THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Trust me , laughing on your way to seek cover is an option worth weighing.

I'd like to visit the Keys. Don't expect to though. Too short a cruising range left now a days.
But not this time of year.
And not in a crowd for sure.

I can buy a stale lobster with lots less hassle , and a lot more peace..
Crustacean hunting has merit. But not at the cost of social sanity.


To bad about the "devil may care" attitude by the tourist crowd.

Here's the reaction in Europe.

Things are getting out of control down here.....for only the second time in my life I was shut out of my own town. Since the keys has reopened we have had record numbers of people( infected ) come to the keys. Not a single parking spot anywhere. If you don't get up now and go where your planning to go you will have no chance of enjoying any ocean access. Every touron is here to catch lobster right now. The season is incredible so far with record numbers of lobsters being caught. Traffic is off the chain crazy and road rage is everywhere. Battled my way to a swim hole to hunt....cops were there with a sign that said full capacity. He said are you gonna go in and park ? I said yes....all of a sudden he says go ahead there's room....I said forget it I don't want to be in there !! They were actually keeping people from parking on the road and setting up camp on the side of US1. These tourists will come down with 15 people and 3 dogs and set up tents and chairs kayaks and fishing gear and they bring there own coolers full of food. They don't stay at a hotel or even buy food or spend any money when there here....there here to take take and take. They catch all the small fish, dont obey any fishing laws, and leave piles of trash and shi* all over the side of the road. They block access to the ocean with there fuc**ng tents cars and trash. It has become a crisis among locals....we make a living showing tourists the seems like every Corona virus idiot has cometo the keys. This whole social distance thing is stupid if no one else gives a shi*. I will go hunt the family compound today. The compound property sits across US1 from one of the survivor camps from the 1733 fleet. That coincidence was not by chance when properties were being considered. I also found out that the previous owner was a rich party girl. She had an on going party house with lots of people always staying on property. So I'll hunt the old conch house ruins and hit the swim beach and see if anyone lost jewelry at these parties. Not even gonna try to get out on the water by many idiots out there !! There will be several deaths this weekend from boat accidents and car crashes....not enough room for this many people in the keys....we are being over run....its one thing to reopen.....quite another to allow all time record crowds to pile in to the keys at the height of a lunacy !!

Morning WD, WIF and Goldielocks

Morning WIF, WD, RC, GL

Bart, what the hell is going on in the Florida Keys with the tourists these days?! Believe me, I realize how serious a problem COVID-19 is and has been, but why are people acting so irrationally? The US has a serious health emergency going on right now, but for some reason the general public just isn't taking it seriously.

Jim, I'm thinking people are just thinking that they can behave anyway they want to now that the risk of contracting COVID here in Ontario is so low. Have you always had these types of boater & camper problems or does it seem to be exceptionally bad this year?

I don't like the direction that our world is going in now. It's almost like it's every man for themselves and to hell with everyone else, we're just going to do whatever we want! :BangHead:
I don't think it's any better than other years. Busy though by our standards.
The drunk boater left at 8:30am, and I went to the park and met the young fellow camping. Nice young guy that didn't have the same point view as the boater.
COVID excuses are being thrown out there more often.
Some folks just have a hard time being with themselves.

Morning to ALL those who I missed.

So we went downtown to pick up my ebike pretty spiffy model.


  • NEOMOUV-NOVA-BROSE-BLEU-1024x641.webp
    63.9 KB · Views: 38
Thats a purdy sharpe ride you have there.


Well I figure I can get around easier this way no fighting traffic, parking issues,'s got a lithium battery so it should be good for many years.

Rough weekend...

We locked the house key in the house when we left to work, and when we came back, we saw the keys on the table. So we tried every window and door, until we came to the tiny, unlocked bathroom window. I quickly deduced that I was the only one who MIGHT fight in there, and after a lot of maneuvering, I got my lower half inside, leaving footprints all over the wall.Now I'm half in, half out, my arms sticking straight up, and I'm already bent to an angle that I shouldn't be bending too, and I'm stuck. So what do I do? Bend more and now I'm almost bent in half, and my back is screaming STOP! STOP! I popped in more or less, and had terrible pain all day. I'm fine now. I would have kicked in the door myself...


Pardon my chuckling....a true story to lighten your day.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

About 25 years ago we had our annual customer golf tournament out of town. After golf, dinner and drinks and like a dummy I forgot my jacket at the golf club about 1 1/2 hours drive away with my keys in the pocket.

One of my coworkers who was doing the driving drops me off with my golf clubs it's probably about 9:30 pm at this point. As luck would have it my wife was out for the evening with out of town coworker friends and finally made an appearance about 11:00 so 1 1/2 hours of pacing up and down the driveway....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Well lesson learned we now have a spare key hidden in the carport in the event one of us gets locked out again.

Rough weekend...

We locked the house key in the house when we left to work, and when we came back, we saw the keys on the table. So we tried every window and door, until we came to the tiny, unlocked bathroom window. I quickly deduced that I was the only one who MIGHT fight in there, and after a lot of maneuvering, I got my lower half inside, leaving footprints all over the wall.Now I'm half in, half out, my arms sticking straight up, and I'm already bent to an angle that I shouldn't be bending too, and I'm stuck. So what do I do? Bend more and now I'm almost bent in half, and my back is screaming STOP! STOP! I popped in more or less, and had terrible pain all day. I'm fine now. I would have kicked in the door myself...

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I have followed this online auction site for years.
Bought lots of great things at a fraction of the price.
Sometimes I'm fascinated at others collections.
This estate sale is a fine example of I never seen so many, model ships, decoys, blow torches, and nautical related items.
Have a look at the 8 pages, and fall down a rabbit hole.

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Why...Heckfire, Rusty! All ya had to do was call the telephone inside the house and the vibrations of the bell would cause the keys to fall to the floor. Then, just take a long section of the chain link fence. Bend one end into a hook. Feed the wire thru the mail slot in the door, fish around until you hook the keys. Then pull them out and viola! Just unlock the door!

EZ-PZ !! I saw MaCGyver do it just the other day!!!

Either that, or just talk to Ms Beeps or WD....they are both experts at picking locks! Just ask the Cap'n!

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