The Peralta Stones

So true;
This treasure and the mines, are not mine to claim, nor do I want to claim any treasure that is there. This treasure belongs to the people of Phoenix, I don't want to take it from them, I just want the legend to become fact. The only thing I want to do is give the locations of all these mines and vaults, to someone that will do good with it, not so that they can horde it all for their own profit. This treasure belong in a museum, the mines should be opened and the public should have the right to visit and explore these mines as a tourist attraction. They are a huge part of phoenix's history and should be shared with them and for all the world to see. This is why I am looking for a partner to help record this find and to do it with the best interest of phoenix.
The last thing I want, is someone to go to these locations and take all that is there, for their own profit. Many people died searching for these mines and vault, either they were the ones that owned the mines or they were looking for it. Too many deaths have come from the search of these places, most of the time, it's because the people that DO know where these places are and don't want to share this find with others, so they kill to keep this secret, Well it's time to stop this from continuing. The only way to make this stop, is to show everyone where they are, that way they can't keep everyone out, and they can no longer rob the treasures that these places hold, just for their own benefit.
I myself could go down to phoenix and take what I want from these places and leave without anyone knowing, but this is not what I want and It is not right for me or any other person to do. I heard that they want to shut down the Lost dutchman's trail, because of lack of funding. This find will stop this from happening, It will in fact, bring more people to the area.

I get so confused...

you say...

The last thing I want, is someone to go to these locations and take all that is there, for their own profit.

And yet a couple posts back you say this...

I had a person that said he would help me, So i gave him directions to one of the caves, he then went and found this cave to hold gold ingots, he sent me a letter saying thanks and telling me of what was found and that was the last i heard of him.

Then you also say...

I myself could go down to phoenix and take what I want from these places and leave without anyone knowing,

So what's stopping you from taking a camera or video camera to document the treasures in all of the locations you've discovered - not vague photos, but real honest to goodness high quality photos of the gold/treasures you believe are there? From that point it should be quite simple to use those photos to convince the Forest Service, museums, local and/or national news organizations, etc... that you have REAL UNDISPUTABLE PROOF.

The really difficult part comes when you want to try to claim treasures - if all you want to do is prove them to be real and claim the credit for doing so, it seems as though there are alot of ways to do that fairly easily.


Here's a thought. Perhaps you can time your Grand Opening for July 4th., which is the same time as Santa Fe New Mexican's soiree. I assume it will be an evening affair, as fireworks should be the order of the day.
This way you guys can kill two birds with one to speak.

In addition, you can combine the costs of hot-dogs and drinks, which will save you both money. After all, when your motives are altruistic, as your's are, there is no reason either of you should suffer financially.

I, regretfully, won't be able to attend, as I always wash my dog on that date. She's quite old and really looks forward to her bath.

Thanks for giving us all a heads up on the great news.


Joe Ribaudo

I have often thought about that moral dilemma if I came across the the "big one" would I tell the world and just donate it all to a museum. I have never heard of a treasure hunter that was just in it to help people and make the world a better place. I would be happy to donate an important find but first I want to be compensated for it, why would the people of Phoenix be entitled to anything, I dought that most of them have any idea of the history of the superstitions.
If I could get in and out with my pockets full, no one would ever know and I could live just a little easier, be able to make my truck payment, help my children and maybe even by that big screen TV.
Profit is a good thing.

Perhaps you could contact Geraldo Rivera to do the honors, he could use the redemption after the Chicago Al Capone Vault incident.

............Just Kidding, :D

You could always contact the Arizona State Archaeologist with your story. Only you may first want to see if anything is still there.
After all, whom ever made the stone maps in the first place (or others) may have already taken the treasure years ago.

David, I see that your heart is in the right place and I wish you all the best.

Perhaps you could contact Geraldo Rivera to do the honors, he could use the redemption after the Chicago Al Capone Vault incident.

