though. (?)

This is the pen

Well Fat:
So much for my idea..
Unless the door is loose or another entry/ exit exists...It may be an internal issue.

... I D K ... I have a game cam watching also with no luck. I dont like that pen but it is solid.

Good morning to the whole crew and good luck on your trip to Toronto Jim.
Thanks Bill

Actually it's Elora Ont.
425km, and I hit their lunch hour.
Mennonite operation so they'll be all ready in 20 minutes.
The big smoke was a 120km an hr fly through. I did notice the 20KPH going east bound. Friday it can be a painful drive heading through the city.

....IDK what? They are in very secure pen. Just killed, no eat.
I saw your broke white spear. Anymore? Make some pics plz.

My Whitey was an old thread that resurfaced.

We're treating ourselves to some lobster tonight. I'm whipping up some potato salad and the missus made some coleslaw.

Should be tasty.

Also an order of seed potatoes finally arrived amarosa with pink flesh, Russian blue and another variety. They're all fingerling potatoes so we'll be eating them skins on when the time comes.

Hey Bill you need some Yukon Gold spuds too!

Evening peeps.

Or... afternoon... for some.

Nice breezy low humidity day... super nice... tomorrow will be the same.

Dont mean to rub it in :P


Smart move welding a loaded gas can't fix stupid.

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