The Peralta Stones


To know for sure if it is natural or put there, you need to look at the layers that are in that clump, look at the place where the top stone is and compare it to the others around it. If the stone was put there, then it would not have the same layers or it will have layers in a different direction.

I believe that it would take a lot of manpower to be able to place such a large heavy stone up on top of that formation of stones.

David: If you ever get to the tank in the second picture, be sure to check out the bank on the upper left for placer gold, the reddish area.

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • Oro..webp
    51.6 KB · Views: 245
Ah... So you know of this type of rock? or do you just get gold from that bank and not think about how it got there? If indeed you are finding placer gold there then it must come from some where close by.
Red earth usualy means that there are minerals in it, but not always. It is just a good indicater.

Did you recieve my file yet?


"I have stated earlier that I have found two gold veins in my area."

That's great! Can you tell us what the outcome of finding those veins was? Did you file claims on them? Can you post the Google Earth pictures that led you to the veins?



No claim has been made on either veins, but they are being used by several people that I have felt worthy of knowing my findings. The riches that "man" seek are not the riches that I seek. (besides, the gold in these veins is not alot. we go there every now and again to mine the ore but it's more for something to do then to make money or get rich.
If you have studied where gold is found in the Americas? you will know that the west has more gold quantity then the east. Very few mines in this area have lasted more then 10 years, but then again, those mines could be reopened know that we have the means of going deeper then before.
The treasure that is talked about here is not something I want either.
I have told you before and will say it again; I am a man of the land. I know that the most important thing on this earth IS the earth. I am not the kind of man that follows the ways of the "white man" per say, I give to him what belongs to him and I give to the earth what belongs to the earth.
"Take only what you need and you will never have want again. Take more then what you need and you will always need". Ring a bell?
I found these veins while traveling the woods on my hunting/trapping trips.
I use Google after my research is done or to colaberate them, it is only something that I used for the Superstitions because it is the best tool to see the area because the rocks can be seen quite well.

I guess that Google is WAY to complicated for you to understand....stay away from it... you may hurt yourself.

Tell me something? What have you found? What makes you the expert? How can you come on here and tell me that I don't know what i am talking about?

Toyopa asked me question about what I though on where I would look for the mine, If you look? you wil see that i was very close, even though this area has never been known or seen by me before. I know more then you think and maybe more then you will ever know.

Quinan Bear said:

Thank you for asking.
It's pretty good as long as I don't do anything. I go for walks when i can, just to exercise but my back gets tense and I end up in pain for about 3 hours afterwards.
I had broke the bone itself, not the disk in my spine and when they operated on me to fix it, they left a piece there, now, when I do anything to tense my muscles, that bone fragment gets pushed into my spine by my tense muscles and it hurts (sometimes I fall to the ground in pain). I have tried to do some work last year, (just a standing job basically). I had to take up to 12 Tylenol 1s with codeine in order to do one days work. I gave up after 5 days (too hard on the stomach).
There are times that my back will move out of place, when that happens, I fall to the ground in pain and it takes several minutes to an hour to get it back in place again.
I broke my back by picking up a 230lb log (pulp), once the log was on my shoulder, I had to turn around to put it on the pile, when I stopped to face the pile, the log kept turning and it twisted my body and I felt a crack just before I hit the ground with the log on top of me. 1hour to get to help that was only 600 feet away.
I am a poor and broken man. I got this way doing work that was too much for me, now I pay for my hard work. I am a kind soul that will help anyone, no matter if i like them or not, if you ask? I will help. I will always be that way, it is my wish to be remembered as a man that would give his shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more then him. This is why I wanted help in this treasure stuff. Not to get rich, but to help reveal something that has been lost. Perhaps this is my way to help others.

By the way...I was 130lbs when it happened. I say this to give you an idea of what kinda hard work i have done.
I had it all at one time. A home, land,2 jeep tjs, backhoe, farm tractor, coin collection, camper/trailer, antiques. I lost (gave) it all when I left my woman of ten years for cheating on me. The only thing I have left is, me and a few clothes and items. Even with very little left and no money Per say, I still offer to show these places and ask for nothing in return except for recognition. Is that so wrong of me?