............Just Kidding,

I have to admit Goodyguy - that's EXACTLY the first thing that popped into my head when I started trying to come up with scenarios as to who to contact with sensational news like this :).

Bill96 - I don't know European laws, but I've read numerous accounts of folks finding "treasures" over there and the government paying them a fair $ as important historical items. It seems to be sort of a win-win situation from what I've seen.

It appears to be 180 degrees different here in the U.S.A. - dunno if the same sort of thing would work here, but it seems like a reasonable idea.

cactusjumper said:

Here's a thought. Perhaps you can time your Grand Opening for July 4th., which is the same time as Santa Fe New Mexican's soiree. I assume it will be an evening affair, as fireworks should be the order of the day.
This way you guys can kill two birds with one to speak.

In addition, you can combine the costs of hot-dogs and drinks, which will save you both money. After all, when your motives are altruistic, as your's are, there is no reason either of you should suffer financially.

I, regretfully, won't be able to attend, as I always wash my dog on that date. She's quite old and really looks forward to her bath.

Thanks for giving us all a heads up on the great news.


Joe Ribaudo

I hadn't been following SFNM's posts much lately - for some reason I was thinking his "get together" in the Superstitions was supposed to be in April sometime. I may be mistaken however as I didn't exactly put it on my calendar.

I just thought it would be nice to have one or two of you guys down there, to join forces with me. Since you go looking for these same mines yourselves anyways. I guess it's the adventure you're more interested in. My mistake to think that there was anyone around Phoenix, that would like to see the legend come to be a reality. Maybe put their name in the history books while their at it. Perhaps even give you the thrill of finding all the mines, just by following the directions that are right there in front of your faces. Even better then that, I can show you where they are all at and all you need to do is head right to them.
I don't get you guys?!?!? I offer you, a great opportunity and you don't even bother to open the door.

I don't want the treasure or the mines, I just want phoenix to get, what many have sought after for years, some lost their lives in search of them.
To prove the stones to be real. To be remembered that I did something Honorable and good for the people of Arizona. Not to be remembered as the guy that took it all to Canada and lived on high, off the treasure.

This legend is a big part of phoenix's history. many lives lost in trying to prove it's existence or just after the gold. It's time for this tale to become a legacy for phoenix, don't you think?


"It's time for this tale to become a legacy for phoenix, don't you think?"

I'm glad you asked. Can't speak for everyone else, but I would say NO! There are Dutch Hunters who have spent sixty or seventy years in those mountains looking for the LDM. They have spent their time and money without much return, money wise, to speak of. Phoenix and Apache Junction have reaped the benefit of having those Dutch Hunter's dollars support their economy, over the years. :help:

I have been going in those mountains for 52 years without making a dime for it. For over thirty years I have been on the Stone Map Trail, and you want Phoenix to get whatever might be found in there? I have spent thousands of dollars just at the OK Corral, and still have to pay for their books.
Don't reckon I owe anyone anything. :o

I know you're just having some fun here, boring time in school or something, but thought I would give you an answer anyway. You will need to sharpen up your imagination a bit, or we will all loose interest in baiting you. That's pretty hard to do for a guy who's never been in the mountains, but there is plenty of written material here for you to draw from. :read2:

Any idea how much money you have spent in our local economy, Dutchman wise? :icon_scratch:

Joe Ribaudo

I am sorry you spent so much time and money searching for this place. Spending all your free time in the Mountains in search of something you never found. You of all people should know what I'm trying to do here. It's time for these life long trips into the mountains in search of treasure but never finding it or those others that never come back out alive. Way too many deaths in those mountains. Time to show these places and stop these quests from taking up most of their lives. After being hidden for over a centry. This is the modern age, tourism is the money maker of today. Show these places to the world, let them all come to see the fabled mines of the Peralta Family.
I am way past school years my friend, I hit 42 on January 16th. I have been across Canada many times, working and prospecting, I traveled from Crowsnest pass up to Fort MacMurrey working for various companies.
I do believe that I said that I never have been to Arizona, so the answer to your question is $0. If you don't mind me saying, I don't see how this matters.
I didn't put all this on this forum, just for fun, but if you think that you know better, then I would suggest that you don't bother replying to this post. I will stand firm to the locations of all these places. There is someone out there that will hear my call, I just need to have patience.

