Blak bart
Platinum Member
I missed him yesterday.....he's not sneakin by me today !!
Every time I hear this song by Luke Combs, I can't help but sing along.
I'm fairly sure Ms. WD will be a fan of this tune... but Jim, probably not so much.
I missed him yesterday.....he's not sneakin by me today !!
Here you go....
Morning y'all
Anyone watching the Red Bull air races ? Were getting it on MAV/TV(ch.214 on direct tv).Love this race
Just reading in the Key's Rag... headliner.
"Pirate stalking caretaker"
Off playing-should be grounds for dismissal. Report=get fired=you hired=detect=quit....Huh...wonder who that could be ??
Nothing like a good piece of intimidation go get em Bart-best of luck!Haa ha....he just came out....its on !! No one there except us 2 !! Lots of dug up sand !!
Take me home.
Good morning to the RCT gang. For those still in working mode happy Friday. I'll see if I can dig up an appropriate tune.
Good morning, Pirates!
Finally, I think I am caught up!
Oops! One more. Good luck, Bart! I hope you get to detect!
Ok. There. Whew! Lots of videos and articles to read. Then I got side tracked. Matelotage, Mmm Kay. Learn something new every day. I'm not sure I wanted to, though.
Yesterday, I started the dishwasher, got ready for work, checked the dishwasher for leakage, then left. Went to work and then the scuba intro and then Thai for dinner. Got home and was informed the dishwasher leaked and MR WD has been cleaning up all evening. And I got the, "You can't leave with the dishwasher running." And my reply was, " Tomorrow, I am buying a new dishwasher." So that is the agenda for today. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?