GMorn everbody, looks like a light dusting last night almost 80 tomorrow. Going to set some bank lines for catfish this weekend. Pep, did you find the steam juicer section on amazon yet? I looked at the one linked $130 sounds like a lot but worth it. I’m not sure where the ones I use came from, they’ve always just been under the stairs. If anyone is waiting on some pics I was to make, remind me. Have a great weekend
Morning Fat
I gleamed the images on Google-never really do the Amazon-probably ordered only few items over the life of the platform.
Try to support the local as much as possible in life, as many just want to have the price point/delivered to the door in the morning.
Trophy fish/hunt friend across the way a few year back now-sitting with the never flow from the red cup (8 litre a day habit)
Anyways he'd be watching the fishing/hunting show-some dude would be using some type of lure-He'd summon an employee of some level.
"Order me up the set!"...That meant every size/colour made of that said lure-delivered to his office usually by monday morning sometimes if it was late week that he came down to fish/hunt/party.
After he passed (52 yrs old) they took out 14 satchels of lure gear, each bag had 4/5 plastic compartment tray/bin holders.
I said to the lead fellow "wow he sure had enough lures".
"Oh this is nothing-he has 3X this amount back in the office."
8 gun lockers were in the house, filled.
But then again one time he was watching a promo on the Beretta
A350 Xtrema Turkey 12ga.
"I want one the order was said!"
He looked around the table-" You want one?
There was 2 takers-looked over at me. "You want one Jim?"
"No thanks I don't have the current FAC"-
"Oh that's ok I'll store it here for ya-nobody needs to know"
"That's Ok - thank for the offer though."
"You sure?"
"We're good-really"
So by the next weekend they had the 3 shotguns all paid for by the friend.
He said early on that it was nothing to spend $100K on just to set up the inside gear of the hunt lodge.
He wanted a new Lund fishing boat that was a plain old designed craft-on the boat lift the next week $85K alone.
It's kind of crazy seeing the leachers-takers-milkers-boot lickers lining up to get the get the what ever from a fellow that would give you his shirt & a spare clean one just because he cared.
Oh my left shoulder would be just a squirming with thought about folks that were there just because of the party.
So every once in awhile I'd go to town buy him a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue label
The house/property manager would plead to me not to give him the brown liquor-oh that brown mean streak would come to light-and the lights would go out sometimes also.