I agree with Joe. I think Quinan should time his Grande Expose` to coincide with Kemm's Unveiling. I could make a call and get The Jim Rose Circus Sideshow to put in an appearance. Maybe even get Cirque Du Soleil in on the action! A FUN TIME FOR ALL!


Quinan Bear said:
I am sorry you spent so much time and money searching for this place. Spending all your free time in the Mountains in search of something you never found. You of all people should know what I'm trying to do here. It's time for these life long trips into the mountains in search of treasure but never finding it or those others that never come back out alive. Way too many deaths in those mountains. Time to show these places and stop these quests from taking up most of their lives. After being hidden for over a centry. This is the modern age, tourism is the money maker of today. Show these places to the world, let them all come to see the fabled mines of the Peralta Family.
I am way past school years my friend, I hit 42 on January 16th. I have been across Canada many times, working and prospecting, I traveled from Crowsnest pass up to Fort MacMurrey working for various companies.
I do believe that I said that I never have been to Arizona, so the answer to your question is $0. If you don't mind me saying, I don't see how this matters.
I didn't put all this on this forum, just for fun, but if you think that you know better, then I would suggest that you don't bother replying to this post. I will stand firm to the locations of all these places. There is someone out there that will hear my call, I just need to have patience.

Hola amigos,
I am not intending to "attack" you Quinan Bear, just that it seems to me that you are not a treasure hunter. It is not about getting rich. It is the search, the quest, and the adventures this leads you into. If you remove the possible large financial gains from making a big discovery, then the whole exercise is futile. I doubt very highly that most of the Dutch hunters you feel sorry for, for their having spent time, money and efforts in their search, would think that a moment of that time or one cent of the money was ever really WASTED. A non-treasure hunter doesn't realize that even finding NOTHING is in fact making progress towards the goal of finding that treasure, in being able to rule out some place.

I see this attitude fairly often, and it strikes me as a peculiar misconception among the common folks about treasure hunting and treasure hunters. If you have never gone on a hunt for treasure, you can't understand what it is all about. It is about that near-miss when a coiled rattler you didn't see just punctured your pantleg but missed your hide, or that beautiful solitude you can only find in the wildest places, or even the hot campfire coffee and bacon sizzling in the pan as the Sun makes his appearance for another day in the desert (or the northlands) and the howls of the wolves & coyotes that serenade you at night. There is very much more to it than just running around thinking of getting rich quick. In fact, for anyone who thinks that is what it is all about - greed - I invite you to get a good, sharp number 2 shovel and a pick you can handle, and we will soon see if you think that is what it is about after a couple of weeks time out treasure hunting.

Besides, the gold and silver has real value and to get it into circulation would be good for the person who finds it, for those he buys things from and hires to improve his home, maybe get a new pickup, heck even a new pair of cowboy boots will mean more wages for the person making them. It does no good for anyone to sit in the ground, slowly but surely dissolving into the environment, and even less good to be locked away in the basement of some museum where no one but the rare archaeologist will ever see it. So I must agree with our amigo Cactusjumper, the treasure certainly doesn't belong to the citizens of Phoenix (after all, many of those who died in the quest were not even temporary residents there) nor any other group or person whom has not contributed a moment of time or a thin dime towards the search to find it. Treasure belongs to him who finds it, this has been common law for centuries despite modern attempts to erase it, it is the just law of the land.

