The Peralta Stones

Quinan Bear said:
I would hope you got that coffee first of all. :coffee2: :thumbsup:

There is just no pleasing you, is there?

I talk about the Peralta stones you ask me how they lead to the LDM?
I talk about the LDM and you ask about the Peralta stones?
I have posted facts on the faults and geology of the Mountains and explained a bit on how they got to be and how they were visible there and You tell me the stone are fake and that my studies have no merit and they won't show anything?

You might want to try herbal tea...your a bit "jumpy"... :blob1:

Hola amigo,
Please don't go putting words into my mouth? I never said your facts on the geology had no merit. I never said satellite images have no merit. I said that my OPINION is that the stones are a modern fake, but I thought I also made clear that I don't put a lot of faith in ANY treasure map, whether paper, stone, or aethereal dots on a matrix. It seems that you are reading much more into what I said than is there. What is it you want from me? ???

I am no expert in satellite photos, so for ME they are of very limited use. Great help for finding old roads, foundations etc, but you can be fooled by satellite (and aerial) photos.

I don't believe in the Peralta stones, or any treasure map, so it doesn't much matter to me if someone (including you) should find all kinds of verifiable stone/topographic imagery that mates up with the maps; most all of the treasure maps do match up with geography and sometimes with "treasure signs" - which is great for someone working out the maps/codes, but not the same as finding a gold mine TO ME.

I don't know how else to put this; I don't depend on geologic maps, ALONE; I don't depend on newspaper reports, ALONE; etc etc it takes ore specimens for lode mines, placer gold for placer mines. Diamonds for a diamond mine.

No pleasing me? Show me a piece of gold ore, that an expert in geology can compare with the existing specimens of Waltz's ore, and with the other specimens at the U of A - that is scientific proof.

Cactusjumper hit the nail there too - you have to hunt elephants in the elephants country; even if you see 10,000 from a satellite image, it doesn't prove you got an elephant! :tongue3:

PS - Quinan Bear, you don't NEED to convince me, the folks you have to convince are your potential partners, and the Forest Service in order to get your permits. No worries, the accolades, fame, TV interviews etc will follow once you have the evidence in hand.

If that's the way you see thing's? then you and I think the same way in that aspect. I also stated that my way of studying these places, were not just from others (mags,books) or from maps. I look at the land, the rock and the geology of the rocks.
I'm beginning to think that you just like to try and get me to give up on my quest. Well I won't... I will give my information to everyone, soon. I am waiting for responces from the file that I sent to the others first, to see what their remarks wills be. If it's not so good? then I will post all my locations and all the pictures that I have for these places and then I will move on to another subject. When I do, you will see a NEW POST marked "David and the Peralta Stones".
I have shown them, The horse map overlayed on the land. I still have The heart overlay to give them that shows many different places (Vault,Mines,dwellings and the smelting area). The priest map has many stages to it and will take a lot of time to explain them all but I will when the time comes.

I would like to Thank those of you that have made your photos available to me to look over. they are very informative and show the beauty of these mountains. I appreciate the advice and comments that you have sent me and hope that I can answer all your questions and show you the way to the mines.

Until then? May your tomorrow be happier then today. :icon_sunny:

Morning Bear: You posted --> I'm beginning to think that you just like to try and get me to give up on my quest.

Curious statment, Why would he want to do that ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

I have this picture and would like to tell you what it means?

If you look carefully in the center of Battleship Mountain, you will see a "Heart" carved into the cliff mid way up, in the light area of the rock. Around it is a image of an owl. Now look at the top of the mountain to the right, you can see the same view only bigger but no heart. That's because the heart is to the east of the owl not on the owl. If you know where to look, you will surely see the heart that it depicts.

