THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Gmorn all...


The whole doughnut economics thing is not about giving people a free ride.

It's about trying to figure out a way we can jiggle things that people who are busting their butt can make a livable lifestyle and still keep from destroying the planet in the process by overproduction and over consumption.

Drive around your neighborhoods and look at all the stuff people toss out in the trash, furniture, etc....that's still usable just because it's out of style or not the latest model. That's the whole point of the approach not to pay people to set on the butts and do nothing.

I don’t understand why people think we are destroying the planet. I can show you example after example as to why we have it better now than ever before. A couple, the Sandhills of Nebraska have never been this stable, the grass the hills, historical perspective. The ogallala aquifer under Nebraska is at record high levels. It’s not the story line but check the data. If you read any pioneer journal, you couldn’t find a tree between Kearney Nebraska and Denver. IF you think your ruining the earth, how do you sleep. No wonder there so much mental problems in the world. I could go on for pages. Mother Earth will swallow us up and cover with thousands of feet of overburden and than it will all be better?

please smile hard and enjoy living and your life.

After morn ving.. That's mine!!
Hey Viking.
What time is it?
Well... it's really close to aftermornving

Morning Jim, Oregon and Fat.

Good aftermornving

Well there's one thing right now in this lovely world that doesn't bug me-and that there's no bugs outside trying their best to suck out the blood. The list of these little buggers is long and nasty a lot of them as they reap nothing good for us. A lot of it has to do with the ability to live through the winter now as there really isn't the kill of years ago.
That goes for the under growth/weeds that don't get flattened down by the winter snows and I notice this when the detecting season begins in a few short months.

Now it seems that the clock of the seasons has been adjusted to the right, where the season kind of drags into the other one. Does it matter a lot wonder/ponder?
Yes in many aspects as the length of the growing season has a lot to do with yield of the crop-the length of day, but then by the time the fruit is nearing maturity the days are cool and the light is shortening.
The late frosts take the blossom, the sprouting little fragile planting, resow and it's gets late in the season.
Granted it all cool to see warmer times, less winter and what it brings, but when the consumption starts to out do the yield one has to start thinking of what's the next move.

Their/they're leaning towards our liberal version of "the green new deal".
I'll take solid denim.
Getting hard to find as "stretch" fabric gains traction.
Better yet , make them out of hemp. As well as shirts. Properly made they can last a generation or more....

No mention of the middleman. Seems the place to be to make money off/from the doughnut. Watch that process shake out. Prices will simply increase due to increased demand of compliance with running carbon neutral , and someone has to take the hit. Don't expect it to be the middleman as demands increase.

We just saw Canadian pipeline get slapped down. Canada must not appreciate the short notice after the effort put forth prior.
Waiting to see the response in exports.
Lumber has already been reduced. Due to quota's conserving the resource , not unlike what we were doing here with oil ect. and our own timber.
Meanwhile , we import lots and lots of lumber from ....Europe.

Interesting topic though. Amsterdam or a similar group.
It was more like he wanted all employees to have a sense of feng shui from my brief impression..
An internet company leader was showing a doughnut of office construction a while back. I was not paying attention to know if it had any ties with

Calls to impose sanctions on U.S. over Keystone XL cancellation.

“Canada’s natural resource minister rebuffed calls to issue sanctions on the United States over President Joe Biden‘s move to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline expansion. The comments come after the Canadian Federal Government faced calls to impose sanctions on the U.S. after Biden signed an executive order just hours after taking office to revoke a permit that would have allowed the expansion to continue. The project, which was previously approved by TC Energy, would see the 1,930-kilometre pipeline transport up to 830,000 barrels of oil a day from Alberta to Nebraska. The project was expected to cost US$8 billion.

In Alberta, the implications of Keystone XL’s cancellation cut even deeper, as the Alberta Provincial government has invested about $1.5 billion into several phases of its development. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney called the move a “gut punch” and implored Trudeau and the federal government to discuss the matter further with the Biden administration. “If, however, the U.S. Government refuses to open the door to a constructive and respectful dialogue about these issues, then it is clear that the government of Canada must impose meaningful trade and economic sanctions in response to defend our country’s vital economic interests,” Kenney said at a press conference last week.

Biden’s decision to revoke the permit is in line with one of his main campaign promises to transition the U.S. from fossil fuels and towards clean energy. The executive order published on the White House website on Wednesday said, “following an exhaustive review,” the State Department and Biden “determined that approving the proposed Keystone XL pipeline would not serve the U.S. national interest.” The Canadian Federal Government had long anticipated the project would be cancelled once the Democrat assumed office.

On Friday, Justin Trudeau and Biden spoke on the phone. A summary of that call says the prime minister raised Canada’s “disappointment with the United States’ decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. The Prime Minister underscored the important economic and energy security benefits of our bilateral energy relationship as well as his support for energy workers,” a readout of the call released by the Prime Minister’s office said.

The White House did not add anything further to the discussion, but the US President acknowledged Trudeau’s “disappointment” over his decision.”

I've been thinking it over and I have come to the conclusion that it's high time We impeach Woodrow Wilson.

I mean I know that his term is over, and his widow would be upset and all, but if congress does not pretend they are doing something productive this country might never recover...

