cactusjumper said:
"CJ i hate to see you guys fighting with the stones .. scott says there fakes .. what do you think .. i know out right they are not ..i know how many people have tryed to brake them down they can not be read that way .. i will not explain yet but .. i am 100 % sure of my translation of these stone .. , i used them to locate something on the stones and it is there .. i can show you it it real . not just guessing ."
I don't mind telling you what I think, but the evidence is slim. I am fairly certain that the Horse/Priest stone was created to confuse the issue on the trail maps. I have never given them any serious thought whatsoever.
The trail maps are another matter. They do point to specific landmarks in the Superstitions, to the exclusion of any other place. I know there are people who claim they are maps to here or there or anywhere except the Supe's but, IMHO, they are wrong. While I don't believe the Stone Maps lead to any treasure today, that does not mean they don't show where treasure once was. They also show existing, old, mines or prospects.
I also believe they show Harry LaFrance's cave of gold bars. That gold was removed sometime in the mid-sixties. The people who created the Stone Maps knew where all these things were. They also knew there was nothing left, or worthwhile, at any of the sites they showed on the maps. The maps were created to scam people out of their money which, IMHO, also applies to the Latin Heart and the Stone Crosses.
I still like to talk about the Stone Maps, and see the evidence that is constantly unfolding, but I am out of the hunt. It was a great adventure for over forty years, but that part of my life is over. I hope you find what you are seeking. My personal opinion is, that you have already.......right here.
One thing I wanted to ask you. What methodology did you use to break the Jesuit code? Can you decode this: Klizzie, shi-da, wol-la-chee, lha-cha-eh, be-la-sana, dibeh-yazzie, moasi, tse-nihl, nesh-chee, tse-nihl, ah-jad.
Thanks in advance,
back to this reality
i will brake it down some so we on the same page some what
CJ:"I am fairly certain that the Horse/Priest stone was created to confuse the issue on the trail maps. I have never given them any serious thought whatsoever."
BB: very true , with out all the parts the code is broken and none of its peice have any value beyond that point..
the stone was design to be read when fliping it over and over bottom to top that both side of the stone can be read at the same time ...
CJ:"The trail maps are another matter. They do point to specific landmarks in the Superstitions, to the exclusion of any other place."
BB: all the stones have a dirrect meaning and focus , just because the focus is not a given location in the supers . dose not mean it dose not detail what is there and that at times the details and the location dirrects are linked by the code . brake the code and the data is isolated from their shared means
"I know there are people who claim they are maps to here or there or anywhere except the Supe's but, IMHO, they are wrong. While I don't believe the Stone Maps lead to any treasure today, that does not mean they don't show where treasure once was. They also show existing, old, mines or prospects."
BB: " the stone do fit the supers out right .. i can not says if they share the locations of 18 minas but i can says the piedad is coded on the horse stone and dose locate . i am not focused on other mines at this piont . but may after
so yes it dose list and locate at lest one other mine besides the ma pa
may is remind you of " three minerals of the world "
CJ : I also believe they show Harry LaFrance's cave of gold bars. That gold was removed sometime in the mid-sixties. The people who created the Stone Maps knew where all these things were. They also knew there was nothing left, or worthwhile, at any of the sites they showed on the maps. The maps were created to scam people out of their money which, IMHO, also applies to the Latin Heart and the Stone Crosses.
thats was not there true meaning but times change and so do the cultures of the modern world and its realities.. the greed of the culture that seeks , will find or share it greed with the surround chi ... here is a good exsample of it takes on a nature of its own being ...we feed it and rise it tell it turns on us like a wild cat ...anyone that dare enter dose so at their own risk ..
greed will destroy the vissel that holds it
CJ:I still like to talk about the Stone Maps, and see the evidence that is constantly unfolding, but I am out of the hunt. It was a great adventure for over forty years, but that part of my life is over. I hope you find what you are seeking. My personal opinion is, that you have already.......right here.
very ture , yet this legend is like the cookie jar ...smelling the cookies and wanting to eat them . are to be enjoyed as much as the smile on ones face after ..if you take all the cookies there will be no one left to share them with ...
you have shared a lot cookies in your days and those who ate them remeber your gift . you remind the when you real want something .. i think you will soon want again . so the hunt is still shineing in you ,....
BB: sorry i did not notice you worded this as a secound question ..
also applies to the Latin Heart and the Stone Crosses.
i have looked at these but there are not part of the true set and thus it would be risky to retry to relate them after the facts ..
let me explain . the latin cross is or is not a fake . do we know at this piont ,, if the heart stone had a inner stone that could be removed then , why ..
to flip it over and replace it with another inner heart
k we can see a logic reason the heart insert was made . ok were there any reasons to translate data to latin .. yes there was ..
that would mean the latin heart is not one of the true set , it is a after maybe in fact real or fake at this point the confussion is already at a high level and we are trying to limit confussion . thus i chose to set the latin heart aside till the main set of stone were fully decoded , will i add them in time . that would depend on the focus of the stones and if i reach out that far when the set is translated if the latin heart is fake or real dose not matter at this point .
i do question if the priest ayt Sanata ana spoke latin ..i do not think these stone were some kind of coin machine bring your heart and read the news of the day ..i see little to no logic in why the latin heart was made ..
if the latin heart was made after the set of main stones then why ?,... why not at the same time ?
and for who were they made ? thats the 3 question rule ... if you ask 3 or more questions then its most likely un related .. the best discription of the stone and work related to them i have seen was at jim hatts site . as i stated they were not and are not a focus in my research . i would throw them out . but they are clearly not dirrectly part of the main set of stones as the same can be stated for the stone crosses ..