I love you Bob Thanks

Slightly off topic: "17 Tons of Gold in New Mexico" U.S. data supplied to all attending the meeting by Professor Morada:
1. On the fifth of April – 1933 President Roosevelt of the United States issued the first executive order concerning gold standard, forbidding U.S. citizens from hoarding or owning private gold. Only miners and refiners could hold gold and they were to sell the metal to the U.S. federal mints as processed.
FDR further proposed to congress, that a U.S. gold act law be enacted and passed to stabilize the depression years and the devaluation of the U.S. dollar. Committees went to work on a law draft. The finance committee had the law prepared by late 1933 and after presented to congress was passed after winter adjournment in 1934.
January 17 – 1934 signed into law by FDR as the Gold Act. The federal reserve set the first price of gold at $35.00 per troy ounce. Making the Fort Knox federal reserve stronger and foreign debts easier to amortize. This afforded FDR?s rebuilding and new deal socialist policies.
2. Professor Morada had forecasted these events properly at the Mexico meeting of 1933. The Mexican group became known as Trabuco’s group. Trabuco’s group at the meeting proposed to purchase all the Mexican gold available at the $20.67 or less price, store and hold these for future U.S. sales.
Professor Morada had forcast the gold may go as high as $40/per ounce by 1935-36.
He cited many factors such as the U.S. stock crash of 1929, rebuilding and the U.S.
bank collapse. The group were gamblers and Trabuco already stored gold from his mines where he often retained seven to ten tons for speculations and or use as needed.
Profits were projected in a short time frame of at least 30% gain or over.
Professor Morada designed the plans where the Mexican nationals could smuggle the gold out of Mexico with ease and avoid Mexican laws which prohibited this. As only Mexican federal mints would handle Mexican produced gold. {By law}
The group would remove all the gold they accumulate in 1933 in Mexico, to the U.S.. There also existed small private Mexican miners who sold gold for cash, non recorded at the federal mint for as little as $15.00 per ounce.
"Trabuco was to be the moving agent and U.S. storage provider."
Note: only two among the group raised any questions at all. Ricardo Atrega asked, “What if the U.S. federal will not purchase the gold from us”? Profesor Morada replied, “We have always smuggled and sold on the Spain and Euro markets, avoiding our government’s inquiring eyes, this is no different and there is no Mexican border officials checking outgoing peoples.”
The group seemed satisfied and with Trabuco setting his gold in the deal, the others pooled monies with the investment banker, Rafael Borega to start immediate purchase of gold.
Borega set up a shop at Puebla Mexico with a small smelter and passed the word to the southern placer miners that there was a purchaser at Puebla. "Other miners, even from the north" traveled to Puebla to avoid sales to the monitored federal mint where government taxes were deducted and mine data was too often divulged to others.