The Peralta Stones


This one is pretty much the same....but more than four years old.

Joe Ribaudo Post subject: Inside Information
PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:39 pm

Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2002 10:36 pm
Posts: 4603

Someone who seems to have gathered a good deal of "inside information"
on this case, is Matthew Roberts (Aurum).

Here are some of his better posts from another Forum:

The Stone Map question of authenticity is clouded in a lot of mis information and twisted facts. This is not the result of deception but rather retelling of stories that were part fact and part speculation.

For what it's worth, the FBI never did their own investigation into the Stone Maps. When Alleen Tumlinson sold the maps in 1961 to Clarence Mitchell, it was Mitchell who had the Stone Maps analized by three geologists who worked for the University of California at Los Angeles. Martin Stout was the professor of Geology at UCLA and D.L. Dana and Donald Chance were professors of geology and geoscience at Redlands University in Redlands, California. The three geologists, with help fromthe Redlands University Art History Department, concluded the maps were of an age, more than 100 years old but unable to give an exact age beyond that estimate. Professors Chance and Dana provided Clarence Mitchell with a letter of authenticity stating these findings.

Clarence O. Mitchell was MOEL Inc. He was the President and Chief executive officer of the MOEL Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada. Arthur Meyers was the attorney for the corporation. When Clarence Mitchell was under investigation by the State of Nevada for securities violations, the FBI became involved because investments and assets were located outside the State of Nevada.

The FBI never did an investigation into the authenticity of the Stone Maps. They simply took Clarence Mitchell's letter of authenticity and questioned professors Stout, Dana and Chance about their findings. All three professors stood by their original conclusion based upon their earlier investigations, and Professor Dana provided the FBI and State of Nevada with a letter that confirmed their earlier conclusion.

Bob Corbin's comments, merely reflected what the FBI themselves knew about the authenticity of the Stone Maps. Bob Corbin is the former Attorney General of the State of Arizona. I have known Bob and his family for many years, have been in the mountains on numerous occasions with him and consider him to be honest and above board in all his dealings.

The FBI never confiscated the Stone Maps from MOEL Inc. They merely siezed them as evidence while the securities investigation was ongoing. The maps were returned to Clarence Mitchell following the investigation and it was Mitchell who donated the maps to the Arizona Mineral Museum which today includes the Flagg Foundation. The maps are today, on loan to the Arizona Mineral Museum / Flagg Foundation from MOEL Inc.



I just first read this exchange yesterday so didn't have the means to post any sooner.

The source for the Stone Maps being returned to Clarence Mitchell was Mason Coggins, former chief geologist and curator of the Arizona State Mineral Museum in Phoenix. Mason told me he received the stone tablets from Mitchell as a loan. The Museum never publically displayed the stones but did loan them out to interested groups or as a novelty during special events at the museum.

There were few investors outside of Mitchell himself, his family and close friends. Coggins stated it was Mitchell himself who approached the Museum. The Flagg Foundation did not become involved with the stones until later.

The stones were found to be of no value other than as a personal curiousity. Mitchell bought the stones, he did not dig them up himself and since it could not be proven other than by heresay where the stones were found, there was no legal claim the State or Federal Government had over them. For all anyone knew they could have came from anywhere. Mrs. Tumlinson was dead at the time of the investigations and could not be called upon to testify. The stones were old, but old is not the legal requirement to confiscate something. There are other legal requirements that must be proven to confiscate private property. Mitchell was never convicted of any crimes, he agreed to disolve MOEL Inc. and not to engage in securities exchange for the next 3 or 5 years. I believe Bob Corbin told me once that the whole matter was settled out of court but I am not certain if those were his exact words.

Confiscation and seizing property are two seperate things under the law. The government can confiscate property that clearly doesn't belong to someone or property that someone clearly got illegally. The government can seize private property but must prove the property is not the legal property of the individual or return it to them.

Other than Clarence Mitchell was also known as Travis Marlowe, a nom de plume, I can't add much to the story.

At one time I didn't believe the Stone Maps were authentic but have in years since changed that opinion. I do not know where the maps lead to, who made them or if they had anything to do with the Peralta's.



I can't say why some are getting threatening phone calls and messages. I know that the Stone Map topic is a very passionate issue with some folks. For all that is known about the stones, it is overshadowed by the mountain of things that aren't known. The MOEL Corporation and the legal problems that followed only served to cloud the issues even more. There are some very knowledgable people, here, and out there who know a whole lot more about the stones than I do and they guard their knowledge and secrets very seriously.

