Platinum Member
Did I hear tacos, rum, and seista? Sounds good to me!
Is that a variation on KANSAS's "Dust In the Wind"?... I'm like a fart in the wind lately, here and gone! ...
Good luck ANTI on the interview.
Thanks. We did have fun.
I’m not going to starve over $25 , a learning lesson. School of hard knocks, as Pepperj once told me. My non tech dad, who still uses a flip phone, razzed me big time for not looking it up on my phone before buying it.
The two pirates are resin figures. I have no idea who the mfg is. Really just bought them to go with the nautical theme in my basement.
The horn- another school of hard knocks. Really, by now I should know better.
Bart that was a nice surprise find, Intuition works.
Good luck Anti I hope you get the job.
Best of luck Captain what ever your adventures today.
Nice score at the flea market WD, we win some we pay some. If you and dad were happy,well worth it.
Sorry guys, I'm like a fart in the wind lately, here and gone! Hard to keep up with it all.
...And it wasn't me taking down TNet...instead my I took down my automated banking system & ph today...