I had someone ask me if I knew of an old story? It goes something like this.(short version) a group of people (Peraltas?), who took their gold and hid it before being killed by the Apaches. It's says that the teasure entrance could be seen on top of weaver's needle. The entrance lead down into a Vault room which held the gold.
This story has been told for years and is true in a sense that the treasure was hidden and they were killed. The only thing that is a little mixed up is, The top of Weaver's needle is where you find the entrance but not on the needle itself. you need to be on the needle to see the entrance "In a distance".
The Peralta Stone of the trail map (2=3-@-18=7), has a black hole in it, this is the vault entrance. The Heart itself lists it as the "gold cave". Many tales and maps, show or talk about this "vault", even the natives tell of a great room , where they hid the gold that they gathered and hid, in order to keep it from the intruders.

I stated that i thought that Oro. was trying to get me to give up. Then I said that i wouldn't.
I will stand firm in my belief but I may just give you all, the information that I have and let you guys do with it as you please. I just want to show where they are and how the stones are to be read and for everyone to know it was me that did it. I don't need a permit or anything like that, If i would have wanted this for myself? I would have gone there (in secret) and taken it. This is not me and it will never be me. Give onto ceasar what belongs to ceasar.....This gold and treasure belong to Arizona.

Oh...Good morning to you too Toyopa. :notworthy:


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Hola amigos,

Quinan Bear wrote
I'm beginning to think that you just like to try and get me to give up on my quest. Well I won't...

I am glad to hear that you WON'T, however I don't know why you got that impression in the first place. I have zero desire to discourage you at all amigo. If you got that idea from what I mentioned about the Forest Service, well they will likely be more skeptical than most of us here but you have to take into consideration that they get hit with some of the most far-fetched, even ridiculous theories so have to be skeptical. However it is possible to get a Treasure Trove permit, just be prepared - that was all I was trying to say about them.

I respectfully disagree about the ownership of any treasures/gold/silver, if it is a treasure then by the law, the finder is entitled to half of it, the Feds get the other half unless it is on State land and most of the Superstitions are Federal land not state. If you are the finder, and want your half to be donated to the State or city of Phoenix, that is your prerogative; however the Federal govt gets half. I don't make the rules about treasures, and really why shouldn't the person(s) who spent the time, effort and money to find and recover lost treasures be entitled to be rewarded for their efforts, costs etc? I guess we disagree on this point, but until the treasure is in hand it doesn't matter much.

If you insist that the treasure(s) be donated to the State or city, this may affect who will be willing to become your partner. Most treasure hunters are not independently wealthy and the potential monetary rewards are one of the main reasons for hunting for treasures. If you remove the financial reward, only those interested in the history alone (and financially well-off enough that they don't feel any desire for a monetary gain or recompense) are likely to volunteer to do the foot work. Perhaps that is the kind of person you would want?

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


You have mentioned the fact that many people have spent decades in the Superstitions with nothing to show for their time. That may or may not be true, but what is true is that you have nothing to show for the time you have invested, except for theories. That and five bucks will get you an average cup of coffee. Theories will not get you even close to a treasure trove permit. That permit will take years to realize, if it comes at all. :dontknow:

You have come here, basically, as a ghost. That means no documented past history. That history is something that any "partner" should be very interested in. Things like past work experience and criminal record. Also any successes using your long distance methods of finding mines, vaults, caches and mineral deposits. Have you ever physically found anything like what you claim to see in your....viewing's?

Just a few questions that have come to mind. ???

Thanks in advance,


It was posted --> Criminal record?

sigh, that lets me out. I broke some windows in school once, and swiped some gasoline from a shut down, state owned, road scraper. We didn't have enough money for gasoline for the trip to the hot springs where the gorgeous Broads hung out.

Also, in 1943, when I returned from the Solomon Island campaign, I was issued traveling orders to go from San Diego to Oakland Calif.. for reassignment back over seas. Since they had no actual reporting date, I went deer hunting for two weeks before reporting in. I was cleared of an illegal act, but a notation was placed in my records and I kept my rank, Petty officer first class. However, I cleaned every toilet on the base with a tooth brush for 3 weeks until I was finally shipped back to the Solomon Islands.

So Oro my friend, I believe that I am permanently disqualified, sniffff However, I have reformed, if that is of any help !