I feel for the investors who lost money in the MOEL investigation and never got it back. One has to take into account that in the early 1960's, the best these investors could hope to regain from the stone maps was the value Clarence Mitchell paid for them, $1,200. And that was only if someone back then would have paid that for them. We tend to fast forward to today and look at what the stones might bring on todays market after all the publicity of the past 43 years. The prospectus of the MOEL Corporation only promised a return on investment if the maps were acurate and the mines/treasure could be located and would still be in place. It was buyer beware in spades. MOEL wasn't in trouble so much for promising things they couldn't produce, rather they got in trouble for the way they went about selling their stock and for selling without a proper liscense.

My personal take on the whole thing is the government, while skeptical, never had evidence, nor could they prove the stone maps were a fake or that the Tumlinsons or Mitchell had any hand in their creation. That is by no means an endorsement of their authenticity, only the statement that while the government could prove MOEL
didn't follow proper proceedures in the sale of stock, they couldn't prove conclusively the stones were fakes.




I have to agree with you completely about Alleen Tumlinsons role in the Stone Maps. Without her involvement the stones would have been lost forever. The story of where the stones originated, how and where they were found, as well as the account of the MOEL investigation leave a LOT of unanswered questions. What I have posted is just the little I have learned over the years from Bob Corbin, Martin Stout, Mason Coggins and a man named Robert Miller who now has the personal effects of Clarence O. Mitchell. A letter written in 1962 from Alleen Tumlinson to Clarence Mitchell is a real eye opener. The letter doesn't prove or disprove the authenticity of the Stone Maps or their origin but does point one to some conclusions that few if any Stone Map seekers have contemplated. The Mitchell material is not mine so I cannot comment on what I think. There is ongoing research but where it will lead and what it will uncover is again a big question mark. Nothing that would solve the puzzle of the Stone Maps but there is a possibility it might lead to their origin.

Concerning the other Forum you mentioned. There is no way information such as appears here could ever be posted or considered on that forum, for obvious reasons.



I have no idea what his last statement means, but this is still the best place on the planet to find serious information dealing with the LDM and other legends surrounding the Superstition Mountains, and it follows, of course, that Matthew's informaiton is usually the best of the best.

Joe Ribaudo



"This one is pretty much the same....but more than four years old."

I do appreciate your taking the time to inform me and everyone else that I posted, pretty much, the same thing four years ago. Does my post have some kind of special meaning for you, or are you just having a slow/bad day? :dontknow:

Just so you can put your mind at ease, there are many people posting today who have never seen that particular information. I felt it was still relevant and, at least, managed to shoehorn it into the proper topic. :wink:

That being said, I am getting older and probably somewhat senile. If you want the job, maybe I could run my future posts by you first, just in case I might post something that would embarrass me.

The Apache don't say thank you, but say "I understand" instead. That seems appropriate here, so.....I understand. On the other hand, I do appreciate your keeping track of every post I have ever made and trying to keep things orderly. :notworthy:

Take care,


i would like to thank you some hiker and CJ for posting this info .. it may help me in proving my findings .. we now know the stones were made in 1646 or just before that date , so we can now look at the statement made .."concluded the maps were of an age, more than 100 years old but unable to give an exact age beyond that estimate." with a real under standing of how good their aging of the stones real were at the time .fact was more then 460 years old . so when we are looking for other treasures or completing this discovery we need to remember these stone had no real way dating them .. and i think this was done by the Jesuits to help hide their real meaning and age ..think how many years these stone lay in the bottom of that church waiting .. some how they end up were they were found , yet as soon as the left the church and the 3 parts of the tri code were broken apart any chance of braking the code went with them at the time ..and then the letter were found in 1912 and two parts were now known but no longer were they keep together , thus now two parts of the code were unsolvable ..

one thing i found interesting was the letters were still sealed when they were found , so before the date of 1912 the code keys could not have been found with out the letters being opened .. ,, the next thing i would love to half you guys that do a lot better then me at this kind of research step in and see what you can find about Tayopa and the stones .. we know almost nothing relating Tayopa to the superstition mts let alone Arizona .. i under stood the Sonora to be most of the lower half of Arizona in the new Spain time early years , and i know state hood over rides all per claim on the state we find these part of history per-dates the state it self ..and we have almost nothing to help build a history around the facts that have been uncovers by this discovery .. you guys have a chance to help change history ..

give me patterns and sequences . the rest is better left to people that are far better at it then i am ..

we have a rare chance to share a real discovery that will change history as we know it ...

the Tayopa pasto site has been there for all these years and we had no idea what it was ..

