The Peralta Stones

These so called experts examined them after they had already been in the hands of white men; God only knows what may have transpired with those clever rascals. Ever heard of a bow drill? Ship builders and Masons been using them for a little while now I think. Good for setting pegs in timbers too. Picking at the mix you have covered, God destroyed the earth at least once and therefore it makes it impossible to determine just how old it really is. If I told you how the pictographs worked, I would be showing you where my stash is in a predetermined number of locations. Well over 200 tribes of the Native Americans have been studied and all of them are of oriental decent. If you should study both sides of the fence in regards to Mormonism and Masonry, you will soon find out for yourself that Smith was a crock. Further study of the Bible will reveal to you that when God kicked Cane out of the homeland, he sniveled in fear over the fact Quote: "But the other men will kill me." Looks like traditional views get scraped again. The earth was already populated when God placed Adam the only father of Israel on the earth. Looks to me like there was a previous creation through Satan of whom The Father gave this world to as King. Our King the Christ's time has not yet come as he is bringing his kingdom with him from above after Satan's kingdom is destroyed by fire. It is a literal formation described in Revelation. As for me the treasure hunter, I am a born again Christian; this means that I am sealed in my forehead with the promise I shall not suffer death like the majority. In Christ, a promise is a promise. I am not a necromancer nor do I serve wicked Kings. I do not worship the Devil and have and always will make every effort to burn Satan at his own game, with his own tools and in his own back yard. Gee, I thought I was being nice in a mention of where the real no longer lost Dutchman is. Father said all things must first be revealed.

Mr. Fork,

"These so called experts examined them after they had already been in the hands of white men; God only knows what may have transpired with those clever rascals. Ever heard of a bow drill? Ship builders and Masons been using them for a little while now I think."

Interesting......seeing you denigrate the professionals who examined the Stone Maps. You follow that up with an "expert" opinion of the bow drill, and who used them and when. Do you have any sources that you use as a basis for either opinion.

Having had conversations with two of the three professional who examined the tablet, and were willing to put their names at the conclusion of their opinions, I feel slightly more qualified to judge their motives and expertise in the matter than those who only read the article. On the other hand, I would probably bet money that you have never seen that article.......right?

After fifty trips into the Superstitions, perhaps you would be willing to share a few photos with us.

Thanks in advance,

Joe Ribaudo

Nope, sorry guys but that would be cheating. It's enough that you have motorized vehicles, roads, the ability to carry mass quantities of water, and 10 different versions as to where the mine is. I found and figured the mine site with the tablets by camping in the area for 3 weeks to start, using a very powerful dowser to get close, one that was never wrong once in 34 years, and I didn't carry a camera because I was poor and scraping just to be there. Found it in 82', haven't been back since 86. The forum of the fool tells you where it is. The proof is in the pudding, go see for yourself.

Mr. Fork,

All this success with finding lost Spanish mines, and you still have to save up for a month, just for gas money. ::) See anything wrong with that scenario?

Joe Ribaudo

Sorry I didn't explain myself clearer. That was about 28 years ago. One time, I rode a Kawasaki 100cc Enduro nearly 500 miles and lived on 4 large pieces of beef jerky and water for four days in the desert to get my mind right about the mine. The motor blew out one of it's two rings from out of the tail pipe, but it still got me home. Knowledge is power. Gold is power. Knowledge of where tons of gold bullion is accessible from is a danger to your health and that of your community due to the corruption of Roosevelt's government, that took the control of your money out of the hands of the people and gave it to ZOG; better know as the Federal Reserve. You can bet that all of that crap about setting aside national parks for your enjoyment , was really a scam to keep you the American public from getting your hands on all of the natural resources they contain within their boundaries. Nature reserves my butt. Wasn't it special as to how they baffled you with Roosevelt's big grin and his bragging about how wonderful his hunting excursions were? A big hurra, bully my boy. Now that's entertainment. Thank Jesus all of the gold is God's. A curse on those who have brought Christian America to the edge of the sword.

