THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning ARC, Jim and Rook. :coffee2:

Talk about doing 'dog duty' Jim, our puppy has taken to eating her own poopies in our backyard.
I Googled this and I understand that it's a perfectly normal behaviour in dogs. :icon_scratch:

Well, I've never had a dog do this before, so I won't be getting any more puppy kisses for a while. :tongue3:


Morning Anti.

Well I'm going to town/city today-yippee!
It will be my 3rd trip in since Feb. Not really looking forward to the day-but there's things to be done and I have to do them instead of the Mrs.
Oh my Mrs has being stepping out to do the due over the past many months.
I have a hermit label tacked on me arse.

Got to stop in the Tractor supply company on the way-this will be the 3rd time the saw has gone in for a bogging down issue-I made a video of the last time and now tensions are running really high between the service dept. and me.
The service rep stated that I should be running MotoMix in the saw. $16 a qrt! I say daft to that if the saw doesn't run properly on Stihl mix and premium fuel it's the saw.
He said it's the fuel that I use and they filled the saw with the special fuel mix.

We got the saw back and it bogged down-I called and let the POS listen to the saw, then asked what type of fuel did they put in the saw?
The POS apologized for his interactions the next day.

I said I'd be better off throwing this saw out onto the highway as it's cost me now 40km/25 mile drive there one way 3X plus picking up the saw.
Oh they are a Green tractor dealer-and I told them that they were on speaker phone and the other farmers heard the reply to me.

Farmers reply: Well I am sure that I won't be dealing with them any longer!

Geez I actually apologized that I inconvenienced them and that I thought a brand new saw would actually run. Still on the first tank of fuel.
I guess BUBBA needs to step up in the repair shop and learn to fix something right.

Oh I'm going to have to put the restraining harness on the left shoulder this morning-because it's keeps saying throw the saw through the plate glass window......settle down left....settle down.
No wonder I see so many Orange/Blue tractors on the fields/roads.
In my experience, the most common problem is the carbonator on small engines. This is due to having to meet air emissions standards by the manufacturer. I’d be contacting the maker of your saw, forget about the dealer as they’ve obviously been receiving other customer complaints based on the Service Departments' response to your issue. :BangHead:

7:30 , hens down he road were hollering. Must be laying time.

Your seller ought to swap your saw out for another one and send yours back.
It ain't breathing right, and fuel and oil are not likely the answer.
I've had them bog out in hot summer heat where gas was boiling. Well, looked like a simmer anyways.
More oil helped, but as you know means more crud on spark plug...And ...Far removed from a new saws oil ratio.

Was acquiring a green riding mower that is waiting for some one to haul it away now, in fairness I got some years of work out of it...
An old timer came in carrying what looked like a new saw, and pronounced that he didn't know he had to add oil to the fuel. Ouch!
This is a great suggestion RC, unfortunately this is often against the manufacturer's warranty policy and the retailer of the product will be left holding the bag… or in this case 'the saw'. My suggestion would be to contact the manufacturer directly, as they have a responsibility to the retailer to ensure the products they manufacture are working properly when they leave the factory.

Dog doing his laundry at 3:30 am-Master not impressed:BangHead:
Master drinking his morning coffee-Dog doing throaty groans of dissatisfaction and heavy sighs.
Dog likes to sleep till 7AM
Master feels like giving him a little kick :laughing7:

Our little one gets up with me a 5am. I take her outside right away, she then proceeds to wander around the house looking for a spot to defecate or urinate on when I'm not looking. :icon_scratch:
But I still love her... I just won't be letting her give me any kisses for a while. :laughing7:
She was 11 weeks old yesterday.


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Good morning Bill. :wave:

Good morning Dave, Bill

In my experience, the most common problem is the carbonator on small engines. This is due to having to meet air emissions standards by the manufacturer. I’d be contacting the maker of your saw, forget about the dealer as they’ve obviously been receiving other customer complaints based on the Service Departments' response to your issue. :BangHead:

This is a great suggestion RC, unfortunately this is often against the manufacturer's warranty policy and the retailer of the product will be left holding the bag… or in this case 'the saw'. My suggestion would be to contact the manufacturer directly, as they have a responsibility to the retailer to ensure the products they manufacture are working properly when they leave the factory.

Oh I thought that the left shoulder was winning yesterday so I left the saw in the shop. I instead went and got a chip for the phone-STAPLES :BangHead: That led down the road of total :icon_scratch:.

Simple question: What is the biggest MicroSD Card that this phone uses?

Looks it up.


I put it in the phone

turns out be 256GB

OK-Phone will support 64GB only

Phone has issues

phone gets replaced

Who the hell is Bixby?

Where are my apps

I need a nerd
Wait 3 nerds unable to transfer old onto new,
Old man at a loss
Wait until I call STAPLES
should stuck with plan A -Throwing saw through window. :laughing7:

Our little one gets up with me a 5am. I take her outside right away, she then proceeds to wander around the house looking for a spot to defecate or urinate on when I'm not looking. :icon_scratch:
But I still love her... I just won't be letting her give me any kisses for a while. :laughing7:
She was 11 weeks old yesterday.

Oh it's ingrained in the brain that the potty is inside. You're doomed to the Costco 128 roll triple layered paper towel packs now for the next 10yrs.:laughing7:

MAX can't wait to run from his duties. Like a Greyhound out of the starting gate bolt.
Now when it comes to Rabbit or Deer-It's a case of Kibbles & Bits :laughing7:

Hello ... hello.... helloooooo....

***ARC hears crickets chirping***
Ah you expect the crickets to chirp-but the Capt. does not chirp often enough himself-You need to step up mate-too quiet.chirp-chirp:laughing7:

Morning Bill.

In my experience, the most common problem is the carbonator on small engines. This is due to having to meet air emissions standards by the manufacturer. I’d be contacting the maker of your saw, forget about the dealer as they’ve obviously been receiving other customer complaints based on the Service Departments' response to your issue. :BangHead:

This is a great suggestion RC, unfortunately this is often against the manufacturer's warranty policy and the retailer of the product will be left holding the bag… or in this case 'the saw'. My suggestion would be to contact the manufacturer directly, as they have a responsibility to the retailer to ensure the products they manufacture are working properly when they leave the factory.

Great suggestion-since your not doing much and have the "Special lingo" Why not be my liaison and write the manufacturer?

Great suggestion-since your not doing much and have the "Special lingo" Why not be my liaison and write the manufacturer?

What do you mean by... "since your not doing much"? :icon_scratch:

My days are kept very busy walking around the house wi
th a bottle of Windex and a roll of paper towels looking for yellow puddles and tootsie rolls. :laughing7:


Good morning Bart. :thumbsup:

:hello: hello and good morning friends !!

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