HOLA amigos,
Lamar wrote
To sum all of this up succulently, if a lode strike has reached the surface of the Earth (it's not known as a strike if it hasn't by the way) for any extended period of time, then there will be associated placer deposits, however the placers are subject to movement, sometimes minor and sometimes major. I do hope this clarifies my statement to the clarity of fine glass, as I am growing weary of discussing basic geology over and over.
I have addressed this subject in another thread, and I fully comprehend the opinion of Lamar that all gold lodes have placers, however for the benefit of our readers who may be reading our discussions but not actively posting,
Lamar is incorrect in his statements, for
not all gold lodes have placers associated with them. It depends on the environment the lode exists in. Even an exposed vein or bed, if not exposed to weathering forces, or if the topography prevents any movement of any eroded materials, the lode will not produce a placer. A Blind Lead* is a good example of a gold vein which will not (likely) produce any placer. To anyone interested in the subject, and I presume if you are prospecting you are definitely interested, read some geology books for more information. Don't take my word for it. Here are the published words of professional geologists, as posted above
It is also true that some valuable gold lodes do not yield much or any, placer gold, and this statement may apply to all the lodes in an entire district, such as the Oatman district in Arizona. The absence of placer gold should not, then deter a prospector if other conditions appear not unfavorable and, especially, if gold has been found in the district.
When no placer gold is found in a district, it is necessary to search for a lode or indications of the existence of a lode without the guidance of placer gold particles that have been shed from it."
Arizona Lode Gold Mines and Mining, Wilson, Cunningham and Butler, The Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin 137, 1934, revised 1967, amended 1974, The University of Arizona, Tucson AZ, pp 244>
*A Blind Lead is a gold vein which has not become exposed to the surface, often being close to another gold vein to which it is not closely related. A good book to serve as a reference of mining, prospecting and geological terms is
Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms By American Geological Institute http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?tag=treasurenet01-20*
Anyone interested in discussing the geology of ore deposits, both lode and placer, I would suggest starting a new thread and post an invitation or send a PM - I would be happy to join in. I am not a geologist but have over three decades experience in prospecting and mineral exploration, and am still learning this very interesting and potentially profitable science. ***
Lamar also wrote
And you also queried:
<Oroblanco asked>
Lamar you stated that it is your firm belief that the Lost Dutchman gold mine never existed. May I ask what it would take, to sway your opinion? Thank you in advance,
All I can say is that you would need to be able to present some very good physical evidence in order for my opinion to be swayed.
I am a little
surprised that you went to the trouble to answer my earlier question, as I had concluded there was obviously
no possible evidence which could sway your opinion which was why you did not bother to post such an obvious reason.
Thank you for your reply, As you have already shown strong doubts as to anything I <
and several other members here with far more experience than me> might say, and the existing <known> evidence must not be enough for your conclusions to be re-examined, and I do not have the Lost Dutchman mine in my possession, I won't bore you further with
more attempts to get you to change your mind.
Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
