Blak bart
Platinum Member
Ya know for me the banners have been a total game changer.....when I got the call from the bronze cannon Corp, ASAP American shoal archeology project, and Bahia honda historians inc. It was the 1733 banners that caught there attention and let them know that I was an active hunter in there location and was successful at recovering treasure. The banners actually got me noticed by the Robinson Brothers, and the doors to a dive position on a salvage boat were opened to me. I don't think I would have got the attention from these salvage groups without the banners. So it would be really nice to have my 3rd banner that relates to the 1733 fleet applied to my profile.....they are a testament to my success on the 1733 fleet and have helped me get noticed by some of the bigger players down here in the treasure salvor world !! Hopefully I'll finally get credit for my third 1733 banner !!
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