Thank you for asking.
It's pretty good as long as I don't do anything. I go for walks when i can, just to exercise but my back gets tense and I end up in pain for about 3 hours afterwards.
I had broke the bone itself, not the disk in my spine and when they operated on me to fix it, they left a piece there, now, when I do anything to tense my muscles, that bone fragment gets pushed into my spine by my tense muscles and it hurts (sometimes I fall to the ground in pain). I have tried to do some work last year, (just a standing job basically). I had to take up to 12 Tylenol 1s with codeine in order to do one days work. I gave up after 5 days (too hard on the stomach).
There are times that my back will move out of place, when that happens, I fall to the ground in pain and it takes several minutes to an hour to get it back in place again.
I broke my back by picking up a 230lb log (pulp), once the log was on my shoulder, I had to turn around to put it on the pile, when I stopped to face the pile, the log kept turning and it twisted my body and I felt a crack just before I hit the ground with the log on top of me. 1hour to get to help that was only 600 feet away.
I am a poor and broken man. I got this way doing work that was too much for me, now I pay for my hard work. I am a kind soul that will help anyone, no matter if i like them or not, if you ask? I will help. I will always be that way, it is my wish to be remembered as a man that would give his shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more then him. This is why I wanted help in this treasure stuff. Not to get rich, but to help reveal something that has been lost. Perhaps this is my way to help others.
By the way...I was 130lbs when it happened. I say this to give you an idea of what kinda hard work i have done.
I had it all at one time. A home, land,2 jeep tjs, backhoe, farm tractor, coin collection, camper/trailer, antiques. I lost (gave) it all when I left my woman of ten years for cheating on me. The only thing I have left is, me and a few clothes and items. Even with very little left and no money Per say, I still offer to show these places and ask for nothing in return except for recognition. Is that so wrong of me?
Thank you for your concern Toyopa, I wish that I could help you too, my friend, I will if you let me. Just send me a message with your problem or concerns about your lost mine and I will see what I can do to help...
Take care and be happy.