Gollum has a good detector from what i read .. at this point we have no idea what can be found at that site .. i have known the location of the Ma Pa mine for years , but only a few weeks ago did i find the meaning of the horse stone .. if you guys under stand CJ better then me then work with him researching the sites history .. be careful these are historical sites and we don't know if the state will step in and take control of them yet .. but we can do the research ..and you guys now far more then i do about the area and its history but we all have a chance to help bring this discovery to light and this dose not happen every day ..

i will help what i can .. but i did what my gifts is best at ..

it will take some real work and research to put Tayopa back together again ..i welcome any help you can add ..

at the rendezvous i hope to lay all the cards on the table ,, and explain what i know and how i know it , the code is a brain wrecker .. multi level with tri keys .. its easier to explain the translation then it is the patterns that make them ..

but focusing on the stones and knowing they do fit the superstitions is a big step forward ...

Ok, that statement "I am somewhat older than you young ones" --- please - somebody tell me they are MUCH older than me ( :laughing7:)
(you aren't, CJ - we are in the same decade of life :laughing9:) As long as 60+ is "young ones", I'm in!!!!!!


I just have to add the fact that it is NOT just the lichens, etc., like Aurum has written. It was also other things - like, as was mentioned, the types
of stones, the conditions that would tell whether or not they had been buried, and if so, in what kind of environment, AND, the type of writing - as is mentioned in the Desert Archaeology papers, along with the differences in the "1847" lettering - It is not one thing or another, but, rather, I believe - the combination of things that make people decide what the stones are - the whole combination.

I do find it incredible, that until that fateful day in Arizona, when someone got out of a car to take a pee (I do not believe he got out to "look around"), that nobody ever heard of the stones. Anywhere. And, frankly, and this is my own opinion only - and subject to change based on information available, if he did get out to "look", he already knew what he was looking for and was supposed to be finding.

There have been many different variations of how the stones were found - none can really be proven to my satisfaction, and, I know that there
have been some scams pulled with the stones - and people using different names - but, even a few of us - right here - use different pen names and the like, so, I'm not sure that information would be an open and shut definitive proof of anything - bad or good.

I really look forward to - hopefully, getting more information of the chain of custody of the stones - to me, that may prove something, one way or another.


Sorry to go back a few posts, but I couldn't reply until now ?

Regarding desert survivability --

!) The classic formula as quoted by Joe, the cactus jumper, "Ration sweat , not Water".

2) No synthetic clothing materiel, just good old cotton.

3) No belts, but use suspenders and the next size trousers, go floppy in both pants, underclothing, and shirts. this rations sweat by keeping your body cooler. Honest

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I wish that I could BETH, but one must remain honest no, even in here. snicker

Don Jose,

If not for the laughter, dressing like a Bedouin would have distinct advantages for the citizens of Arizona. :D On the other hand, they do know how to enjoy a good cup of coffee. :thumbsup: :coffee2:

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

"This one is pretty much the same....but more than four years old."

I do appreciate your taking the time to inform me and everyone else that I posted, pretty much, the same thing four years ago. Does my post have some kind of special meaning for you, or are you just having a slow/bad day? :dontknow:

Just so you can put your mind at ease, there are many people posting today who have never seen that particular information. I felt it was still relevant and, at least, managed to shoehorn it into the proper topic. :wink:

That being said, I am getting older and probably somewhat senile. If you want the job, maybe I could run my future posts by you first, just in case I might post something that would embarrass me.

The Apache don't say thank you, but say "I understand" instead. That seems appropriate here, so.....I understand. On the other hand, I do appreciate your keeping track of every post I have ever made and trying to keep things orderly. :notworthy:

Take care,


Apparently you do misunderstand.I agree that quoting comments and re-posting older information is beneficial to those who may be new to the topic.I posted the original in order to counter the claim by BB that you were in the habit of deleting your posts,which I find somewhat ironic.I do not save your posts for posterity since they are readily available by keyword search,as are all posts that have not been deleted,as bowman's are so frequently.I do find the your change of heart (pun intended) towards Aurum a bit odd,but "odd" is the nature of this site and so I did not bother to mention it in this post.


