THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Your farm dig site looks cool.
We used to stay at the Gull motel in Huron Ohio a lot, earlier I saw a pic I had that jogged my memory.
Everybody used to know my name. Ron called me Right Guard, lol. I was on the 1987 WAC champion team (inducted in U of Wyo athletic hall of fame 2018) End, Guard and Tackle.
I sat on the end of the bench, guarded the water and tackled any cheerleader that got close enough...

Morning all.
Remember those Hugh boulders I was going to move a couple weeks ago ? :) Been going through some of the material and.....:icon_thumright::occasion14::treasurechest: 004.webp005.webp012.webp008.webp
Got more pix. to follow when camera charges....The good ones :)

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Peaceful ? ? ?

Man I live in Florida... land of the "Yahoo's"... who look for any excuse to do fireworks... big ones... I have to turn up stuff all night to "drown out" the crap.

Never have gotten over the fact that people over drinking age buy and engage in fireworks on any day other than the 4th.

Doggy's are stressed about it more than I.
So were my dogs!

Well we all survived 2020, here's a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 to all!
"Can't get no worse"- THE BEATLES


This calls for a tune....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

OH MY! This mornings chat up is living up to the morals of former chat forums that were introduced.

OH me eyes hurt-oh WD close the eyes-(well that goes for all the pirates also.

The gang plank has to be beefed up Oh Capt-Oh Capt.!! As surely it will creak and snap under the list of the ship when you'z walk this small one out onto the plank....

Here we go and lots of material yet to be processed :)001.webp004.webp006.webp

151 proof Ron Rico
Damn man. I don't want to kill them.

Boatload, I suggest the Captains private stash of rum. And the mask wearing is so the Captain doesn't know I've Been drinking the private stash he has hidden. Shhh.
That's what annoys me the most about the stupid face diapers. You can't see women's pretty faces. It's like an arab country.

Too late for this party, but my choice is Captain Morgan
That's what I ended up getting. Only half a bottle left, so they must have liked it.


Happy New Year. With all the gold you'll be competiting with Ft Knox pretty soon.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Mornin all!
Happy New Year.

Dogs were still cussing distant fireworks at 1:00 A.M..
Thier sleeping off thier breakfasts like they're hungover from being up so late...


Happy New Year. With all the gold you'll be competiting with Ft Knox pretty soon.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Be headed back to the same area next month and this time I wont forget to pack the camera :)

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Happy New Year ECS.
Back at you, Bill.
An old Southern New Years Day meal for good luck is pork , black eyed peas. served on rice.
I just put on rib slabs in the smoker to get started.
One can also substitute "Hopping John" for the black eyed peas.

I agree . I mean, I wear the mask when I go into stores and while at work, I wash and sanitize my hands, I only associate with a select few and keep my distance, so how did I get a cold?
Horse hockey is what it is.

Which is easier to give your "cold" to someone else? With? Or without? I rest my case. :dontknow:

RTR, will that buy petrol or rubber? The moral of the story to me is... you too could own a blue cobra but I need more gold! That is a most beautiful machine. I’ve heard a parked red one looks like 50 mph. Blue looks like 70.
One of the things I like about gold is how it shines bright in the dark.

Happy New Years RTR, RC, ECS

The gold RTR is a kind photo on the first day of the year. Now how did you move the boulders-tell us more please.

Oh RC- It's never good when the booming fireworks go off and the dogs are sensitive. Had a 125lb Lab/Newfie crawl through a -12" hole under the yard fencing once. Neighboring garage caught him a fussing and locked him up for the night in the office. Man was he some dirty looking from ditch slithering out.
Was great at detecting a thunderstorm-came back into the processing area of the building and laid by the hydraulic motor of the alligator shear. We then put him the office and cranked the radio to drown out the booms of thunder.

ECS- That sounds delicious for a fixing-oh Bill will be watching out for you now-posting up foods. :laughing7:

Well done up a pumpkin-the meat is in a multi section silicon tray freezing up the cubes for the doggie/belly/issues if any in the future.
Got 4 pans of squash cooking up now-we try to do a few every weekend then freeze up the meat of the squash for future meals. So being the low hydro rate holiday it's a cook/cook affair and will be for the next few days to get ahead of the small mountain of squash to be processed.

RTR, will that buy petrol or rubber? The moral of the story to me is... you too could own a blue cobra but I need more gold! That is a most beautiful machine. I’ve heard a parked red one looks like 50 mph. Blue looks like 70.
One of the things I like about gold is how it shines bright in the dark.

Thanks man.She IS my baby ! :) 009.webp

Did I say 70? Excuse my mistake, that machine is triple digits at least!!

Morning RTR...ECS... WIF... and Boat.

Happy New Year to each of you.

Hey Fat
Check out the 'masters' car.The guy was light years ahead in design ,function,and speed.

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