Thank you for your concern Toyopa, I wish that I could help you too, my friend, I will if you let me. Just send me a message with your problem or concerns about your lost mine and I will see what I can do to help...
Take care and be happy.

Hola amigo, I am sorry to hear of your injuries and troubles. It is funny how life works out sometimes, we don't realize what we have until it is gone. I can empathize on several fronts.

I don't know if NS has a similar program, but Yukon and NWT have had a "prospectors assistance program" which would grant a small stipend to help offset expenses for prospecting. A fellow with experience in prospecting but short on funds could benefit from these programs, and perhaps find a mine that would change the financial situation drastically. Being challenged physically doesn't mean you can not prospect, just need to 'engineer' your efforts more. For instance, they make special backpacks which transfer nearly all of the weight in the pack to your legs; I had to get one of these myself and it makes a huge difference. A pack animal (which can be anything from a dog to a camel) can pack your food and gear too, and require little care really; in fact the animals can pay you back in other ways as well. Just making a suggestion of course, you have hinted that you have other physical problems which may limit your activities and time on Earth so it is just a suggestion. Never give up on following your star, as they say. :thumbsup:

cactusjumper said:
For anyone interested in the last picture I posted, I see Father Kino sitting on a chair or throne, with a Minature Schnauzer trying to get onto his lap. Anyone else see that?

Just wondering......

Joe Ribaudo

Looks like an alien from mars sitting down admiring the vista.

If these veins that i found were more rich in ore, i would have applied for a claim but this is not so.
When I do go traveling into the woods now, I get someone to bring in my supplies to my camp, that way all i have to do is get there. I have the permission and the keys to go to many cabins that are in these woods. My family look after these cabins after hunting season is over and the owners go home. We have been taking care of these camps long before I was old enough to travel the woods alone.
My family is respected here for our knowledge of the woods. If you have seen the show where a man is dropped off in the middle of no where and has to get out with just the use of a knife and a few items? I am just like him. I have that kind of knowledge on how to live off the land.
The name "Quinan Bear" is my real nickname. I was called that because I was from Quinan and they never saw me in the winter (trapping and hunting), I am just a small man and although I am no longer in the same shape as i once was, I could lift things that many thought I couldn't. I once took a four cylinder engine out of a toyota carolla and placed it on the ground, with my own two hands. I was never afraid to push myself to get the job done and even though I can't do much now, i will still push my limits. You only live once as they say.

Anyways.... enough about me. I wish you all the best in whatever you want to find or do next, my friend. take care of yourself. God bless those of honor and respect of the land....


Having done considerable research into Jesuits and Franciscans, I found the formation to look strikingly like a Franciscan:


Saint Anthony

I have not paid that much attention to aliens, so I will conceed the point to you.

Take care,



[I guess that Google is WAY to complicated for you to understand....stay away from it... you may hurt yourself.

Tell me something? What have you found? What makes you the expert? How can you come on here and tell me that I don't know what i am talking about?]

Not too complicated at all. I have not hurt myself using it......yet. Have you found something in the program that is harmful?

I have managed to find my way into and out of the mountains for 46 years before I quit going in, with my last trip being 2004. I don't think I need to explain my experiences to any self described Superstition Mountain greenhorn.

As I said before, just post everything ya got and get this thing over with. As far as I'm concerned, you're just a wanna-be Blind Bowman. Only real difference is he could spell Tayopa and he had some imagination.

Joe Ribaudo

Quinan Bear said:

To know for sure if it is natural or put there, you need to look at the layers that are in that clump, look at the place where the top stone is and compare it to the others around it. If the stone was put there, then it would not have the same layers or it will have layers in a different direction.

I believe that it would take a lot of manpower to be able to place such a large heavy stone up on top of that formation of stones.

If you ever get close enough to see something like that you will be amazed.
There are many such monuments across the western states that will more than boggle the mind. If Spanish it is a beautiful thing and a piece of history. if ancient it is worth hiding, and protecting from archies and historians who would hide it, deny it and restrict access to it.

If you are interested in how the large stones are moved. it can be done by one man alone using counter weights and stacks of stones or chordwood.

Joe, he has us on the heart, fascinating.

May I call your attention to the Intrusion (I) at lower left. It's faulting rings (R) extend almost into the center of the Heart, a prime geological target. Probably deep seated faulting. Send this one with your data to our friend for a possible permit.

