THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning pepper. It’s garbage day here today. I have to drag my big can 400 yards to the darn road. It gets further and further each year.:BangHead::laughing7:

At least you can't smell it in heat of summer. :tongue3:

I told the driver that I would put it at the gate of the shop, 100+ yards up the hill form the house.
Dog doesn't go crazy now-and I don't have to watch a :icon_pale: looking driver sliding down the ice covered road in winter.

Got woken by something just before midnight-well maybe a bathroom run will settle the system down. Then headlights lit up the garage-WTF there's a car parked beside the Mrs car-right up near the door of the garage. I turn on the light open the door a bit-car turns off lights slowly backs out-and drives up the road. :dontknow:
OK-Now I am just finishing up and what do I see headlights creeping down the back lane!
I go grab the 1000 lum. flashlight go out the backdoor onto the porch-light the car up as it slowly drives through the yard and up the road.
It's an electric car-just the slow crunching of ice under the wheels.
Now the dog is full on guard dog crazy (I woke him up with the door sound :laughing7:)

Trying to figure out this mysterious event when I go back to bed-the Mrs said " Jim what are you going to do if it comes back again?
I'll phone the cops-I replied.
She replied-"Thank you" and went to sleep. ( I have a left shoulder that has a tad of bad reputation )
When dealing with trespassers or morons in life I usually just say to the LEOs "There's the street way or your way in handling this-I called you- because at this juncture in life I prefer to use your way"
They shake there heads in agreement - "Good choice" and listen.
So I lay a watching for the return-windy-trees making noises-dog not settling down-Yawn....

OK. You get a pass.

I'm glad nothing more came of that.

Morning pepper. It’s garbage day here today. I have to drag my big can 400 yards to the darn road. It gets further and further each year.:BangHead::laughing7:

Is that 400 yards as the crow flies, er, I mean rook? :laughing9:

I got to try and pull myself together and get busy. Still have a headache. Oh well, press on. Ya'll have a good day and if'n I fall asleep, Happy New Year!

I got to try and pull myself together and get busy. Still have a headache. Oh well, press on. Ya'll have a good day and if'n I fall asleep, Happy New Year!

I've had one since the ER visit-sinus headache as it's like a hit the top of the noggin and there's a dull thumping going on. Irritating to say the least WD

Take a good shot of what ails you-lace up the boot straps-pull it together NOWIT'S NEW YEARS EVE!

Happy New Year everybody.

Sorry for not naming each of you individually, but I don't want to miss anybody.

First you say you have no brain damage. Then, in the next line, you prove that wrong. :tongue3:
Eh. If wearing a face diaper makes you feel safe, then by all means do it. Personally I don't think it does a damn thing to prevent you from getting sick.

Happy New Year everybody.

Sorry for not naming each of you individually, but I don't want to miss anybody.

Eh. If wearing a face diaper makes you feel safe, then by all means do it. Personally I don't think it does a damn thing to prevent you from getting sick.

Morning Boatlode

Then on the other hand it might help mitigate the rate of infection passed onto another if one is infected.

I wear as I have little or no chance of survival going on what the body can handle.

A simple flu/cold is a serious thing "Just tell us you have- AND WE TREAT YOU DIFFERENTLY THAN EVERYONE ELSE-get it?"

One has to realize that they need to suck it up and just except the facts of life.

I look at it as: I wear a mask everyday pre-virus, so nothing has really changed except I have to wear it everywhere off the property once I exit the mode of transportation.
So no big deal-food in the tech-no problem-no shaved-no problem-smile with baby blues-no problem.

Oh well time to get the 3M-2091-duel cartridge respirator on and go visit the chickens.
Gee I wonder what they think of me....:tongue3:

Stay safe

Happy new year everyone!

As if 2020 wasn't bad enough... I was going to get a couple bags of chicken food and my car broke down. I have never heard the kind of noise it just made so I called up my dad to see if he knew what the problem was and he was only like 15mins away from the feed mill so he's just going to come take a look at it. Woohoo!

I guess that means no tectin today... the snow melted but the mud was still frozen so it would have been perfect.

Good morning boatloade, Noah & RC and Happy New Years if you're not on later.

Morning Boatlode
Then on the other hand it might help mitigate the rate of infection passed onto another if one is infected.
If I was sick I would stay away from other people. That's just common sense.

If people want to wear face diapers because it makes them they feel safe, that's their choice. But I refuse to, that's my choice. Viruses are so small that diaper isn't going to stop them.

If I was sick I would stay away from other people. That's just common sense.

I always have... long before this crapola started.

Morning Boat... RC... Noah.

Afternoon AARC and bill from lachine.

sorry double post


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To all my friends here at RCT (before I get too tanked)
Its been a good and bad year for all of us.Just wishing all a happy 2021 .
And dropping some pix of 2020 finds to cheer us all up :)
May the Gold Gods smile upon us .Hey, after all,21 is a lucky # right ?:) Quarts/Gold specimen View attachment 1890045

Gold & Emeralds 014.webp

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Thanks for the eye candy and wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!

Well I put the plow on, and the winter tires on the truck this afternoon. Mild out-little sun-slight breeze-so I felt I'd better get it done.

The Mrs looked up on the local message board that we lurk at once every week that there are many reported instances of somebody with cognitive problems showing up at folks homes/yards these past week or so.
Time for the officers to track this person down and take the keys away, as they might get hurt driving around not knowing where they are.

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