gollum said:
Sorry Ellie,
ONE MORE TIME: The word on the horse's haunch is PEDRO not PEDICO.
wow i dont even know where to start ,,
your correct Gollum it is not the word Pedico .. in fact it dose not mean Pedro ether ,...
i have broken the code all the way
you can guess and solve the code it will not work that way ..
these stones are made by the Jesuit priest and .. Ratana you do not have a 1 % chance of braking this code . he is at all levels a grand master Jesuit and you could not brake this code in 3 life times .. it takes a gifted mind to reach the levels needed to brake this code ... i am not joking , i have talked to other code barkers and some say they have tried . others have walked away and it still gives them night mare ..some went insane trying to brake this same code ..Ratana is a legend in his own time and 9 years latter i have the key and it opens everything all the way back to the king of Spain him self ..you do not know what these stones are .. i do .. you will never brake the code by guessing ..this code has a basic 6 levels but it can have 10 levels at time if needed .. honestly no i know at this site could brake this code in their life time ..the Jesuit were master of secrecy and Ratana was one of the best ever know at it ..any jesuit that saw the coded data knew Ratana had made it and they would pass it on to the next high level Jesuit . just because he was who he was ..the king of Spain trusted him to mint his gold bars .. whats that tell you .. his skills were second to none in the whole of the jesuit order..