Murphy's law was working the magic today. So I planted the other 30 Haskap plants today, getting on in the early pm I still hadn't really started.
Contractor return with that I had to serve a BIG PLATE of cheese for all the whining that was going on.
So I had enough it was either go to the berry patch or I was going to tell a few to arf off. So I took my lunch and Pips the hen and we went to work.
I'm just going to say this, when a chicken is higher on the ladder than humans what does say?
So she had her fill of grubs and worms and grass, crickets, so the Mrs took her home after I dug the 30 holes.
So yesterday the bare roots were long-so today I pre-dug all the holes, extra deep, and Murphy made all the roots short.
200 rasberries to go.
Couple years ago I planted 25 bare root black spruce with the utmost attention to not "J" folding any roots ect..Even pruned some roots.
Deer don't relish black spruce so all was well. Till deer relished....