Platinum Member
I forgot to say....
♪♪ Good Morning ♪♪
♪♪ Good Morning ♪♪

OH MY! Capt. does armpits ?
I'll bet ya someplace w/in eye sight of this place there is a 'stash' beyond belief
>> https://www.google.com/maps/place/T...e0ed7dfba05b0ab!8m2!3d47.6114199!4d13.0420885
Morning/afternoon/evening boys!!
And a special hello directed towards our good friends from Canada!
AND IF.... I couldt grow enough hair to keep warm........
I would buy some !
And I have had my eye on this jacket for some time now... in case of trip up north.
The Gettysburg Museum of History has numerous artifacts for sale from this place. Remember the Band of Brothers series HBO put out in the 2000s? (they're re-running the show now on the History Channel) anyways, they have a bunch of things that these guys "liberated" from the Eagles Nest, the Hotel, etc. On AH marked fork was sold for $3,000 from the Eagles nest.
The Major Dick Winters collection.
WWII collection. There are many neat things here, including a section of the couch that shitler shot himself on, and is even stained with his blood.
I can say... IF I lived in the "great white north" that some of you live...
I might be hairier than bigfoot... just for the simple warmth of it... :P
I am as hairless as possible.
NO... I don't shave arms and legs... but everything else is game.
The retired CIA investigators here >> https://www.history.com/shows/hunting-hitler have a lot of proof Hitler made it to S.America after the war.
I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of the couch relic, but as for that scumbag to make it to S.A.? Nope. In order to get out of Germany, he would have a few choices. Go through the Russians encircling Berlin (if he was still in there) or go west before the Russians came. But if he went west, he'd run smack into the Anglo American forces. So he couldn't have sailed out because all ports were taken over, and he couldn't drive through Russian/English/American lines. So the only other option was to fly. The Luftwaffe lost any air superiority it had in 1944. By 1945, there was virtually nothing left of the Luftwaffe, and American and Russian planes felt safe enough to go out alone for strafing runs. Any kraut aircraft would have been shot down instantly either by the sheer amount of allied planes in the air, or innumerable AA units on the ground.
I am perfectly at peace with the story of a coward shooting himself in the head, rather than living his life in paradise for ex-nazis. Besides, he had onset Parkinsons disease that would kill him in a few years anyway. He was a fanatic and I believe that he wanted to die along with the supposed empire he created, rather than a limp old man on a beach somewhere.
Spain was neutral(by Hitler's design), their coastline was open, and they had Sub bases.Hitler also had many body doubles.
Spain was neutral(by Hitler's design), their coastline was open, and they had Sub bases.Hitler also had many body doubles.