THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

The objective was the French town of Perrone, and it is early in our campaign of Blitzkrieg across France. We've secured bridgeheads over a local river, and have secured supply depots and opened up a route for our Panzers. French and English armor is scarce, and does little. Elements of the 4th Grenadiers, 3rd Infantry Division and parts of other smaller infantry units move up behind the Panzers towards the French town. We even have anti tank guns, and Flak units in the rear. At some point the call was made to disperse, and let the armor punch through the center of town, while the infantry encircled it.

Immediately we ran into problems. Unbeknownst to us, Massive reinforcement of the town by the British had occurred, and instantly men began to fall all around. The Tommies were everywhere. In bushes, hedgerows, buildings, church towers, everywhere. Pinned down, the order of our kompanie Ober. was to throw smoke grenades and run like hell towards cover. We did, and slowly began working our way into the outskirts of town, going house by house, flushing out and capturing the English, and some French soldiers. Snipers were everywhere. BREN guns were chattering on every street. Once again, the Kompanie was pinned down, unable to move. Our Panzers, the good chaps they are, drove right through the center of town, and kept on going to secure bridges beyond. Darn them. A British sapper ran up to one of the tanks and placed a satchel charge on its rear plate. Within a moment, the entire tank was lost. Serves 'em right for leaving us behind. Now without armor support, and no reserves, we dig in for a fight on the outskirts of town.

Half a day passes and no relief. We've advanced several blocks however, and are near the center, but the situation is dire. Already we're running low on ammo and manpower. We need reinforcements. We radio headquarters numerous times to send help. We're promised air support within the hour.

Two hour pass, before we hear the drone of engines. They're Ju-52's! Paratroopers! Three planes fly overhead, dropping out dozens and dozens of Falschirmjager soldiers, all streaming towards the ground. The land on the side of town we've already captured, and withing 15 minutes find themselves intertangled with us. They each carry four HE stick grenades, two smoke grenades, satchel charges, and an MP40 with 8 mags of ammo, 32 rounds each. They lay down a heavy cover fire as we sprint from one house to the next, and soon afterwards they follow. The French have already left the British to their fate. Everywhere we look, Tommies are surrendering or fleeing. Those who flee are quickly cut down by the honor-less paratroopers. Within the hour, Perrone is taken. Already, those wretched rear guards are pouring in with supply trucks and more men. Where were they this afternoon?

WWII Online is a game developed in 2002 (hasn't changed a bit). Live, never ending, life size and surprisingly realistic (as far as feel and scale goes) where you and hundreds of other team members have to take objectives on the map. And believe me, France is life size. It'll take a month or two to get across it. I tried it for the first time today, since I was home alone, and it was dismal outside. I feel terrible being so lazy :laughing7:

I did do other things though. I started on a new drawing, did lots of unnecessary math (you gotta do something when you're pinned down in a house), and ordered a custom made dog tag, with Wilhelms info on it. It'll be displayed with his helmet along with some other things.

View attachment 1875048

Say but the word, Milady, if someone needs aeration.


Oh Sir WIF. It’s all good now. Nothing anyone can do about it anyway. Last night we got the news that two very dear friends, mother (94) and daughter(74), were killed in a car accident. It kinda rocked our world . Neither of us slept well and I had to make a phone call this morning to break the news. And make the Facebook posts. I was crying when I posted that I needed rum. I’m still broken hearted about it, but the shock has worn off. Mr WD had lunch with them last week. I’m glad he did. I haven’t seen them since this covid crap started.

I will say this, the smiles and chuckles I got from this site this morning helped me a lot.

My deepest sympathies, milady.

Something told to me by a 6 year old might apply. His mom had passed recently and he was sitting next to me at a ball game. He really wasn't watching and was sobbing off and on. I tried to cheer him up. His dad explained what was wrong. The boy looked up at me with very sad eyes and thanked me for trying.

He said, " It's ok...I can cry. That's why God gave us tears....they wash out the hurt."

I've never forgotten that boy.

I'll pray for yours to wash out quickly as possible.

The objective was the French town of Perrone, and it is early in our campaign of Blitzkrieg across France. We've secured bridgeheads over a local river, and have secured supply depots and opened up a route for our Panzers. French and English armor is scarce, and does little. Elements of the 4th Grenadiers, 3rd Infantry Division and parts of other smaller infantry units move up behind the Panzers towards the French town. We even have anti tank guns, and Flak units in the rear. At some point the call was made to disperse, and let the armor punch through the center of town, while the infantry encircled it.

Immediately we ran into problems. Unbeknownst to us, Massive reinforcement of the town by the British had occurred, and instantly men began to fall all around. The Tommies were everywhere. In bushes, hedgerows, buildings, church towers, everywhere. Pinned down, the order of our kompanie Ober. was to throw smoke grenades and run like hell towards cover. We did, and slowly began working our way into the outskirts of town, going house by house, flushing out and capturing the English, and some French soldiers. Snipers were everywhere. BREN guns were chattering on every street. Once again, the Kompanie was pinned down, unable to move. Our Panzers, the good chaps they are, drove right through the center of town, and kept on going to secure bridges beyond. Darn them. A British sapper ran up to one of the tanks and placed a satchel charge on its rear plate. Within a moment, the entire tank was lost. Serves 'em right for leaving us behind. Now without armor support, and no reserves, we dig in for a fight on the outskirts of town.

Half a day passes and no relief. We've advanced several blocks however, and are near the center, but the situation is dire. Already we're running low on ammo and manpower. We need reinforcements. We radio headquarters numerous times to send help. We're promised air support within the hour.

Two hour pass, before we hear the drone of engines. They're Ju-52's! Paratroopers! Three planes fly overhead, dropping out dozens and dozens of Falschirmjager soldiers, all streaming towards the ground. The land on the side of town we've already captured, and withing 15 minutes find themselves intertangled with us. They each carry four HE stick grenades, two smoke grenades, satchel charges, and an MP40 with 8 mags of ammo, 32 rounds each. They lay down a heavy cover fire as we sprint from one house to the next, and soon afterwards they follow. The French have already left the British to their fate. Everywhere we look, Tommies are surrendering or fleeing. Those who flee are quickly cut down by the honor-less paratroopers. Within the hour, Perrone is taken. Already, those wretched rear guards are pouring in with supply trucks and more men. Where were they this afternoon?

WWII Online is a game developed in 2002 (hasn't changed a bit). Live, never ending, life size and surprisingly realistic (as far as feel and scale goes) where you and hundreds of other team members have to take objectives on the map. And believe me, France is life size. It'll take a month or two to get across it. I tried it for the first time today, since I was home alone, and it was dismal outside. I feel terrible being so lazy :laughing7:

I did do other things though. I started on a new drawing, did lots of unnecessary math (you gotta do something when you're pinned down in a house), and ordered a custom made dog tag, with Wilhelms info on it. It'll be displayed with his helmet along with some other things.

I was reading this and in the back of my mind I was expecting you to tell us that was a page from your book. It’s a pretty good read, and I don’t understand half of what is being told. But it grabbed my attention and kept it.

Hopefully, something to lighten the load for the night....

Night folks. :sleepy2:

Good morning everyone! :wave:

WD, my sympathies on the loss of your family friends. :sadsmiley:

"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day... unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear." –Unknown


WD my condolences on loss of your friends.

Good morning Rook.

Morning Jim and Dave

Sorry for your loss WD

Anti... Pepper... Rook...


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