Evening Twisted fork: I will not get into a religious discussion with you, simply because after yeah many thousands of years fighting, nothing has been settled, despite uncounted millions of dead simply because of minor differences.

But I do want to get into it with you on this spiritual guide business.

For some reason I never had a single doubt that I was supposed to find Tayopa ?? Why? It just wasn't logical, hundreds had failed before me over the centuries, many have died. No. it was not a hope, but a firm belief???.

As things developed, it turned out that I was effectively just a tool, apparently I was/am being coached and helped by who or what? Every time that I was stumped or needed a bit of financial help, the answer always arrived. However, It was never more than I needed to continue to the next step, but it did arrive. Eventually I became so complacent knowing that it would come to pass, that I just relaxed and waited for it to arrive. It still is working out that way.

Is this what could be called a spiritual adviser, or am I simply more intelligent and psychic that I hope, and can cause these things to happen, even while I know the answer subconsciously??

I am interested in your opinion, but without any religious overtones.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Good evening Twisted Fork: A side thing, but bow drills are useless for making side cuts - routing - as would be required in making the tablets. They 'can' drill holes fairly efficiently and also start fires.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well honestly Jose, I would say you have a friend in the Holy Spirit. A willing spirit guide is readily available in any one of these locations where the dead hold secrets and could be of assistance to your perception, but there is reason for caution if they should try to make themselves too familiar. If you start to hear a voice talking to you beyond the quiet voice you know as your God, test that spirit like a pest. Corner them in control and ask them just what it is that they want and what are they doing here in the first place. You may begin to fell drawn in a particular direction or begin seeing your surroundings in a different light. Legends speak of seeing through the eyes of the dead and finding trails that once were but are no longer as you experience a panorama of their memory. This may only last within a single canyon and only upon the first visit and I know from experience that when you return to that canyon a second time, it will look much different from years of erosion. This can happen without you even realizing it as a spirit may be sent under the control of the Holy Spirit as a guide that helps only you right from the start and blinds and drives away all others in any number of ways causing them to loose interest promptly. The experience is similar to being downloaded and the program being run at a required time. For the most part as humans, we cannot do otherwise, as this world is far more spiritual than it is material. It pays to be a good listener with patience. Sounds like there is something out there with your name on it. There are times and places to be alone for your eyes only.

A bow drill could be set in a clamped and slotted jig with a little imagination; those were smart boys. Hope you guys got a gander at those other maps before they vanish into thin air.

HOLA amigos,

Twisted Fork wrote
Picking at the mix you have covered, God destroyed the earth at least once and therefore it makes it impossible to determine just how old it really is.

Well amigo that "mix" you refer to is my attempt to reply to the mix of various different subjects you posted. ;) The bible states that the world was destroyed with a FLOOD which killed off LIVING things on land, without utterly destroying the planet. The Lord is not wasteful with his creation. I suggest you read a little on Geology, it is very helpful in seeking lost mines and ledges, and there is no real disagreement between Science and God, only among some preachers who apparently are misreading or misunderstanding scripture and/or science. The laws of science are the laws of Nature; the laws of Nature are the laws of God. The ancient Hebrew word for "nature" is the same word as for "god". We fall into what seems to be contradictions when we forget these little facts.

Twisted Fork also wrote
If you should study both sides of the fence in regards to Mormonism and Masonry, you will soon find out for yourself that Smith was a crock. Further study of the Bible will reveal to you that when God kicked Cane out of the homeland, he sniveled in fear over the fact Quote: "But the other men will kill me." Looks like traditional views get scraped again. The earth was already populated when God placed Adam the only father of Israel on the earth. Looks to me like there was a previous creation through Satan of whom The Father gave this world to as King.