Don Jose de La Manacha

p.s. this corrected photo with the Intrusion shown, is now legally Parkers', as shown by the ©@


  • Intrusion in Heart ©@.webp
    Intrusion in Heart ©@.webp
    66.1 KB · Views: 165
My post "David and the peralta stones" has been removed.
I was told that Jim Hatt had those Photos copy righted and ordered the post be removed.
I was unaware that i couldn't post something that can be found by anyone looking on the net.
I appoligize, but I still stand firm in my belief.

I guess I got too close to the answers to the stones.

The stones are not copyrighted that I know of, they have been on public display at the Museum.
How can someone be stopped from posting picture of stones that are public knowledge?
If they didn't show something of value like everyones is saying, then what is wrong with what I posted?

I guess I will have to show you these places without the use of pic of the stones.

Quinan Bear said:
My post "David and the peralta stones" has been removed.
I was told that Jim Hatt had those Photos copy righted and ordered the post be removed.
I was unaware that i couldn't post something that can be found by anyone looking on the net.
I appoligize, but I still stand firm in my belief.

I guess I got too close to the answers to the stones.

The stones are not copyrighted that I know of, they have been on public display at the Museum.
How can someone be stopped from posting picture of stones that are public knowledge?
If they didn't show something of value like everyones is saying, then what is wrong with what I posted?

I guess I will have to show you these places without the use of pic of the stones.

It's pretty simple QB - you can post all the photos you want of something you've personally taken a photograph of, or photographs someone else has taken as long as you get their permission. Beyond that, it's just a matter of whether the rightful "owner" of a photograph minds if you copy and post them - often it's not a big deal, but sometimes it is depending on the person.

Wanna be safe? Don't post copies of photos you haven't personally taken.

Heck, I'm only disappointed because T. Parker's photographs were in that thread :(

Heck, I'm only disappointed because T. Parker's photographs were in that thread

I'm sure if we ask Tim really nice He'll start a thread with all those photos in it for us to re-enjoy.
They are always better with the trail story.

Ok, if that is all i need to do "not post photos? then all I need to do is make a drawing of the stones and post that Right?
If not then I will just show pictures of all the things on the stones and you guys will have to go to Mr. jims site in order to verify what I post. Does that sound alright?

Quinan Bear said:
Ok, if that is all i need to do "not post photos? then all I need to do is make a drawing of the stones and post that Right?
If not then I will just show pictures of all the things on the stones and you guys will have to go to Mr. jims site in order to verify what I post. Does that sound alright?

Drawings you make are fine and can even be tracings off of photos of the stones if you wish. :icon_thumleft:


COOL, thanks G.G. :notworthy:
I was just told that My post will be reinstated on the forum and that i am to remove the pictures. I will no longer post those pictures but I will show you what they show. I will wait till the post is put back on then I will show you the images that are seen on the maps.

Quinan Bear said:
My post "David and the peralta stones" has been removed.
I was told that Jim Hatt had those Photos copy righted and ordered the post be removed.
I was unaware that i couldn't post something that can be found by anyone looking on the net.
I appoligize, but I still stand firm in my belief.

I guess I got too close to the answers to the stones.

The stones are not copyrighted that I know of, they have been on public display at the Museum.
How can someone be stopped from posting picture of stones that are public knowledge?
If they didn't show something of value like everyones is saying, then what is wrong with what I posted?

I guess I will have to show you these places without the use of pic of the stones.

All I Know is I Received a Report
from Mr Hatt,

and link

so I Removed the Pics
from your posts.

Most likely (But just a Guess) one of our Resident
Complainers Didn't want proof Posted

Perhaps if you contact Jim he will allow it
as long as you include a Link.

As for the Thread, Apparently you are in touch with
whoever removed it.


Yes i am in contact with the one that removed my post and it will be re-posted, all I need do is remove the pics of the stones.

I know for a fact, that some people are upset with my findings and have made that very clear to me, but if they think that i am afraid of them? then they better think again. I will show these mines and all the other places as well.

These remarks that were sent to me are just proof that I am onto something that they don't want me to show others. Something of great value. Just wait till I show you were the natives took their gold and hid it from the others. This place could very well be the center room of a complex of passages and caves.

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