THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


Yep Andy Kim also co wrote Sugar, Sugar by the Archies.

So WD, how's the new retirement going for you?
Bored silly right?:laughing7:
Have you started doing the decor of the SS yet?

So WD, how's the new retirement going for you?
Bored silly right?:laughing7:
Have you started doing the decor of the SS yet?

Bored? (Insert Expletive) I somehow have less time to play! I guess I used work as an excuse as to why I didn't/couldn't clean. Shoot fire! It's absurd how much I have to do around here! It's raining today, so I am going to try and take care of some loose ends with a church group and at least get that off my list. It's a whole mess because someone went on ahead of us. :angel2:

Then there's the shed. Repurpose/reuse. We have piles of stone block. Some from the barn we had torn down and some left over from the house build. The idea is to stack them around the leveling blocks for aesthetics. They are on the opposite end of the cemetery from the shed. And, take the good bricks from the old house foundation (located way up at the driveway to our property) and maybe make herbal garden next to the shed, and/or pathways, or something. By the time I do all this, I should be looking like a pygmy amazon queen. Probably more like OV's laughing viking gif.

I bought a little wooden paint your own birdhouse from wally world. I have this idea to glue my glass shards to it. Gotta figure out the tumbler thingy first.

Father-in-law gave me a butter churn crock, in pieces, but plastic wrapped together. Watched video on how to fix that. Gotta practice on my own crock shards first, which means I have to put the puzzles together. The butter churn is important. I didn't catch the whole story or maybe I did, he talks so quietly now. I know it was used by his mother and he ate butter from that crock. I am not sure if it was hers originally, or if she inherited it from her mother, or what. Still it is a family heirloom. He wanted me to put it on the porch, but MR and I both agree, when we get it together, it is staying in the house. Mr is in charge of making the wooden paddle thing.

Oh, Pepps, I could go on and on. LOL.

I do have a plan for a cheese and wine party with my gal pals. I got that idea from Bill's hotel video. :thumbsup:

Mornin all.

Second covid shot clobbered me. Big time.
Weds. 5:30. Still swinging temps and sore all over. But , gaining.
Cancelling Prosthetics and DR. appointments. But I'll be back to them next week...


I was trying to find another song .... gonna be a rock star ya ya ya. Thats the song I was singing in my head, but I changed it to gonna find some gold coins ya ya ya !!

Mornin all.

Second covid shot clobbered me. Big time.
Weds. 5:30. Still swinging temps and sore all over. But , gaining.
Cancelling Prosthetics and DR. appointments. But I'll be back to them next week...

Good morning, Rchair. Sorry to hear you are having side effects. I do hope you feel better soon.


To bad about the strong side effects from the 2nd shot, however, it should super charge your immune system big time.

If it's any consolation our back door neighbor mentioned the booster knocked her out and she's only about 40 and a nurse.

I have decided not to get the Covid shots. I am worried as to the effects it may have in the years down the road for those that get the shots.

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To each his own, however, I'll take my chances beats getting covid I already had my first dose of Astra Zeneca and booked for 2nd July 6th.

For what it's worth maybe talk to your family doctor and see what he says.

I saw the doc yesterday. There was no pressure. I avoid elbow to elbow crowds. I think I should have gotten it by now, as I worked at my summertime Harley Davidson job during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally last year. People come in there from all over the world. But it's a large store.

I have decided not to get the Covid shots. I am worried as to the effects it may have in the years down the road for those that get the shots.

Well my specialists are just telling me not to get it, any of them.
Reason being it's still a fluid situation and it changes so often.
So back to hermitsville it will be for me.
I have no problem with no getting close to anyone.
I've got that Finnish blood, ewe don't touch me.:laughing7:

Mornin all.

Second covid shot clobbered me. Big time.
Weds. 5:30. Still swinging temps and sore all over. But , gaining.
Cancelling Prosthetics and DR. appointments.
Hope you are going to be OK RC, not a good thing to be knock down like that.

I saw the doc yesterday. There was no pressure. I avoid elbow to elbow crowds. I think I should have gotten it by now, as I worked at my summertime Harley Davidson job during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally last year. People come in there from all over the world. But it's a large store.
I was at the Rally in /89, Quite the event.


About 20 or so years ago I did a business trip down in the Southern U.S. to meet with our railway counterparts.
First stop Roanoke, Va to meet with the NS, Then on to Jacksonville, Fl to meet with CSXT and finally the FEC at St Augustine, Fl.

At this point it was Friday night and the company was picking up the tab for our hotel expenses for the weekend so we headed off towards Daytona Beach, Fl and we were surrounded by Harley Davidsons it was their annual rally.

We tried to book a room and no luck everything in town was full up....luckily the gal at the front desk at the Sheraton phoned one of her buddies and found a place for us to stay in New Smyrna Beach.

We checked in and they had no food or drinks at that time so she recommended the Breakers a pub at the beach.

Great choice we sipped on a few cold ones and listened to the band playing raggae music till the wee hours.

I saw the doc yesterday. There was no pressure. I avoid elbow to elbow crowds. I think I should have gotten it by now, as I worked at my summertime Harley Davidson job during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally last year. People come in there from all over the world. But it's a large store.

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