Note to crew, fishing the intercostal on the left side of FL sucks in January. The water temperature is only 61* F. Today all I caught is half a dozen hard head catfish and one bluefish. Bluefish is edible, sort of, but only if you cook it right away and it needs to be still flopping when cleaned. The rats won't even eat hard heads. Well, maybe a real, real skinny rat might....
Hopefully it'll warm up some in a couple weeks. Had one pompano about a week ago but if it were not for black drum and the occasional sheepshead I would be living solely off of rice and canned beans. Nah, just kidding about the rice and beans. Dad is a five star chef. : )
Red drum is closed due to the last three years of red tide. Not a runt to be found anywhere anyways and no trout either. I'm a bit sad about it.
Hey Bill, you ever cook with coconut oil? My dad turned me on to it. Way more fish flavor and less oil flavor with coconut oil than the mix of olive oil and butter I usually use on fish. Coconut takes more heat than olive/butter without burning. I highly recommend it.