I have the ring in the rock....its in my possession....my grandfather and I got it many years ago. Only it wasn't exactly like is written. If it wasn't black ceaser it was certainly other pirates on the careen. Many artifacts still lie on the bottom at the site where many people think....CEASERS CREEK....only its not quite like the written stories again !! Wrong.....its not ceasers creek exactly, but its close !! Any way there is still a ring in situ....I looked and it was still there after irma !! Which blew my mind !! Im not sure his name was black ceaser but there is evidence of pirate habitation as described in the book diving to a flash of gold. Marty meylach treated me like a son and shared many secrets about this spot with me !! Its protected in a national park but I still check on it from time to time....the evidence is there...I've seen it and have some of it,including the very popular ring in the rock....also...very very close to my iron ring....wait for it !! .......was 450 eyeballed pieces of eight....found in 63 64 by a friend of marties.
I'll take a pic of the infamous ring in the rock....its been kicking around the family for awhile, and when my grandfather passed it was given to me. We got it together and I remember alot of beach combing and treasure hunting with my gramps !!