Yeah I have been waiting on WIF to return... um I for one am clueless what he was referring to.
I checked his/your posts.
I'm right ,or I'm wrong in my guess..
Gold bracelet subject. Caused question. Answered by a link being provided. My guess is you missed the link. (I didn't notice the contrast that should have highlighted the link either).
Anyways the link...To the answer of what bracelet. Then you can guess if that's Whadi's source of a question is being posed about. Or if I'm off and wandering worse than everyone else. L.o.l..
This is the link below.
Wasn't my intent to confuse, just clear up my own muddled brain.
It's all too easy for a person suffering from depression to worry about non-existent things.
This all came from a comedy of coincidences.
What I started seeing was what was "not" there. Going back a ways I saw no likes, no responses, no comments coming from you to me.
And then, along comes the bracelet. (Biggest piece of gold I ever found.) I'm sharing with my friends here and on "Today's Finds". I posted a nondescript link here in my attempt to include everyone here.
No comment/response not even a like from you. I just passed it I do everything else. But, you apparently did see my next link and your response to that one was "What bracelet!? Share a link!"
Still ok...just another missed link. So, in typical WIF fashion, I didn't post a direct link to the bracelet post. I posted my link here to the link there. Sort of saying, I *DID* post a it was missed/ignored...again. Then, I waited for my ploy to be discovered. A couple days....nothing.
Most people would simply ignore that and move on. But people with depression tend to see only things that help them to maintain what they perceive as their only consistent and true "friend" in life. Namely, loneliness.
Its my problem, nobody else's .....until it gets so full that I can no longer keep it from overflowing my banks and spilling on my real friends.
I was gonna send all that in an IM but I was hoping to let my friends in on the "secret". Maybe then, I won't hurt them too.
Sorry about the diarrhea of the keyboard, but you did ask.
And, R-chair!!! *VERY* perceptive!
Sails unfurled!!!