THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Happy New Years RTR, RC, ECS

The gold RTR is a kind photo on the first day of the year. Now how did you move the boulders-tell us more please.

Oh RC- It's never good when the booming fireworks go off and the dogs are sensitive. Had a 125lb Lab/Newfie crawl through a -12" hole under the yard fencing once. Neighboring garage caught him a fussing and locked him up for the night in the office. Man was he some dirty looking from ditch slithering out.
Was great at detecting a thunderstorm-came back into the processing area of the building and laid by the hydraulic motor of the alligator shear. We then put him the office and cranked the radio to drown out the booms of thunder.

ECS- That sounds delicious for a fixing-oh Bill will be watching out for you now-posting up foods. :laughing7:

Well done up a pumpkin-the meat is in a multi section silicon tray freezing up the cubes for the doggie/belly/issues if any in the future.
Got 4 pans of squash cooking up now-we try to do a few every weekend then freeze up the meat of the squash for future meals. So being the low hydro rate holiday it's a cook/cook affair and will be for the next few days to get ahead of the small mountain of squash to be processed.

One 4 ton 5 ft crow bar...two(4" wide) loop to loop lift slings....and one helper. Only Moved(slid) the boulders just enough to dig under them,Sifted the material to be hauled off in(half full) 5Gal. buckets through a 1/4" screen.Once you get a system its not too bad.Hardest part is finding something bigger/heavier than the boulder you wanna move.And hauling all the stuff needed in and out.


Here's a similar recipe to try minus the rice.

Back at you, Bill.
An old Southern New Years Day meal for good luck is pork , black eyed peas. served on rice.
I just put on rib slabs in the smoker to get started.
One can also substitute "Hopping John" for the black eyed peas. from Effingham, SC ,cans HOPPIN' JOHN and TOMATOES, OKRA, AND CORN which I mix together with cut sausage, and also serve it over rice for a quick version.
They also can Boiled Peanuts.
Check out their site for recipes.

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Hangover cure ... Rum.

Hangover cure ... Rum.

When I quit the 40 a day habit of this 98141E88-8277-489A-A4D2-DB7B2A008E07.webp 35.5 yrs ago, the hangover cure was implemented.

Here's some gardening wisdom for you.

Enjoyed the guy-too funny. Thanks for the post up Bill

Did the 2 gardens totally over with wood chips this last season not perfect but 80% better in regards to the weeds.
The new berry patch received 10 dump truck loads, now I really hope that the benefits of the rows covering will be enough.
If not I'll get a few more truck loads and keep piling it on.

I can't handle the hard stuff anymore. First I quit hard stuff, then wine, then cigarettes just down to beer now considering I've got Irish blood doubtful I'll ever give that up....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


I looked into a bit further and as best as I can figure the wood chips work best on fruit trees. Mulch or compost better on annual plants.

Either way I'm sure it'll benefit your garden long term regardless of what you use.

Enjoyed the guy-too funny. Thanks for the post up Bill

Did the 2 gardens totally over with wood chips this last season not perfect but 80% better in regards to the weeds.
The new berry patch received 10 dump truck loads, now I really hope that the benefits of the rows covering will be enough.
If not I'll get a few more truck loads and keep piling it on.

I can't handle the hard stuff anymore. First I quit hard stuff, then wine, then cigarettes just down to beer now considering I've got Irish blood doubtful I'll ever give that up....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Bill I have still one craving after giving up the booze, drugs, cigs.
It was 18 yrs ago I gave up chocolate and would you believe me that it's still like a bad craving for a smoke still today.
I don't partake at all because I was addicted to it, not cheap bars off the shelf, but the designer, Belgium, handcrafted.
Now it would be like a conveyor belt of pure pleasure, letting each one just melt in the mouth, smothering the taste buds with tastes.
Oh ya there it is again-that damn craving again.:laughing7:
Told the Mrs when I'm ready to do the departure just slip a couple of good ones in my mouth-what a way to depart-savouring the true tastes of chocolate.:notworthy:

It's easier to quit when one never started. :tongue3:



I looked into a bit further and as best as I can figure the wood chips work best on fruit trees. Mulch or compost better on annual plants.

Either way I'm sure it'll benefit your garden long term regardless of what you use.

Oh we still add the compost, and other stuff, all organic. The garden thrived what did grow, just did up another 12 lbs of squash into the freezer today.
I will chip/mulch up all the pine laying around and add more to the Blueberry rows in the spring to bring the soil to acidic levels.
PH is too high right now so I'll have to really work it down on the two/three rows of plants.

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I looked into a bit further and as best as I can figure the wood chips work best on fruit trees. Mulch or compost better on annual plants.

Either way I'm sure it'll benefit your garden long term regardless of what you use.

Wood chips!?!? Where!?!??
Any lost rings in there yet!?? :tongue3:


Good morning Tnet

Morning Rook.

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