Don Jose de La Mancha

Background check? criminal record? Knowledge of the "job"?

I am not aplying for a job.
I have posted ALL KINDS of things to show my knowledge of the area.
I have stated earlier that I have found two gold veins in my area.
I don't realy need a partner, I can just send my information about the stones to an organization (Museum, Park or other government insitutes).
I thought that some of you might want to have a part in this historical event but I see that that is not the case.
I have waited long enough for someone to help and those that have responeded wanted gold first then he/she would do all the rest of the work needed.

So here is what I am going to do.
I will send all my information to the Museum to be recorded.
I will open a new post (David and the Peralta Stones), and post my information there for all to see.

If i don't get recognised for my findings, then so be it. I am ill and my health is failing me and have tried to do something honorable and kind before I leave this earth. Pehaps I was not meant to have this recognition, only god knows for sure. What happens to the gold and reliquaries....Is no concern of mine any longer, may the best man win, when it comes to getting the treasure.

I will post TODAY, what I have shown so far on the Horse Map. Tomorrow I will post something else and then the next day or so, I will post the rest.
People that have shown me kindness and asked me of my knowledge without sarcasm or criticism will be getting this information first, Just so you know....

My Thanks!! to the people that have this forum and keep it going,it is one of the best I've been into or seen.

May your Tomorrow be better then today... God Bless you all.


Thank you for asking.
It's pretty good as long as I don't do anything. I go for walks when i can, just to exercise but my back gets tense and I end up in pain for about 3 hours afterwards.
I had broke the bone itself, not the disk in my spine and when they operated on me to fix it, they left a piece there, now, when I do anything to tense my muscles, that bone fragment gets pushed into my spine by my tense muscles and it hurts (sometimes I fall to the ground in pain). I have tried to do some work last year, (just a standing job basically). I had to take up to 12 Tylenol 1s with codeine in order to do one days work. I gave up after 5 days (too hard on the stomach).
There are times that my back will move out of place, when that happens, I fall to the ground in pain and it takes several minutes to an hour to get it back in place again.
I broke my back by picking up a 230lb log (pulp), once the log was on my shoulder, I had to turn around to put it on the pile, when I stopped to face the pile, the log kept turning and it twisted my body and I felt a crack just before I hit the ground with the log on top of me. 1hour to get to help that was only 600 feet away.
I am a poor and broken man. I got this way doing work that was too much for me, now I pay for my hard work. I am a kind soul that will help anyone, no matter if i like them or not, if you ask? I will help. I will always be that way, it is my wish to be remembered as a man that would give his shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more then him. This is why I wanted help in this treasure stuff. Not to get rich, but to help reveal something that has been lost. Perhaps this is my way to help others.

By the way...I was 130lbs when it happened. I say this to give you an idea of what kinda hard work i have done.
I had it all at one time. A home, land,2 jeep tjs, backhoe, farm tractor, coin collection, camper/trailer, antiques. I lost (gave) it all when I left my woman of ten years for cheating on me. The only thing I have left is, me and a few clothes and items. Even with very little left and no money Per say, I still offer to show these places and ask for nothing in return except for recognition. Is that so wrong of me?

Thank you for your concern Toyopa, I wish that I could help you too, my friend, I will if you let me. Just send me a message with your problem or concerns about your lost mine and I will see what I can do to help...
Take care and be happy.

Good morning David: I can definitely sympathize with you since i broke two neck vertabrae and three ribs in one of my aircraft accidents. It gave me literal h--- for years. There were times when drivng or flying when it would lock in the left turn position for days. I remember when nothing short of Morphine helped. Yes Davd I can sympathize with you.

Incidentally, doesn't Canada Help in any way under the National Health Program?

May I suggest checking into self hypnosis to control the pain and even possibly reconstruct the area. It is easily learned and free courses are on the internet. Contact me if you have any problem or wish to know more.

I thank you for your offer on Tayopa, but fortunately, I have already found and own it. One more lost legendary mine story proven to be true. LDM next. Oro will have to find El Naranjal or the LAD.

