THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Very uneventful, yet peaceful day yesterday. :thumbsup:

My mother-in-law insisted on doing a porch drop-off with Xmas gifts though.
My brother-in-law and his common-law wife both had Covid a few weeks ago, so my wife felt it best to put the bags of gifts in a 14-day quarantine in our basement.

I felt this might be going a tad far, but... we're not willing to take any chances right now. :icon_scratch:


Morning WD, hope you and the family had a great Christmas. :icon_santa:

How's your Dad doing these days?

Morning Bill and Anti.

Very uneventful, yet peaceful day yesterday. :thumbsup:

My mother-in-law insisted on doing a porch drop-off with Xmas gifts though.
My brother-in-law and his common-law wife both had Covid a few weeks ago, so my wife felt it best to put the bags of gifts in a 14-day quarantine in our basement.

I felt this might be going a tad far, but... we're not willing to take any chances right now. :icon_scratch:

Lysol them suckers down, wait at least 15 minutes. Then open them up.

Morning WD, hope you and the family had a great Christmas. :icon_santa:

How's your Dad doing these days?

We just went to my son’s. They are not concerned about the virus. It was the best Christmas we had with him for years and years. LOL he was on the phone trying to spend his gift cards before we even left. I gave my dad the option of porch visit or wait until our 10 days are up. He chose to wait. He sounds good. Thanks for asking.

Thought I'd share a pic of our cozy Christmas dinner table in the kitchen, I set it for just three of us last night.

Here's a sleepy dog sitting next to me, I just had to wake her up for the pic. :laughing7:


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Lysol them suckers down, wait at least 15 minutes. Then open them up.

We just went to my son’s. They are not concerned about the virus. It was the best Christmas we had with him for years and years. LOL he was on the phone trying to spend his gift cards before we even left. I gave my dad the option of porch visit or wait until our 10 days are up. He chose to wait. He sounds good. Thanks for asking.

Thanks for the Lysol advice WD. :laughing7:

At least you got to have dinner with family, we missed having dinner with my wife's brothers family... better safe that sorry though.

Glad to hear your Dad sounds well. :thumbsup:


I had some food delivered... tried that Lysol tip...

Tastes good on pizza... but not so good on burger and fries...

Makes em taste like chicken.


Mornin all!

Merry Christmas , (yes I'm late , Yes I'll take than stale piece of pie , thank-yee.)

Happy Boxing Day.
No , that does not mean fisticuffs over the clearance items .

Found my bliss in the wee hours outside.
Single digit (F.) windchill , quite as hoped for , it always is , eventually.
Snapped at the wind driving snow sideways with my teeth. And smiled when it shifted direction as if on cue. But , nature don't really take cues...

Dogs had em a good time. Well some did. Tissue wrapped toys and goodies. Ten dogs made for quite a pile of tissue paper.
One former grand champion was feeling out of sorts and ignored the chaos. He is doing better with soft food being his last two feedings , but being watched closer.
Suspicion is that he hopped on the coffee table and swallowed who knows what a while back.

And another , the "old man" wanted on my lap to watch is all. Poor dog , might be his last Christmas , but one never knows for sure. He ate some treats though.
He's still in bed. I let him stay sometimes after his breakfast and he won't holler for me for hours.
But , I make him get up other days to break the habit/routine.
He's one I'd have to chase down with the golfcart when he was young and would dig out and go on the hunt/prowl.
Down to around ten or less pounds now , and stiff and sore hind quarters. Including a tendon that pops around it's slot instead of in it. I massage him a little on tough days.
Take it easy old man. I got cha.

The bulldogs first Christmas . He got a peanut butter filled bone in his crate during the other dogs gift openings. Lives were spared that way , or at least body slams were.
He had fun though. He received a big teddy bear he mauled with gusto. And a flat nylon bone that fits his jaws well. He paraded that around showing it off , and repeatedly offering me a taste that I politely declined each time.
Last night outside before his bedtime I'd tell him to "Go!", (meaning potty).
He'd tear around at top speed in the snow instead a couple times. His way of having fun still.
Took a while to get him housebroke , but he has been great about no accidents , or deliberate messes in the house since.
I just need to keep him out till he's ready for bed. Usually by being out with him.

A mountain of dirty dishes awaits.
No machine here for such , (hey ,Santa?) and I was too full of sugar and spice and food that's nice , to start on them last night beyond a quick soap and rinsing of them well.

A new toaster snuck in. Maybe Santa figured it's as good as an automatic dishwasher. (Or he just doesn't want to find space for and then install an automatic dishwasher.)
Big long slot for long slices.
Glass window on the side so you can watch the toast burn. So of course I burned a piece this morning trying to set the burn amount feature/control..
The spring designed for long slices , popped that single small piece up so far I was lucky to catch it before it landed in the trash near the counter...Fun! I like it.

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I had some food delivered... tried that Lysol tip...

Tastes good on pizza... but not so good on burger and fries...

Makes em taste like chicken.


Secret:....shhhh....spray with rum instead! :tongue3:

I had a good day yesterday. I drove out with my mother to the only open restaurant around, a trick stop about thirty miles out of town. I met up with two brothers who are good friends of mine. The brothers had brought along there friend ben whom I am acquainted with, along with a sister, and three of the bother's nieces. Had a walleye diner dinner that couldn't be beat (unless i cooked it), baked sweet potato and steamed broccoli.

After that we all went to our seperate ways. But we know how to have a good time. Yep, it was a fine day.

Starting to work on the leftovers tonight some rib roast and various veggies keeping it simple.

Good evening
Did a good morning and I was in the ambulance by a lilt after 6am. I was a hurting a whole lot with coming trying to rip me apart down by the navel. Snow packed roads, slipping sliding the 45km to the hospital. Now when one's a hurting do you really want to answer the 50 question covid prescreening - while chewing down the screaming. So it turned into bloodwork, CT scan, drugs and the results was I have a kidney stone lodged at the entrance of the bladder.
So 7hrs there with an invite to stay-the Mrs drove up and I was away.
Buddy is bringing over some graval and its off to bed again. Night


To bad about the kidney stone here's hoping they can blast it up or whatever the current procedure is.

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