The search for lost treasure is a type of experience which is in itself, a type of treasure, and a type which you can literally "take with you" and it can never be taken away from you. Quinan Bear I hope you will make the trip to Phoenix (Apache Junction) and take yourself up to check out the very sites you have pin-pointed. Whether it turns out to be treasure or just pretty scenery, I will bet a silver dollar you will never regret having done it.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope I did not offend anyone and if so my apologies for no offense was intended. I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

I am so glad to see you back old friend.
I find I must agree with your thoughts. You guys have made me go back in time so many times it is almost like we have done this together.But the friends we make along the way have made the difference. I will have been at this game for 40 years this year and find a fine bit of reminscing quite often eases the aches.

There are animals that grow so used to you being in a given area that they actually consider you part of the group.
I have some Desert Bighorn Sheep that stay close and even investgate with me. The ewes bring the lambs down to show them off.. I considder them friends. A true friend is a treasure.

Gold and silver are just a bonus when the treasure finds you


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You have said what I was thinking but not going to write, only much more eloquently. When someone says they feel sorry for me over the time I have spent looking for something I never found, I realize they have no idea what I was looking for......or finding. A good treasure hunter needs the soul of a poet and the heart of a hopeless romantic. With those gifts, he will find all that he seeks.


Those pictures are a wonderful reminder of what we all live for. One of the treasures we are all looking for. They are seldom seen by those in a hurry.

Many thanks to you both, and Mike.

I was glad to see Roy posting again. We were getting worried.

Take care,


I know all about the thrill of the adventure and the beauty of nature. I also know, that if it.s not me that will reveal these locations, someone else will.
I'm not stopping you from your treasure hunting, I was just trying to shed light on a tale that has been going for over 150 years. I see that your not interested in the truth. You just like to go on about your adventures and finds, hoping that one day you would find "the big one". best of hunting to you.

Like I said before, I know I'm right. If you don't believe me, then don't. No sweat off my back but don't try to turn this into a joke, just because you would rather debunk the idea and do whatever you can to try to get me or others that do believe, to not go looking for this treasure. All so that you yourselves could be left alone to find this treasure and keep it for yourselves (typical Americans).

You all talk like you know better. Have any of you found any of these mines? have you found the Vault? You keep dreaming about it. once I give this information to the government, they will take the time to go look, they Will find what it is I have been trying to show you guys. They will go to each and every place that I will tell them to go and then they will take what is there and they will surely make these areas "off limits" to you all. After that, the area will never be the same, you will all lose the opportunity to go treasure hunting in these areas.

I came to you with the best of intensions, a kind hearted offer and offered you all, friendship. Instead of getting a warm welcome I got teased, mocked and laughed at. Well the jokes on you.
For those of you that do hear me and think that I am right. Here is one place to go to, to find one of the mines in the area. once in the area, just look for a clump of trees in a ravine that head up the hill to the east, the mine is in these trees, just at the top of the tree line.


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Quinan Bear said:
I just thought it would be nice to have one or two of you guys down there, to join forces with me. Since you go looking for these same mines yourselves anyways. I guess it's the adventure you're more interested in. My mistake to think that there was anyone around Phoenix, that would like to see the legend come to be a reality. Maybe put their name in the history books while their at it. Perhaps even give you the thrill of finding all the mines, just by following the directions that are right there in front of your faces. Even better then that, I can show you where they are all at and all you need to do is head right to them.
I don't get you guys?!?!? I offer you, a great opportunity and you don't even bother to open the door.

I don't want the treasure or the mines, I just want phoenix to get, what many have sought after for years, some lost their lives in search of them.
To prove the stones to be real. To be remembered that I did something Honorable and good for the people of Arizona. Not to be remembered as the guy that took it all to Canada and lived on high, off the treasure.

This legend is a big part of phoenix's history. many lives lost in trying to prove it's existence or just after the gold. It's time for this tale to become a legacy for phoenix, don't you think?

Dave, I thrive on the thrill of the hunt, the research, the preparation, the hiking, the camping, just being on the trail of solving an elusive mystery is captivating and exciting. I am one of the few who are not in it so much for the money as for the thrill of the adventure itself.