Good morning.

Here is a Civil War letter, that was written exactly one mile from my house. The misspellings are his, not mine.

Boone Furnace Ky.October 6" 1862
Gov. Robbinson
Dear Sir
We arrived at this place with seven Companys of the 117 Ohio V. Regt on the morning of the 5th about day light, the Rebbels made an attack on this place on the ev^n^eing of the 4" inst before the men where at picket and at supper, [firing] in houses and and driving women & children to the woods too taken all the goods in the Store Mules & Horsses away with them, value 3,000$.
This force is encampt at Olive Hill 11 to 1200 strong with 2 peises of arttilery they took two men from this place, one returned yesterday with this information the commanding officer by the name of Lt Col H A EdmonsonTugg Regt Va are the terror of the Union men here and have taken possession of the State Road from Cattletsburg. to Owingsville and plundering [...]roabing the whole country of Horsses Mules & goods and subsistence, Men women & children are leaving the State for Ohio, men are afraid of staying as the press them in the Rebbel service
The Rebels have eaten out MorganPikeSandy to Owingsville and are compelled to same north of that Road for suppleys. also keep up a line of communication with there forces in Kentucky and Va by that Road. and use it in case of a retreat for there forces to Va
This part of the State will have to have some protection please telegraph to the Gov of Ohio to let the 117. Regt O. V. take prossion of that Road at Olive Hill them and a few companey of arttilery Cavalry a a few pises of Artillery and we can raise 4 or 500 Home Guard can hold that Road and give protection to CarterLewisBoyd & Greenup County, and the Ohio River, or the Union Men will have to leave the State with there property and let the Rebels have full sway. The Home Guards killed 75 or 80 men of Morgans men in there late raid
Shall keep you posted in affairs here and should you want to telegraph send to [...]Portsmouth Ohio. Telegraph to Gov Tod of Ohio ^or Gen H G, Wright^ for premission for the Regt to remain it will do more good here in Camp, as this is the point to protect the frontier of Ohio and River
better than have them stationed in Portsmouth
Please do all you can
Yours Respectfully
S Eifort


***ARC is still pretending to be asleep in hopes the crew has decided to try and replace half his blood with Rum but realizes he has waited long enough and must now pretend to wake up for he must now take matters into his own hands,,, as captain of course***

ARrrrrrr ***cough**.... ***hack*** . . ***snort...sniff*** rrrrrrr ug.

Aye mateys ! Good morning !

Now... does anyone know where that harpoon we had around here is ? ? ?

***ARC is still pretending to be asleep in hopes the crew has decided to try and replace half his blood with Rum but realizes he has waited long enough and must now pretend to wake up for he must now take matters into his own hands,,, as captain of course***

ARrrrrrr ***cough**.... ***hack*** . . ***snort...sniff*** rrrrrrr ug.

Aye mateys ! Good morning !

Now... does anyone know where that harpoon we had around here is ? ? ?

Last time I saw it after being sharpened-was BL shaving that hair matt off he could slip the suit on easily.

Hmm perhaps I should shave off eyebrows... they are just in the way of the sweat enriched with Rum that could be dripping directing into eye absorption. :P

Hey... reduce reuse recycle.

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Interesting subject on how the economics and the state of Mother Earth is in general.

I do know the clothing companies would be broke relying on my dime to be spent. The garbage truck sees a once a month pick up of something.
Having new is nice, the something that if it dies I can blame it on myself if it was mistreated-but there's a limit on the spending amounts.

I remember once a person in a group of folks said before we set off on our little back packing adventure that we'd barter over a 5 cent banana, and many agreed with what was stated.
I chuckled (like I wouldn't waste my time) and never really thought about it until the day we tried to buy a banana-and was asked for a dollar.
We tried to barter the realistic price-to no avail as it was a set price for what we represented to them.
Now we were being pegged as a tourist, and not a traveller by all it seemed-we tried to sort of fit in the main stream, but really stuck out like a rarity.

The solution was find out the market price, walk up as all place the $$$ in hand, receive the fare/goods, and wait for the reaction of the taker/seller.
It was always a vain attempt to exploit more dosh-but a friendly wag of the index and a knowing smile/laugh as I know the real price (with a tad bonus) was always returned with equally - I tried smile.

We as a whole over consume--and over this last year a lot have realized that we are all to blame for the needless spending spree. Yes a good many in commerce have pulled up stake and moved on-why it represents the real lack of need it represented in the first place. The personal wealth stored in the bank accounts is mirrored to the quarterly GDP of the country now in a report finding. What wealth that is being stored and why? No frivolous spending as all are home earning a something, not spending their way through out the day.

Many in the think tank, are speculating when we crawl out of this time it will mirror what happened a 100yrs ago. Will it be another roaring 20's? Lots of money, rebuilding the nations, getting to do what one has been starving to do?
History repeating it's self once again..........

Hmm perhaps I should shave off eyebrows... they are just in the way of the sweat enriched with Rum that could be dripping directing into eye absorption. :P


Hmm perhaps I should shave off eyebrows... they are just in the way of the sweat enriched with Rum that could be dripping directing into eye absorption. :P

Hey... reduce reuse recycle.

edited :P

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