THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Well just shy of 48 hours and looks like the cold like symptoms have pretty much cleared up from the vaccine.

You'll have to put up with me for awhile longer....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I was remiss for not posting up an Irish recipe so here goes better late than never.


The very last skiff that...Bill Lee...built here in the keys before he died. I don't talk to much about boat building but lately I've been busy. Teak deck repair on 112 foot yacht, refinished 2 fighting chairs, and rebuilding the bow on this Bill Lee skiff. Im always busy fixing boats. 20210314_140837.webp

Morning bill, bart, and RTR

Lookin good bart.

GMorn everbody, I really need a lot more corned beef in my life. It my st.pattys resolution, I already like a few beers, they make me jollier even... have great day

Ehhh. I agree that is what it has turned into, but it was not the intent , IMO. It was a day to recognize what a common man went around Ireland explaining using a common three-leafed clover. All now lost in the kerfunkle. Placement of said day of recognition being placed on the calendar in close proximity to a day of worldly celebration, spring solstice, yet another blundering attempt by men to spread news to the world, which the world does not wish to hear or know of. Same as Christmas was placed on the calendar near the winter solstice. Yet, it is totally understandable, considering the conflict between Irish Protestants and Catholics, how/why the Irish would come to celebrate their heritage once the “church “ recognized Ireland.
It is great to celebrate one’s heritage, I say. Embrace it. Relish it, cherish it. I wish we, the melting pot, would celebrate more of the different heritages of the world, than a select few. Just my take on it all.

Ah , triune symbolism. Good note.
We used to sing this at family reunions. Well , part of it. itself, potentially even punishable by death.

Well the storm has passed and we didn't have any big damage. It's headed toward RTR now. We did have some close calls. One tornado touched down just south of Tupelo doing some damage. Overall though the state had 5 or 6 purdy bad storms.

We had a call from near Meridian as the biggest band was going through , a nervous time....
Watching it on radar , it certainly was a great example of just what tornados thrive on.

Ooops , first things last... Mornin all.

Well I mentally ticked off a couple of repairs in the home that weren't on the to-do-list.
I'm going to have to just write them down, so I have the satisfaction of scratching them off it seems.

The cheese maker called and said our wheel of mixed was ready for pick up.
I drove in and he said gee that was fast! "When it comes to the cheese I'm like a dog on a good bone"
The sly fellow slipped in a new type for us to try "Herbs De Provence"-:icon_thumright::icon_thumleft: Now there will have to be some self control-thinking not!

Got a message regarding the two stockers that went in yesterday-the 4 side total weight hanging is 1245 lbs.
Told them to leave the tenderloin whole-it was something the family BBQ were all about, go the butcher get a whole strip and just cut up thick steaks.

Well I mentioned we had a Vita Mix blender the other day-should of kept it to myself-was processing up some fermented rains, teens, seeds from the remaining squash-and the base plate stripped out from wear and tear.
So now they just provide a complete replacement unit jug, lid, tamper, blade/base plate in a packed deal for $99.00-err, ah, any warranty left? :laughing7:
"Let me check to see.....Jim your unit is 27 years old." :headbang:
You have a great motor in that unit. Oh Ya!

So I ticked off another-that wasn't on the list.

Clips for the bottom of the sliding screen patio door ordered up-"Well we'll put in a cost estimate to the get those replacement parts, and what it will cost to ship them to you sir" OK get on that please-thank you. (Thinking's the 4 clips that seem to break will have cost 32 cents to make-so if I get away for $32.00 it will be great.:laughing7:

Now where's the beef................


You should be good for beef and cheese for awhile. The herbes de provence is a great blend rosemary, oregano, savory, thyme, marjoram and parsley and sometimes lavender flowers.

Alabama power company said: "that's a boat y'all"
Another reason why those tornados aren't bi on the likes list.
Could that be called a fishing pole now? :tongue3:

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Just wondering how RTR faired with the front that came through here and then over there. I saw where a TV station had to leave a live broadcast in NC somewhere because of the storm. It’s quite the experience.

Another sleeplessness type of night. Thanks to all for the reading/watching/ listening material to get me through. I think I better try sleep again. I have a funeral to attend. Don’t want to miss it.

so, good morning to all when you get aboard de ship.

Sir WIF, I will check your thread later.

Aye, milady! And I saw where you did. I am pleased that you found my post entertaining. Sometimes I try pretty hard to give a bit of entertainment without anyone noticing, apparently. :dontknow:

My humble gratitude for taking a moment to say!


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