Got woken by something just before midnight-well maybe a bathroom run will settle the system down. Then headlights lit up the garage-WTF there's a car parked beside the Mrs car-right up near the door of the garage. I turn on the light open the door a bit-car turns off lights slowly backs out-and drives up the road.

OK-Now I am just finishing up and what do I see headlights creeping down the back lane!
I go grab the 1000 lum. flashlight go out the backdoor onto the porch-light the car up as it slowly drives through the yard and up the road.
It's an electric car-just the slow crunching of ice under the wheels.
Now the dog is full on guard dog crazy (I woke him up with the door sound

Trying to figure out this mysterious event when I go back to bed-the Mrs said " Jim what are you going to do if it comes back again?
I'll phone the cops-I replied.
She replied-"Thank you" and went to sleep. ( I have a left shoulder that has a tad of bad reputation )
When dealing with trespassers or morons in life I usually just say to the LEOs "There's the street way or your way in handling this-I called you- because at this juncture in life I prefer to use your way"
They shake there heads in agreement - "Good choice" and listen.
So I lay a watching for the return-windy-trees making noises-dog not settling down-Yawn....