THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Hey U pellet-gun guys.
Making a pellet holder that fits in your pocket,should hold 25, 22Cal. pellets :) 001.webp002.webp004.webp
Heat up a metal rod and melt foam for pellet to sit in ,like this bigger one :)006.webp

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Great idea RTR, that works perfectly!

That’s kind of like what I do to carry fresh found arrowheads in my pocket.

Great idea RTR, that works perfectly!

Thanks...Change of plans.Used a solder iron to melt the holes quick,easy,and the right diameter. :) 005.webp

Just wrote a whole bunch of words in the box and went to post it...nope! Your going for a swim...splash!
...i was probably lieing anyhow. :dontknow:
Just curious. I'm seeing lots of "overboards" here lately. I used to have that problem. Until Jeff Of Pa suggested I click the box called "SAVE" while logging on. My problem went completely away. Also, as an aside, if for any reason I lose connection, when I finally get back on? The first time I start to type a post, a little pop up comes up at the bottom of the text window. It asks if I want to restore the auto saved text from the last time first.

Probably just whistling Dixie but thought I'd try to help. Computers *were* my life for most of it. Just trying to use whatever I gained to help me hardies! :blackbeard:

Thanks...Change of plans.Used a solder iron to melt the holes quick,easy,and the right diameter. :) View attachment 1893962

Nice idea! But, if I may offer a small suggestion?

I think this container might make it more of a conversation piece. Especially here!




Are those 3 gals on the tin your girlfriends?....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Very good bill. We chop broccoli regularly :icon_thumright:

Everything is better with Rum !

Tonight lets see...

I will start with a rum salad dressing salad... followed by Rum... then Rum scampi... Rum kabobs... Rum on the Barbie... Butterflied rum... Rum and jelly sandwich... or rum marinade burger... .

And for dessert... my favorite... Rum raison ice cream... with flaming 101 rum flambauearrrrggg.

After I will brush the ole chops with some rum... and rum mouthwash.


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Say, Bill? And any other wannabe chefs out there?
You ever start feeling creative while making a tartar/dipping sauce? Or anything else? You know adding a bit of this and that, and some of those, and a few of the "awww why not" adds/spices? finally do the taste test? Expecting the perfection you had in your head? Then.....took the whole kit and kaboodle over to the toidy and....flushed it!? (RED FACED, SHEEPISH GRIN SMILEY)

Flush it? Another great use of a dog. Finish up leftovers before he licks dish clean.
AARC that Barbie sounds like my kinda gal. The others are just waisting good rum.

Well my online persona is a serious Rum lover.

So... I roll with it very easily... Savvy ?


Good evening everyone.

Today, I found a Vietnam war era, military issue .45 Cal. pistol round in front of my deck. I have a good hunch that it came from a neighbors sidearm that he carried in Vietnam.

Tomorrow, for the first time in... forever, I'M GOING DETECTING! Got a nice permission to hunt an old house site in the middle of nowhere. It is one of many houses that used to be in Carter County for the mining operations. I don't expect to find much, but at least I'm going.

Flush it? Another great use of a dog. Finish up leftovers before he licks dish clean.
AARC that Barbie sounds like my kinda gal. The others are just waisting good rum.

Uh uh....:nono:
No cruelty to animals here! It was *that* bad!

Hey RTR. I've had this Gamo 177 cal. For probably 12 years now and its got enough punch to do away with lots of pests.
Carrying ammo is a bummer because of the small pellets. Looks like you are on to something with that pouch.

Note to crew, fishing the intercostal on the left side of FL sucks in January. The water temperature is only 61* F. Today all I caught is half a dozen hard head catfish and one bluefish. Bluefish is edible, sort of, but only if you cook it right away and it needs to be still flopping when cleaned. The rats won't even eat hard heads. Well, maybe a real, real skinny rat might....

Hopefully it'll warm up some in a couple weeks. Had one pompano about a week ago but if it were not for black drum and the occasional sheepshead I would be living solely off of rice and canned beans. Nah, just kidding about the rice and beans. Dad is a five star chef. : )

Red drum is closed due to the last three years of red tide. Not a runt to be found anywhere anyways and no trout either. I'm a bit sad about it.

Hey Bill, you ever cook with coconut oil? My dad turned me on to it. Way more fish flavor and less oil flavor with coconut oil than the mix of olive oil and butter I usually use on fish. Coconut takes more heat than olive/butter without burning. I highly recommend it.

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