Well amigo I have studied these very subjects you speak of, possibly in greater depth than even you have. As I mentioned earlier I suspect that the gold plates found by Smith could have been genuine and still be completely NOT related to the Bible in any way. There was a nautical civilization in the ancient world who DID make and use gold sheets or plates to record important documents (like treaties) but they were very far from being Jewish or Christian (at least not for centuries later) so my suspicion is that Smith found a record of one of their visits, possibly a treaty or transfer of realty that they wanted recorded. I have no way to verify or disprove my suspicion, as we are not allowed access to those plates not even photographs.

As for Cain being outcast and the reference to other people, you may be mistaken about attributing these other people to Satan, for within Genesis we are told of the first creation of Man, (ordinary people, Gentiles) and later of the creation of Adam and Eve, whom are in effect the first Hebrews but not the first "men". Check out

First humans created
Genesis 1:27

Adam and Eve created, AFTER humans were already trotting around
Genesis 5:1

You didn't think the Bible was simply repeating the story did you? If it were just a repeat of the story, then the male children of Adam and Eve could not have found wives to marry since there were no other people. I really am not sure where you are getting some of your views as stated, but a re-read of the scriptures could change some of your views.

One other thing amigo - in case you didn't know, our mutual friend Real de Tayopa is famous for being the man who found (and now owns) the famous and long-lost Tayopa mines in Mexico. I look forward to reading his book when he releases it, quite an adventure-filled life. He has provided photos, maps, latitudes and longitudes, along with certified assay reports on the ore samples he brought out. If you got the impression that I am "picking" on you for your claim to have found the Lost Dutchman, be assured that I grilled Don Jose even worse back when I first learned he had found it. (I had plans or more correct, HOPES to go and look for Tayopa myself one day, so was very shocked when I heard about him!) :o ;D :icon_thumleft:

My apologies to our readers for drifting so far off-topic AGAIN. To try to tie this back in to the Peralta Stones, if something spiritual has guided you to find something, there is really no way to prove it.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you all find the treasures that you seek. :icon_thumright:

:coffee2: :coffee:

In an attempt to leave Mormonism for what it is worth, I was raised in it and know very well what the works of the devil are compared to those of the Holy Spirit. Documents surfaced back in the 50's that were long forgotten and found on accident deep in the storage of their vault. There were pages of practice notes in Joseph Smith's own hand writing that he and Sidney Rigdon used to compile the scam know as the book of mormon. The plates were brass and made by their buddy Oliver in his blacksmith shop back on the farm. Smith's own wife Emma, told the parents of his numerous brides that he married behind her back, that it was all a scam and this was after Joseph denied saying anything about polygamy right in front of all of his brides and their families during a meeting in the forest. Emma found out about the brides and cornered him right in front of them. Emma found out from a newspaper article over the concerns of the new commandment of polygamy and so Smith and his buddies burned down the print shop that night in anger of Emma cornering him. The governor had him thrown in Jail with his pals and the parents and families of his own brides rose up in a mob and killed him for conning them. The details of Emma cornering him at the meeting were on church documents as the minutes were kept. He burned down the paper print shop on the night of the same date. There is piles of other evidence just like this. It was and is a crock.

Jesus came from the blood of Adam; He was of the house of Israel and the tribe of Levi. What else matters with the others who did not attend our alters? We are chosen of the house. Science is a slippery rock at best and the quickest way to get into trouble is to walk arm and arm with men. Your salvation is your thing alone. The monks who made the so called Peralta tablets were experts in all things due to years of works in the monasteries of Spain. Many of which were child prodigies of vision and skill beyond your imaginations. They were hand picked to oversee the King's treasures in the New World. Go figure..........

HOLA amigos,

Twisted Fork,
Without addressing the rest of your post, as it seems this has been a waste of both our time, I do have to ask you about one statement.

Twisted Fork wrote
We are chosen of the house.

Whom do you include in that "WE" of this statement? Thank you in advance,
:coffee2: :coffee:

Those who settled Europe from the Holy Land and their descendants. I am Scottish sir and of a royal house. So were the Spanish.

