I have made a lot of goose breast pastrami’s and than canned the legs in a pressure cooker. I use to guide at a goose camp 30 miles upriver from me. 5-6 gunners and me in pits along warm water sloughs. 3 goose limit and 5-6 green head mallards a day.
15-18-21 Canada geese and 30 ducks. After the second day its easy to be overwhelmed in feathers. I had brine pre made and would breast the geese out and put them in 5-7 gallon buckets to start cure. The legs, as I said before6-8 in a quart jars, 6-8 quarts a day. Pack and start cooking. At the same time a helper would be picking ducks, a rotary plucker and we saved feathers for a down comforter place. As soon as she had 6-8 done I would put in a roaster and cover with bread stuffing and that would be supper in a couple hours. The rest of the ducks got frozen or 1 Duck per mason jar and more pressure cooking. All the hearts and gizzards I saved too and cooked in every possible way you can think of, I would get so many that I also would freeze them and use for catfish bait in spring. Do all of that 3-4-5 days a week and you will have a case of duck farts believe me.
......after a couple of brine changes and than soaking in clean water after rinsing couple times they were ready for the smoker. It was the only way I could keep up and even finicky types like the little “rocks” We made.
Times change, the main guy passed away and new owners want to do it there way. THe last I heard is they donated all there birds to hunters feeding the hungry, a program of sort for hunters who don’t like eating there harvest.