Blak bart
Platinum Member
Hello and good morning RCT friends !!
Ehhh. I agree that is what it has turned into, but it was not the intent , IMO. It was a day to recognize what a common man went around Ireland explaining using a common three-leafed clover. All now lost in the kerfunkle. Placement of said day of recognition being placed on the calendar in close proximity to a day of worldly celebration, spring solstice, yet another blundering attempt by men to spread news to the world, which the world does not wish to hear or know of. Same as Christmas was placed on the calendar near the winter solstice. Yet, it is totally understandable, considering the conflict between Irish Protestants and Catholics, how/why the Irish would come to celebrate their heritage once the “church “ recognized Ireland.
It is great to celebrate one’s heritage, I say. Embrace it. Relish it, cherish it. I wish we, the melting pot, would celebrate more of the different heritages of the world, than a select few. Just my take on it all.
Well the storm has passed and we didn't have any big damage. It's headed toward RTR now. We did have some close calls. One tornado touched down just south of Tupelo doing some damage. Overall though the state had 5 or 6 purdy bad storms.
Another sleeplessness type of night. Thanks to all for the reading/watching/ listening material to get me through. I think I better try sleep again. I have a funeral to attend. Don’t want to miss it.
so, good morning to all when you get aboard de ship.
Sir WIF, I will check your thread later.