Bronze Member
AARC - You point to the map, I'll go get a dime. :-D
Scubafinder,do you have what it takes to go after the queens jewels .If you can get permission on the area we could show you where to dive on them .
BTW ScubaFinder... long time no chat... how goes it ?
Working on anything ?
Problem is... I would want to be there... it would be nuts to think finding what has alluded everyone wouldn't be something I would not want to help salvage.
And its not like the only spot... heh ... I actually have a list
But I would like to see something come to light regardless really now days... this has been more and more my mindset anyway.
Also regardless... I will continue the plight... With so many good spots... hung up by so little REAL abilities.
Perhaps one day I can see if I was right about at least a couple of them... Sheesh even one would be cool enough I guess.
But which one ?... is also a dilemma.
Bah... maybe it will only always just be... Back to research
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See... ever since kid days... I have been hooked on finding... or the idea of being a part of finding the elusive of the elusive.
And I have been hooked on "the hunt" ever since... BUT... its a little hard to go for it concerning possible wreck sites when you are not allowed to do so.
But you never shake it... that "quest"... that autopilot search for the elusive... and you know that the only way to stop it... is to find it... which may never come... which is really... REALLY... frustrating.
Decades haven't even produced a patina on memories of holding treasures from my youth... and that was someone else's work results... no less cool... but the satisfaction factor doesn't exist from that for me.
From that time period on... I knew there was "more out there"... and I wanted to do the same... A solve / find... especially if it were because I solved the "puzzle"... that would be that release for me.
And of course anything ground breaking AND OR Treasure would be the "other part" :P
Once you've been bitten by the bug... the itch never goes away... and it stems I think from some desire to get some form of "confirmation" that all of the thought and riddle solving amounted to something other than just theories... thoughts... and talk like this.
PS... and its not just all about me... I would love to have even the chance to share in anything close to a major find / solve even with partners / companions / crew.
know that king of Spain was royally pissed when his salvage crews found more gold than was officially recorded on the ships manifest --when a ship wrecks a 75 % recovery is considered great --but when one recovers more than 100% that means that massive smuggling is occurring --there was a lot of questioning when it became quite clear that there was rampant smuggling on the 1715 fleet ...many capts butt were in a sling
from the accounts I have read * there were 11 Spanish vessels in the combined 1715 fleet ---5 in Ubilla's fleet and 6 in Echeverz's fleet --plus the French vessel Griffon for a total of 12 vessels ---salmon letter to t6he king of spain of oct 20 1715 says -- of the fleet 9 are known to be lost and 2 of the terra firme fleet gallones are thought to be sank on the high seas because wreckage of a large vessel or vessels was found on the north coast of st Augustine (modern day Anastasia island area) -- since he did not have to account6 for the French vessel and also had no clue where it went to --he did not write about it --but as the 2nd in command under Ubilla --salmon would have known exactly how many vessels were in the fleet since he had to account for their whereabouts and condition
yes but in t6he account of the pilot major of the fleet (ubilla's pilot) it was noted that ubilla ordered the 2 treasure vessels of Echeverz to li9nk up with his fleet as the storm approached -- Echeverz did not like it but since Ubilla was senior in command had to comply Echeverz also brought the dutch prize vessel known as "olandisa" or san meguel so a total of 8 vessels which sank as a group --- 3 vessels of Echeverz fleet were ordered to break off ---the tobacco hauling nao San Miguel ---the French prize "el ciervo"---and the nao conception
oh aarc -- I meant in total overall value of what was recovered by the kings salvage crews exceeded the value of what was manifested … so yah there clearly was massive smuggling going on for that to occur=== much more off the books than on it
Echeverz survived.... as well as others