Real of Tayopa
Bronze Member
no problem Bill,I trust you. I am not argueing the possibility of one, but the effectiveness of one today.
hal was banned a while back...
I saw where someone (Deducer?) had said something about a suspension, didn't realize Hal was banned altogether.
Like some other highly intelligent people, Hal exhibited a heightened 'sensitivity' of right and wrong or maybe a 'personalized sense of righteousness' (if that's a correct way of wording it?). I think that can sometimes get in their way of interacting with others.
A man like Hal can (and did) add a lot to a forum like this, and to the understanding of history as a whole.
I'm sure he will do excellent work where ever he is, wish it could have remained here as well.
Hal's a good person with exceptional skills. Our loss.
usually a ban is only 3 months...i ought to know..i've been banned a few
OK thanks Dave, hope that's all it is.
(Can't imagine a quiet reserved guy like yourself ever being banned. )
yep...cant figure that out myself
I had some pictures of the largest death trap I've ever seen. I lost the SD card with those photo's on it. Basically, It triggers a backed up pile of boulders that extends up a small rock crevice that expands as it goes. The lightening Heart was a flat stone shaped as a heart and cracked right down the middle in a lightening staggered break. I found another one once but failed to photograph it. That one was in line with one of the lost leader prospects I assume was also booby trapped at one point in the time before it was tripped. I''l need to get there and take more snap shots. I do have a photo somewhere of a "Gottcha" Boulder like so many have written about. It even looks just as they depict it. It has a faded Lightening Heart symbol on it. I've never tripped it over on myself. All of what I speak are not very far from my door step.
The truth of the matter is if you find the death trap your taking the hard way into the chamber. Or being mislead to the wrong location. The easy way is always hidden very well.
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snipped quote: Hal exhibited a heightened 'sensitivity' of right and wrong or maybe a 'personalized sense of righteousness' (if that's a correct way of wording it?). I think that can sometimes get in their way of interacting with others. .............
Hey Bill
That last one looks familiar to me was that taken in the Catalina's
usually a ban is only 3 months...i ought to know..i've been banned a few
I agree Hal did, and I'm sure will again, add much to the forum. He's one of my favorite sparing partners. Dang it.
But Earnie, I did want to touch on this " personalized sense of righteousness" thing. I take it you are also alluding to recent events with me?
My "troubles" of late are based on slights, not to me, (although there have been several meant as direct hits) or to any young associate I may have. But rather to wrongs to those I consider a protected class. If you are over the age of 90 I consider you a protected class. Especially if you are a veteran of several wars and put your life on the line to save mine. I know this "particular" gentleman that comes to mind does not need my protection, he's very capable of taking care of himself. He does however have my respect and I honor his service. I don't take lightly unspeakable barbs aimed at him and his family. Not even in jest, which this incident was not in jest.
As to I "repeatedly mention vicious attacks". In the same light as the above, I don't take lightly the shameful use of a 90+ gentle and frail lady with the onset of (apparently) Alzheimer's as "a solid credible witness" to substantiate an ASSUMPTION for the sake of a juicey post. When the "interrogator" knew fore well she would have said yes to seeing the Easter Bunny in her kitchen if asked. And its especially unforgivable when that lady is lumped in with a group of folks who's intentions are classified as "fame seeking". What was implied may be true, in part and in a completely different context, but its by substantiation from "other" sources and data. Those circumstances and sources involved paint a much more full and wide ranging picture than the narrow tid bit conveyed to you.
If that's considered a personalized sense of righteousness, then I'm guilty. I will defend that with my dying breath. And; if anyone here feels differently then we DO look at manners, respect and basic civility in a different light....Light years apart.
And that's all I'm going to say on the subject.