THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning
R C T!!!!!!

Sniff sniff sniff....
Me thinks a jar of that crap apple jelly landed on de fire ship.

Got to play like Antiquarian and do some laundry before I heads out this morn. I be taking the 5 year old rugrats to get surgery on both his eyes. Poor little dude.

Speaking of rugrats... the 5 & 7 year olds, Dey be startin’ out like real pirates. Both of ‘em stole candy (treasure to them) yesterday from the DG. Mommy had to march ‘em back, makes ‘em hand over de bounty and gives a proper apology.

Gee rook....those hummers get up early for breakfast !!

Funny thing is they start feeding when I go out and sit down. They will buzz my head chasing each other. I get a kick out of them. I think they are feeding a lot now getting ready to fly back to you guys and South America.

Morning bill and WD

Morning Bill.

Got my woodshop partner working on a permission for me. He was telling me a fishing story and wanted to show me where on Google maps.....turns out its point blank ground zero where I need to access the salvage camp from "El rubi segondo" the capitana galleon of the 1733 fleet. Also the survivors of the galleon "el infante" came ashore here. The capitana held a tremendous amount of gold and silver....all of which would have been brought ashore here. Got to be some still here. In the 80s ray Maloney got 250 pieces of 8 here....they are on display at the shipwreck museum in keywest. I'm praying this works out....its my best chance at a major find, and I've been trying to get in for a year now. Lots of private multi million dollar homes here. You WILL see treasure if this comes through for me. This is a spot where getting 20 or 50 Cobbs at once is possible. My dream coin got found here by art McKee in the late 50s....the gold 1733 bust 8 scudo....I want one badly !! This is the type of spot where every target could be trash or a life changing piece of gold jewelry could be found.....the type that leads to early retirement. Almost no one knows the potential of this spot....and those that are in know cannot access it. Dear lord please let this happen for me !! The only way to get the permission is for another local who is family to get you on the grounds !!

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Morning WD. :)

So funny to watch my partner try extra hard to get this done.....he knows I don't bs about treasure and he knows he'll get a slice of the pie when I start hunting over there !! Could be over there today if it happens....I'm playing hookie anyway today.

Good morning, Bart. I hope you get that permission!

Me too....this is a big one WD. So much opportunity if you can gain the access here.

huh....seems I'm at odds with buddies all want to hunt spanish....I want fresh gold....hmmmm....decions decisions !! I've got to do whats best for me and there's gold on an unhunted mega spot. There has to be. This spot gets so much traffic and no one hunts it. I personally have never hunted here but hundreds of boats party here every weekend. I can smell multiple golds here !! I'm going solo !!


It's your call but I'd hunt the new drops while they're untouched, the Spanish stuff most likely will still be there later.

huh....seems I'm at odds with buddies all want to hunt spanish....I want fresh gold....hmmmm....decions decisions !! I've got to do whats best for me and there's gold on an unhunted mega spot. There has to be. This spot gets so much traffic and no one hunts it. I personally have never hunted here but hundreds of boats party here every weekend. I can smell multiple golds here !! I'm going solo !!

My thoughts weather could be a factor...shelter is closer at the fresh drop beach....I'm outta here.

huh....seems I'm at odds with buddies all want to hunt spanish....I want fresh gold....hmmmm....decions decisions !! I've got to do whats best for me and there's gold on an unhunted mega spot. There has to be. This spot gets so much traffic and no one hunts it. I personally have never hunted here but hundreds of boats party here every weekend. I can smell multiple golds here !! I'm going solo !!

If she rocks and rolls weather wise , hunting Espanol after makes more sense. But what sense exists in my inexperience?


Yep I'm not a beach hunter either except a couple of times, however, I've been following Gary Drayton, Clive Clynick, Hamid and other top notch beach hunters for years. Those beach cuts after the storms is what generally uncovers the golden oldie stuff.



Yep I'm not a beach hunter either except a couple of times, however, I've been following Gary Drayton, Clive Clynick, Hamid and other top notch beach hunters for years. Those beach cuts after the storms is what generally uncovers the golden oldie stuff.

We see here around the great lakes an occasional glimpse of an old watercraft exposed during/after a storm. Often briefly before it goes back into hiding.
Which without a tide (though we get wind and waves, seiche ,riptides and undertows changing sand layers) it's is odd they can disappear after.

A chunk of coral sheared off and tumbled. A previously tumbled piece tumbling farther...
Encrusted gobs going nomadic.
Or who knows what scoured clearer, albeit briefly.

Ya, I've read too much and watched too much for my own good too.
A couple months of winter in the saltwater gets appealing sometimes.
Recoveries would be sought. But they playing field alone sounds good!

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