Gmorn all...
I don’t understand why people think we are destroying the planet. I can show you example after example as to why we have it better now than ever before. A couple, the Sandhills of Nebraska have never been this stable, the grass the hills, historical perspective. The ogallala aquifer under Nebraska is at record high levels. It’s not the story line but check the data. If you read any pioneer journal, you couldn’t find a tree between Kearney Nebraska and Denver. IF you think your ruining the earth, how do you sleep. No wonder there so much mental problems in the world. I could go on for pages. Mother Earth will swallow us up and cover with thousands of feet of overburden and than it will all be better?
please smile hard and enjoy living and your life.
Mornin all.
Man , we've enough snow from last night and it's still piling up. Enough!
Mornin Fat.
I'm no environmental whacko by any means.
But do note the changes .
Since my youth we've done better. Waterways are not a surface layer of algae and dead fish like where I used to play. D.D.T. has been curtailed,. And with that raptors are seen more commonly.
We went from the odd pair of hawks or rumors of an eagle to frequent siting's.
Out water here though suffers. While we have plenty of terrestrial foreign invaders we've imported . our waterways are more sensitive.
Ballast water from ships here in the great lakes has changed the very make up of the food chain by adding foreign invaders. Zebra mussels have found thier way inland now and change the structure of rivers and lakes , but again the food chain.
We have PFAS in certain aquifers. Some not far from me. When the world was deemed infinite we dumped stuff on quiet unused sites and called it good.
A tannery did so that used a particular brand of chemical on surfaces in multiple ways , and it leached.
Folks with well water they can't consume directly anymore. That is a harm.
Our previous dumping into waterways catches up with us too when sediment is disturbed. A tannery on a lake connected to one of the big lakes near where I lived and boated as a youth dumped a lot. Much has been spent on clean up but again it's a sediment and water stirring that frees up old ghosts.
I ain't gonna drink it.
Other companies dumped other things. Paper mill(s), a battery builder ect.
Only recently a company was caught having dumped a crazy amount of waste that was supposed to go to a controlled site.
And my previous mention of sewage overflows remains a problem.
The stuff folks fishing the East side of the state catch,see,and find are nasty. Basically anything you can flush down a toilet.
We're better than that. Or should be.
I've stood on a pier when I used to fish them , and we understand there is sediment coloring the water i.e. the "mudline" right?
But there can be seen debris like paper ect, in the flow too.
We had "flats".
Shallow marshy areas in at least one good example in a river that like other swamp/marsh areas acted like a kidney of sorts filtering sediment and more.
Our dredging changed that.
Yes we want ship and boat traffic. But our great lakes do not a good sewer make. Not if clean or natural (no , nothing is natural if we have a hand in it) is the goal or purpose.
We have areas of former native prairie here. Nothing like the scope of your area. But similar in evolution and survivability.
Today they range from blow sand to rough fallow areas. With little of prairie species. We plowed them and broke the symbiotic relationship and root system.
Hey , I run tractors and plant for deer. But I know exhausting the soil or overworking it dries it too.
We've had dust from the great plains arrive here before. (Note the dust bowl era and causes).
There is a "buffalo" method that is gaining for some here. A no till type , though no till has been a study and practice here and there a while.
It requires a crimper , and a seed drill though. Both items I'm not likely to invest in. (I'm on a tiny scale of planting).
That buffalo method ensures (within reason) drought or erosion does not kill the "crop" or leach any great distance as far as soil run off.
Less supplemental watering for those who have such ability too.
The government pays out quite a chunk of change to support C.R.P. programs.
That has helped some critters. And reduced erosion , and reduced surplus crops. I'm not sure where the line should be on that program though....
You may have a better idea from your region.