Blindbowman said:
your name is fiting ...

but you have some of it right ..

Your all to kind.......and green like chronic; Twisted Fork comes from the experience of holding a willow in my hands as I walk towards the lode. Upon turning in it's direction, with the sun at my back at around 10:00 A.M., I am able to begin receiving the "pull" from more than 5 miles away. Upon close approach, the bark on the willow I am holding begins to twist and separate from the stalk of the forked stick and twists apart in my grip. This is because the "pull" has become so intense that the sensation is comparable to landing a large catfish in the Salt River. Yes folks, the Peraltas loved to gorge on catfish from the river near the mine.

Once upon a time, there was an old women who flew in hired planes for the oil companies. From several thousand feet up, she was able to speak and point out just exactly where they needed to drill. She would explain in detail as to what kind of strata they would encounter drilling on the way down to the deposit; Three hundred feet would contact water, 358 feet would encounter gas, 426 feet would encounter and so on and so on until she explained the exact depth, even thousands of feet down to the pool of oil; down to the exact foot. In thirty four years, she was never wrong even once, and she did this every weekend for the entire duration. Before she passed away some years ago, she walked over a large portion of the Peralta site, with me standing at her side. On that day, she touched my shoulder once and shared with me the experience of "the pull".

An apparition appeared on a slope in the area and she lost her power until she was gone from the area. This apparition was a long dark haired bearded man in a full length white linen garment. He was noticed by three individuals present and as her power stopped, this being turned about face, took a step towards the rock and vanished before their eyes. Pretty funny huh? This was in the summer of 82." The rest of the party involved backed out of the entire scenario permanently, I on the other hand went from one marker to the next literally documenting the entire site.

This experience has continued across many miles of mountains leading far North into Utah where the chain of concealed mines leads to, that are already under my belt. Pretty funny eh? I've probably wore out more boots, vehicles and nerves than most of you put together. When I tell you a funny story, you have the right to laugh it up all you wish. If your real laughing boy, you'll just go crazy over years of wandering around in the heat of every place where it's not located, won't you. Your looking at a gift horse that's laughing right along with you.

Twisted Fork

cactusjumper said:
A letter written in 1962 from Alleen Tumlinson to Clarence Mitchell is a real eye opener. The letter doesn't prove or disprove the authenticity of the Stone Maps or their origin but does point one to some conclusions that few if any Stone Map seekers have contemplated.

Joe Ribaudo
I must admit,that this quote from Aurum has piqued my interest

Twisted Fork said:
Blindbowman said:
your name is fiting ...

but you have some of it right ..

Your all to kind.......and green like chronic; Twisted Fork comes from the experience of holding a willow in my hands as I walk towards the lode. Upon turning in it's direction, with the sun at my back at around 10:00 A.M., I am able to begin receiving the "pull" from more than 5 miles away. Upon close approach, the bark on the willow I am holding begins to twist and separate from the stalk of the forked stick and twists apart in my grip. This is because the "pull" has become so intense that the sensation is comparable to landing a large catfish in the Salt River. Yes folks, the Peraltas loved to gorge on catfish from the river near the mine.

Once upon a time, there was an old women who flew in hired planes for the oil companies. From several thousand feet up, she was able to speak and point out just exactly where they needed to drill. She would explain in detail as to what kind of strata they would encounter drilling on the way down to the deposit; Three hundred feet would contact water, 358 feet would encounter gas, 426 feet would encounter and so on and so on until she explained the exact depth, even thousands of feet down to the pool of oil; down to the exact foot. In thirty four years, she was never wrong even once, and she did this every weekend for the entire duration. Before she passed away some years ago, she walked over a large portion of the Peralta site, with me standing at her side. On that day, she touched my shoulder once and shared with me the experience of "the pull".

An apparition appeared on a slope in the area and she lost her power until she was gone from the area. This apparition was a long dark haired bearded man in a full length white linen garment. He was noticed by three individuals present and as her power stopped, this being turned about face, took a step towards the rock and vanished before their eyes. Pretty funny huh? This was in the summer of 82." The rest of the party involved backed out of the entire scenario permanently, I on the other hand went from one marker to the next literally documenting the entire site.

This experience has continued across many miles of mountains leading far North into Utah where the chain of concealed mines leads to, that are already under my belt. Pretty funny eh? I've probably wore out more boots, vehicles and nerves than most of you put together. When I tell you a funny story, you have the right to laugh it up all you wish. If your real laughing boy, you'll just go crazy over years of wandering around in the heat of every place where it's not located, won't you. Your looking at a gift horse that's laughing right along with you.

