THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning world of serious :coffee2:drinkers.

Morning ARC, Bart, Rook

Good to hear that you are doing better Bart.


What did you get Arc, poison ivy? Gary

Morning Gary

Bart got a case of poison wood-similar to what one would get from Ivy, Oak, Sumac oils. Blister up bad.

"Poisonous Trees in Florida | Florida Hikes"

Says here towards the end of the article, that poison wood is 100 times stronger than poison ivy or sumac !! And the machineel tree will just kill you !! I have broken out from just walking by the machineel !! Just the dust getting on my sweaty skin....that time I had small blisters break out all over me from sweating.

Good morning RCT crew & Bart glad you're doing better.

Morning bill and crew

Good morning everyone.

"Poisonous Trees in Florida | Florida Hikes"

Says here towards the end of the article, that poison wood is 100 times stronger than poison ivy or sumac !! And the machineel tree will just kill you !! I have broken out from just walking by the machineel !! Just the dust getting on my sweaty skin....that time I had small blisters break out all over me from sweating.

Nasty $hit that stuff is Bart.

Yesterday I was chatting with one of the contractors and the Poison Ivy/Oak topic came up and he said that the other working partner can walk through it all day-zippo effect on him.
(I was going to say it was because of his blood/alcohol content seems to work) :occasion14::laughing7:

Now the Mrs can just think about the stuff and it's full on blistering......

Hi all-

Seems like spring is never going to get here. The morels need rain and have not popped yet, fishing don't open till may, but that don't matter because I'll be out of state on an emergency expedition to build a board walk across a swamp. It'll be three fifty foot or so sections hopping water to get back 100 yards or so to high ground on the corner of the property. He's got about 2,000' of rough sawn oak 2x8 logged off the property a decade ago.

Gotta get it in before the mosquitos come out in force. That corner will make a fine deer stand for next fall.


Good luck with the boardwalk. Quite the project.

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