Don Jose de La Mancha


Were you able to find this with Google Earth?


What's your opinion.....Jesuit, Franciscan or Apache?

Joe Ribaudo

Toyopa thanks for the post, It is hell for me too at times. I didn't realise that you acualy found and own the toyopa mines, very good for you, :hello2: :headbang: :notworthy:

Although a can't say that the LDM is in this place, the Peralta stones show of but I know that there are mines there as well as a vault.

For the kindness and sympathy that you have shown me, I will send you my information on the Heart stone. you will recieve my Google file of a map overlay of the heart itself, open the file and use the slide bar to fade in and out. I hope that you find your LDM, my friend.
if you have question about it please ask.

For anyone interested in the last picture I posted, I see Father Kino sitting on a chair or throne, with a Minature Schnauzer trying to get onto his lap. Anyone else see that?

Just wondering......

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:

[As stated by Bob Corbin, the longest serving and most reelected State Attorney General in the history of Arizona, and avid Dutch Hunter. He said that in the late 1960s, while he was a new attorney in the State Atty Gen's Office, while he was on business in Phoenix, a friend that knew of his interest in the Lost Dutchman told him that in one of the offices, some FBI Agents had the Peralta Stones. Corbin went and spoke with the agents. They showed him the stones and told him that it was the opinion of the FBI that the stones were "at least" 100 years old (1968-1969).]

I find it interesting that Helen Corbin did not put that "quote" from Bob in her books. I asked him about this and, as I remember it, he did not say it was an "official" FBI position, but rather it was one (1) agent's opinion. I could be wrong, but I don't belive the FBI ever did a formal report on the Stone Maps. I will ask Bob for clarification. Do you recall which of the LDM books does have that quote?

On the other hand, if Jim Hatt said that's what Bob told must be so. I will still ask him again, just to be sure. Some interesting comments can be found here:

Take care,


Hey Joe,

Thanks for the link.

If Greg said that the FBI had actually taken the Stone Maps to the FBI Lab in DC, it adds weight to the "official position" of the FBI. Also, if it was just one agent's opinion, then it is doubtful that the court could have forced MOEL and the Cochranes to donate the stones to a non-profit organization.


cactusjumper said:
For anyone interested in the last picture I posted, I see Father Kino sitting on a chair or throne, with a Minature Schnauzer trying to get onto his lap. Anyone else see that?

Just wondering......

Joe Ribaudo

I see natural rock formation! which there are hundreds if not thousands of them everywhere in these mountains........

I can tell you a few things that seem to have been over looked.
These clumps of towering stones, with no others around for some distance, were left standing to give directions (not all). This area was once filled with these stone towers, the people took down many of these stones, to see better and to be able to use the land, either for farming/hunting or to just travel through easier. many of these markers are on top of mountain ledges and peaks, others a spread thoughout the area. That picture that you posted is what is called the Hoodoo's.

I will give you another thought for you to consider.
I have posted two picture of certain types of rock, these rocks will be at the lowest point of the layers and will be the rock type that the mines will be found in most likely. If you question this, then ask a professional mineralogist.

The first picture, shows you a rock that has smaller rocks embedded into it. the other is most likely to be the one that will be seen, If and When the LDM is found, or any other mine in the area.


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That's OK, the wife couldn't see the Schnauzer either. On the other hand, she had no problem picking out the priest. You really think that's a natural formation? :o :o :o

What if there was a gold chain and cross around his neck? Not saying there was, just what if??? Would that change your mind? :dontknow:

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

That's OK, the wife couldn't see the Schnauzer either. On the other hand, she had no problem picking out the priest. You really think that's a natural formation? :o :o :o

What if there was a gold chain and cross around his neck? Not saying there was, just what if??? Would that change your mind? :dontknow:

Take care,


Gold chain and cross would certainly do it for me ......... But you do know none of that will be to convincing unless i can see it on google earth as well. :snorting:

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