Twisted Fork

i was holding that same Y at the age of 4 . and my father was a man that enjoyed under standing how the art worked by standing me out there and saying find some water , here ya go .. it took weeks of standing around wondering what the hell he was talking about ,i think by the age of 7 i had some idea ..after the effects got skill i started with gold iron and silver , by the age of 17 i threw the stick away .. now i just feel and use my sense ,, i feel the magnetic fields , you just have to know what your looking for ..


BB: reply :

you have a clear mind and you see things most did not question .. the 1847 is different for a good reason ..

to help clear up any questions about what the 1847 stands for i will give part of the translation .. it most likely will create more questions then answers ..

the 1847 is not a date as i have stated before it is in fact read 3 ways . the first

1.) is ( 1 infinity for 7 ) relating the Jesuits to the code

2.) is the link between the heart stone and the first stone in reverse / priest stone /horse stone .. it was already read forward in order the 1847 is the key for the second level translation of the first stone ..

how .. 1 8 4 7 all the numbers are matching the stones a lineaments as they are read in the second level .. .. look at the first word on the priest stone and the top word on the horse stone . you would read them as if they were one stone .. 4 leters on the priest stone 7 letters on the horse stone ESTA YOPASTO

1 8 4 7
(ESTA) (Sombrero) (EL TA) ( YOPASTO )

( translation ) = ES (El Sombrero) / ( TAYOPA Pasto)

now do you see the 1 8 4 7 it started with 1 word set on the first level (ESTA ) it translated to a 8 letter word and then you drop to the next level at 4 and 7 linking the second part of the code to the first part ....

1 8 4 7

the 3 level translation is much harder .. if you look on the priest stone you see the word Busca , if you look on the Tayopa letter you will see a word in code , biscalla translated the word says bisca all .. it means

Bisca is a Portuguese word used in card games. It may refer to:

the Portuguese variation of the Italian game Briscola
the name of the playing card 7 in certain Portuguese games like Bisca or Sueca

Rank and point value of cards Cards, by Rank Point Value
Ace (ás) 11
Seven (7) (bisca or manilha) 10
King (rei) 4
Jack (valete) 3
Queen (dama)

the R on the maps means rancho only on the first level . it means R for Reverse on the second level of the translation

R10 = to the king from the Jesuits

what makes the stones confusing is the multi levels of code on top of each other , they are design that way ..

so yes Beth the 1847 is not a date , its a numerical digit multi tri level code key

yes, i have broken the Jesuit Tayopa code of 1646 ..

see why i said the stones can not be faked .. the code is multi level and to complex . one stone links to the next and the heart stones 1847 code key links the horse /priest to the heart stone,

they are a set of coded stones from 1646

yes .. i have found TAYOPA

Twisted Fork said:
Blindbowman said:
your name is fiting ...

but you have some of it right ..

Your all to kind.......and green like chronic; Twisted Fork comes from the experience of holding a willow in my hands as I walk towards the lode. Upon turning in it's direction, with the sun at my back at around 10:00 A.M., I am able to begin receiving the "pull" from more than 5 miles away. Upon close approach, the bark on the willow I am holding begins to twist and separate from the stalk of the forked stick and twists apart in my grip. This is because the "pull" has become so intense that the sensation is comparable to landing a large catfish in the Salt River. Yes folks, the Peraltas loved to gorge on catfish from the river near the mine.

Once upon a time, there was an old women who flew in hired planes for the oil companies. From several thousand feet up, she was able to speak and point out just exactly where they needed to drill. She would explain in detail as to what kind of strata they would encounter drilling on the way down to the deposit; Three hundred feet would contact water, 358 feet would encounter gas, 426 feet would encounter and so on and so on until she explained the exact depth, even thousands of feet down to the pool of oil; down to the exact foot. In thirty four years, she was never wrong even once, and she did this every weekend for the entire duration. Before she passed away some years ago, she walked over a large portion of the Peralta site, with me standing at her side. On that day, she touched my shoulder once and shared with me the experience of "the pull".

An apparition appeared on a slope in the area and she lost her power until she was gone from the area. This apparition was a long dark haired bearded man in a full length white linen garment. He was noticed by three individuals present and as her power stopped, this being turned about face, took a step towards the rock and vanished before their eyes. Pretty funny huh? This was in the summer of 82." The rest of the party involved backed out of the entire scenario permanently, I on the other hand went from one marker to the next literally documenting the entire site.

