THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I was trying to find another song .... gonna be a rock star ya ya ya. Thats the song I was singing in my head, but I changed it to gonna find some gold coins ya ya ya !!

GMorn everbody, rainy morning here.
I posted some rattle rock pics for Miss Shrpardess at the pic place. She will have to explain.
Have a great day

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I was trying to find another song .... gonna be a rock star ya ya ya. Thats the song I was singing in my head, but I changed it to gonna find some gold coins ya ya ya !!

Oh I think if the gold is a she-then there's only one tune that will be fitting. Probably was recorded before your time?
Still a ear worm for many.........


All hands on deck! Keep a weathered eye out on the starboard and port side! Appears it be kiss your mate day. Giving ye fair warning so as ye don’t get blindsided as me was. Argh!

All hands on deck! Keep a weathered eye out on the starboard and port side! Appears it be kiss your mate day. Giving ye fair warning so as ye don’t get blindsided as me was. Argh!

When is there gonna be Rum day ? ? ?

Not a bad deal at all. Do they have a place to plug in your boat? Or do we have to crack a window and run extension cords out to it?
Talking about windows, looking for something saw 2 boxes on a lower shelf. Gee new ones for the ship. Kind of forgot about the purchase a decade ago when doing the trawler.
Liking the look of them even more now.
Looks like another sell item.

How much do ya want Pepper ? ? ?

Tonight on the menu deviled veal kidneys with some mashed potatoes. And for veggies some sauteed dandelions with garlic.


The glass is 12"X 5.5" add 2.5" for the mounting back plate. 2 ports 3 screens (scratch the noodle on why 3) thinking thinking-maybe a PM-like err-not a C Member-wink wink......

just saw your msg pepper... too rich for my blood.

Leave it to those on Ebay that pay that kinda money :P

Um... anyways...

G night.

Off like a violin player using a tree branch for a bow.

C u n am.

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