Actually anything I derive after covering expenses goes to Charity ( a promise I made to myself years ago after being on the receiving end of a charity that changed my life.) Of course most of the time I don't cover expenses. But the times that I do come out ahead and am able to help make a dieing child's last wish come true is an overwhelming reward that keeps me keeping on.

Right now I am unable to join forces with you, but could think of nothing I would rather do if my present situation wasn't preventing it.
I sincerely hope that you find a worthy partner(s) to assist you in your honorable endeavor.

May all your troubles be small and your treasures great!


Keep your cool and wait for the right partner. Try not to get discouraged by the doubters.

Any reason you don't want to address the comments/questions I put to you in this post?

Cubfan64 said:
I get so confused...

you say...

The last thing I want, is someone to go to these locations and take all that is there, for their own profit.

And yet a couple posts back you say this...

I had a person that said he would help me, So i gave him directions to one of the caves, he then went and found this cave to hold gold ingots, he sent me a letter saying thanks and telling me of what was found and that was the last i heard of him.

Then you also say...

I myself could go down to phoenix and take what I want from these places and leave without anyone knowing,

So what's stopping you from taking a camera or video camera to document the treasures in all of the locations you've discovered - not vague photos, but real honest to goodness high quality photos of the gold/treasures you believe are there? From that point it should be quite simple to use those photos to convince the Forest Service, museums, local and/or national news organizations, etc... that you have REAL UNDISPUTABLE PROOF.

The really difficult part comes when you want to try to claim treasures - if all you want to do is prove them to be real and claim the credit for doing so, it seems as though there are alot of ways to do that fairly easily.

For what it's worth, I live 2700 miles away from the Superstitions, so I'm not available to help you out - even if I chose to. If I lived in the area and had time, I would give you the benefit of the doubt and as long as it didn't prove to be hazardous to life or limb I'd check out a couple of your theories for you.

Once again however, you currently fall into the same category of the many other folks who've come on these forums claiming the EXACT same things over the years with no proof of anything. How someone can make claims like that and then be so incredulous when everyone doesn't rush to bow down to them and jump at the opportunity to help is beyond me. There are SO MANY different avenues one could take to truly prove something like this beyond the shadow of a doubt, and yet none of those avenues are ever taken.

Best of luck to you - I'll be the first to tip my hat if you've discovered anything more than a number of the already multitude of prospect holes dug out there over the years.


I thank you for your kind words and don't worry, I will hold out for that partner/s because I believe in what I'm doing.
I am a true man of nature, I know how to read the land to get to my destination. I was a trapper when I was younger, my father started taking me when I was 8. He showed me how the trees would change when snow covered them and how to look at the big picture to see the land without the trees. For 13 years I would travel the woods, trapping from November till February. I have seen the beauty and enjoyed the wilderness. I have prospected this land since I was 15 and know the formation of the bedrock with it's faults in many areas around these parts as well as many in Alberta while I was up there.
Look at this as a way to improve the trails and lands around the Superstitions. You can still take your trips into the wild beauty of the mountains. This way, if these places are known, they can be used to protect them and to give people the chance to see the mines,dwelling,smelter and vault of The Peralta Family. You would start at the place that shows you all that is on the Stone maps, from there you would travel the journey marked on the stone and arrive at the mine and do this with your family and friends with less effort then what your doing now. If needed, the some mines could be worked to pay for expences, while others opened to the public to visit. This way the land will be protected and the economy will benefit.

One Point that I never seen anyone bring up is... The Apache saw this place as secret burial sites... They killed to save their ancester's resting place from being disturbed. These places should be marked as well, so that they may rest in peace. There is more to these mountains then most people realise, I think the apaches were right to try and keep others out, but it will never be . The best they can do is show people where these burial sites are so that they will not be disturbed.

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