This experience has continued across many miles of mountains leading far North into Utah where the chain of concealed mines leads to, that are already under my belt. Pretty funny eh? I've probably wore out more boots, vehicles and nerves than most of you put together. When I tell you a funny story, you have the right to laugh it up all you wish. If your real laughing boy, you'll just go crazy over years of wandering around in the heat of every place where it's not located, won't you. Your looking at a gift horse that's laughing right along with you.

Twisted Fork

I haven't heard the old 'dowsed for the big oil companies' story for years - yes, it was a very popular anecdote in the '80's amongst those 'in the know'. I heard a couple different versions, one guy did it from planes, the other from aerial photos. I've always wondered why the big oil boys bothered to hire all those geologists - seems like an unnecessary expense.

Here's a tip for those who rely on dowsing: the proof is in the pudding. 'Knowing' you've found where something is located by dowsing is not the same as actually finding it. When confronted with another empty hole dug where the target was guaranteed by a 100% dowser to be hidden, the dowser's rationalization is usually something like this: 'Uh ... lightning musta' struck here too. It's the only way I could be wrong'. Well, boys, lightning strikes in many places. Are there dowsers who can actually dowse? Yes, to a limited degree, I believe so. I've met many 100%-er's, and only one of them had a verifiable talent. Here's another tip: if a dowser is charging money for his services, run away. Fast.

Concerning your ghost story: I guess we have to take your word for it. I've heard even better ones. One gigantic whopper I heard from Fred, my ancient black dowser pal (who also designed a ferro-cement submarine, but that's another story), was merely entertaining until part of his story proved itself to me in the Burro Mountains of New Mexico. Yeah, strange stuff happens all right - some of it supernatural, much of it real but secret stuff.

You've hinted several times about your true knowledge of this topic (Peralta stones, LDM) and other stuff in Utah, always in very veiled and secretive language. Don't you think it's time to get a little more specific about what you've 'found'? If your theories are all based on your dowsing skills, that's one thing, but if you have something tangible to share, that's another. If it's some terrible secret that you cannot tell us, then why keep gigging?

Springfield said:
Twisted Fork said:
Blindbowman said:
your name is fiting ...

but you have some of it right ..

Your all to kind.......and green like chronic; Twisted Fork comes from the experience of holding a willow in my hands as I walk towards the lode. Upon turning in it's direction, with the sun at my back at around 10:00 A.M., I am able to begin receiving the "pull" from more than 5 miles away. Upon close approach, the bark on the willow I am holding begins to twist and separate from the stalk of the forked stick and twists apart in my grip. This is because the "pull" has become so intense that the sensation is comparable to landing a large catfish in the Salt River. Yes folks, the Peraltas loved to gorge on catfish from the river near the mine.

Once upon a time, there was an old women who flew in hired planes for the oil companies. From several thousand feet up, she was able to speak and point out just exactly where they needed to drill. She would explain in detail as to what kind of strata they would encounter drilling on the way down to the deposit; Three hundred feet would contact water, 358 feet would encounter gas, 426 feet would encounter and so on and so on until she explained the exact depth, even thousands of feet down to the pool of oil; down to the exact foot. In thirty four years, she was never wrong even once, and she did this every weekend for the entire duration. Before she passed away some years ago, she walked over a large portion of the Peralta site, with me standing at her side. On that day, she touched my shoulder once and shared with me the experience of "the pull".

An apparition appeared on a slope in the area and she lost her power until she was gone from the area. This apparition was a long dark haired bearded man in a full length white linen garment. He was noticed by three individuals present and as her power stopped, this being turned about face, took a step towards the rock and vanished before their eyes. Pretty funny huh? This was in the summer of 82." The rest of the party involved backed out of the entire scenario permanently, I on the other hand went from one marker to the next literally documenting the entire site.

This experience has continued across many miles of mountains leading far North into Utah where the chain of concealed mines leads to, that are already under my belt. Pretty funny eh? I've probably wore out more boots, vehicles and nerves than most of you put together. When I tell you a funny story, you have the right to laugh it up all you wish. If your real laughing boy, you'll just go crazy over years of wandering around in the heat of every place where it's not located, won't you. Your looking at a gift horse that's laughing right along with you.