To further your education on Joe Smith's scam, look into the Italian witch that wrote the first edition of the Satanic bible, that Smith and his brother got out of the Mason's library Palmyra Chapter 12. In it, you will find the story of Mormo, God of the Gouls and his followers the Mormons. "They who seek after the dead" The cult first rose up in Europe, 200 years before Smith and they locals killed everyone of them, their animals and burned their farms to the ground, after they were caught in the forest with a kidnapped baby of which they had hung upside down and cut the throat of to drain into a goblet, that which was then passed around between them.

HOLA Twisted Fork (and everyone)

Well thanks for the 'education', and now I know we have very different ideas and views on many things amigo. I am tempted to ask how you make the connection between Smith's reported angel Moroni and Mormo, which really just looks like it is spelled similarly to what the Latter Day Saints are referred to, but doubtless it makes perfect sense to you. I notice that you state you are Scottish rather than American, and that you made no mention of the Christians of other lands such as Africa, Asia, etc but again it must make perfect sense to you. I am respectfully in disagreement on this point and quite a few others you have stated, and wish you good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the truth one day.

12 tribes of Israel.....White people....Ouch!

Surely your referring to the "Other Men" Cain mentioned, who have every right like all men to approach our Lord and Savior should they desire to do so, but as the book of book clearly portrays, you are talking about my ancestors enemies and if any of them made it onto the Ark, it was two by two; male and female, according to the standards and law of the day. Where do you think racism was spawned in the first place? We are all unique animals in the wilderness.

Twisted Fork wrote
but as the book of book clearly portrays, you are talking about my ancestors enemies and if any of them made it onto the Ark, it was two by two; male and female, according to the standards and law of the day.

Are you absolutely certain of this amigo?

Twisted Fork also wrote
Where do you think racism was spawned in the first place?

In ignorance.

Twisted Fork also wrote
We are all unique animals in the wilderness.


Like it said............and to further it's description, God's people have never been eaters of men; Cain's worst fear.


"Racism" and "ignorance" all in the same post. Somehow that seems very appropriate in this particular conversation.

Very nice,


MUCHAS gracias amigo for the kind words! <blush> Once in a while I find an acorn. :icon_jokercolor:

Twisted Fork wrote
Like it said............and to further it's description, God's people have never been eaters of men;

Where do you get these ideas amigo? Are you absolutely CERTAIN that "God's people" have NEVER been eaters of men? Better re-read your scripture amigo!

"So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son. Kings+6:28-30&version=KJV
:coffee2: :coffee:

I think if you read through the "entire" text again, you will find that it was an unnecessary act and that they should have had faith and waited. You will know them by their works; your salvation is not based on your bloodline, rather than by the quality of your spirit. Kazars or Pharasees as an "example," are not of that bloodline nor do they have the inherent qualities to be spiritual in Christ. There is a reason why there were Angels with flaming swords at entrances to the Garden of Eden; it wasn't to keep the beasts in that were with Adam and Eve, but to keep the unclean beasts out.

Twisted Fork wrote
I think if you read through the "entire" text again, you will find that it was an unnecessary act and that they should have had faith and waited.

Are you dodging what I just pointed out to you? You stated that God's people were NEVER eaters of men, and I showed you this is incorrect. It is easy in hindsight for us to say yes, they were in error, yet they were not punished for their error as in their eyes, with a powerful enemy outside the walls and no help appearing, the situation seemed hopeless to them.

Now I find discussion of scripture interesting, and politix less so, and neither subject is really within the scope of this forum. I have half-expected to see our posts go "poof" when one of the moderators should spot how far off topic we have gone. I was NOT trying to irritate you by pointing out places in the bible that conflict with what you have said, just wanted to point out that some of the things you have been saying are incorrect, at least in the words stated. I am fairly familiar with the bible amigo, I hope our banter on it has at least encouraged you to read the bible some more. :icon_thumleft:

My apologies for this very-far-off topic discussion we have had, I will try to refrain from posting any more religious-based or political based posts. I have no idea how to tie this back into the subject at hand. If anything I have said is offensive to anyone, my sincere apologies as NO offense was intended.

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