Blak bart
Platinum Member
Hanging around the shop today. Got a truck coming from Seattle to pick up some mahogany.....long ways to come for wood !!
Had a employee that was Goth and was into the pits. Never really thought too much of it at the time, other than "I Just don't get it"
Jesse was so likeable that he couldn't do anything wrong, so easy to work with-everyone's fav. it seemed.
Had this walk'/stride of rolling his step as he walked coming off the tip of the toes, so he looked like he elevated his tall body another 4" with every step.
Shortly after I sold/retired I received a call that he had been just rushed to the hospital. They had found him the bus shelter at the end of the street, drinking his usual morning coffee.
He had suffered an aneurysm, he had another 4/5 over the next day and was taken off life support.
The final report was that he had hundreds of these small ones in the brain-result of many hits over his short lifetime. Something like a football player would have getting head hits in the scrimmages.
The conclusion was the repeated mosh pits-home life of beatings before he moved into a shelter all contributed to cause.
Before we attended the service I called my foreman up and asked "What are you wearing to the service?"
Being that that Jesse and his lovely gal were so Goth-we had no idea.
He was sort thinking along the same line-really we had nothing to go on.
So we just went with a dress shirt and jeans, casual loafers. We arrived, and wow moment, did we stick out like the 3 odd ones.
Everyone had their best of best, impeccably dressed, piercing removed, no Goth to be seen.
I still remember that and a little life lesson also that we painted a picture in our minds of what we believed/perceived as their world-we were not even close.
Hanging around the shop today. Got a truck coming from Seattle to pick up some mahogany.....long ways to come for wood !!
Gas UP another 0.10 now $2.69![]()
It's about $2.80 here, and $3.10 at my grandmas house in Pennsylvania.
Any bets on what it will be by summer ?
Hidin Biden is talking about raising the gas tax to help pay for his new $3 TRILLION (with a "T") "infrastructure" spending bill. This is in addition to the previous $2T blue state bailout disguised as "covid relief".
Just keep printing money. What could possibly go wrong?
Hidin Biden is talking about raising the gas tax to help pay for his new $3 TRILLION (with a "T") "infrastructure" spending bill. This is in addition to the previous $2T blue state bailout disguised as "covid relief".
Just keep printing money. What could possibly go wrong?
Time to get a bike.....![]()
Hmm. Debt could exceed gross domestic product. That would not be good.
Or worse , we fail to pay interest on national debt.
Debt held by debt instrument holders worldwide....
Devaluing the dollar seems of little concern. It being backed not by anything tangible , but rather , goodwill.
I was just about to say that haha.Roger,
Time to get a bike.....![]()
Hanging around the shop today. Got a truck coming from Seattle to pick up some mahogany.....long ways to come for wood !!
My guess is by the end summer, it will be at least $3.16 a gallon.
Gas UP another 0.10 now $2.69![]()
Did you get your license RustyRelics?
I drive through Kentucky frequently. Let me know what you are driving so I know if you are about to run into me.![]()