Twisted Fork

I haven't heard the old 'dowsed for the big oil companies' story for years - yes, it was a very popular anecdote in the '80's amongst those 'in the know'. I heard a couple different versions, one guy did it from planes, the other from aerial photos. I've always wondered why the big oil boys bothered to hire all those geologists - seems like an unnecessary expense.

Here's a tip for those who rely on dowsing: the proof is in the pudding. 'Knowing' you've found where something is located by dowsing is not the same as actually finding it. When confronted with another empty hole dug where the target was guaranteed by a 100% dowser to be hidden, the dowser's rationalization is usually something like this: 'Uh ... lightning musta' struck here too. It's the only way I could be wrong'. Well, boys, lightning strikes in many places. Are there dowsers who can actually dowse? Yes, to a limited degree, I believe so. I've met many 100%-er's, and only one of them had a verifiable talent. Here's another tip: if a dowser is charging money for his services, run away. Fast.

Concerning your ghost story: I guess we have to take your word for it. I've heard even better ones. One gigantic whopper I heard from Fred, my ancient black dowser pal (who also designed a ferro-cement submarine, but that's another story), was merely entertaining until part of his story proved itself to me in the Burro Mountains of New Mexico. Yeah, strange stuff happens all right - some of it supernatural, much of it real but secret stuff.

You've hinted several times about your true knowledge of this topic (Peralta stones, LDM) and other stuff in Utah, always in very veiled and secretive language. Don't you think it's time to get a little more specific about what you've 'found'? If your theories are all based on your dowsing skills, that's one thing, but if you have something tangible to share, that's another. If it's some terrible secret that you cannot tell us, then why keep gigging?

Maybe it's just the economy and loss of jobs Springfield, but it DOES seem as though we're seeing more and more Blindbowmans, John Kemms, Twisted Forks, etc... coming out of the woodwork doesn't it? The amusing part is that all of them are so 100% convinced they are the only ones who know the truth - and yet at least 2 of the 3 have to be wrong.

Crazy times!

if you know how to read the stone and translate them i don't need to share any more do i ... great this will save me a lot of time ,, i can do other things that need to be done around here .. good luck braking the rest of the code if you know thruth you dont even know what the X's mean on the trail map mean .. so go talk that sh** some where else .. so whats the truth CUP lets hear it this should be good

Blindbowman said:
if you know how to read the stone and translate them i don't need to share any more do i ... great this will save me a lot of time ,, i can do other things that need to be done around here .. good luck braking the rest of the code if you know thruth you dont even know what the X's mean on the trail map mean .. so go talk that sh** some where else .. so whats the truth CUP lets hear it this should be good

Gosh BB - why all the hate?? All I said is that at least 2 of the 3 have to be wrong - I didn't single you out as one of the 2.

So much anger...


Apparently you do misunderstand.I agree that quoting comments and re-posting older information is beneficial to those who may be new to the topic.I posted the original in order to counter the claim by BB that you were in the habit of deleting your posts,which I find somewhat ironic.I do not save your posts for posterity since they are readily available by keyword search,as are all posts that have not been deleted,as bowman's are so frequently.I do find the your change of heart (pun intended) towards Aurum a bit odd,but "odd" is the nature of this site and so I did not bother to mention it in this post."


"Odd repost:"

[Joe Ribaudo Post subject: Inside Information
PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:39 pm

Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2002 10:36 pm
Posts: 4603

"Bad day Joe?


I, almost, never deleat my posts. That's someone else's job, and he used to do a fine job of it.

Perhaps it was the portions in bold, posted on the LDM Forum, that led me astray. In any case, I understand your clearing it up.

Take care,



It's very difficult to stop baiting these guys, once you get started, just to see how far they will go. The only way I could break that habit was to put them on IGNORE.

Good luck,


cactusjumper said:

It's very difficult to stop baiting these guys, once you get started, just to see how far they will go. The only way I could break that habit was to put them on IGNORE.

Good luck,


We don't agree on everything Joe, but when you're right, you're right :) I'll give them one less audience member.


I can't imagine how you could disagree with me on.......anything. :dontknow:

Take care,


Cubfan64 said:
cactusjumper said:

It's very difficult to stop baiting these guys, once you get started, just to see how far they will go. The only way I could break that habit was to put them on IGNORE.

Good luck,


We don't agree on everything Joe, but when you're right, you're right :) I'll give them one less audience member.
LOL what they wont do to save face .. when your wrong your out right wrong

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