The Peralta Stones

you guys scare the sh" out of me .. how do logically think you can judge distance by your standards to maps that you have know idea when they were created ????

if you can do that lets us know how you do it .. its not possible ...LOL the only true proven way to judge scale is a text must have a scale of reference to those who do under stand that . scale of mile is the basic reference . if you can not match one distance to another on the same scale , it is not to scale .. and first off you have to defind if a drawing or map is in layman terms ." line of sight " or " range & bearing " or "mark to mark" most older maps and charts are in navigational standards ,, but who's standards ? "go east to peak 3 and then 100 yards south "

most common people use line of sight , "there is a rock that looks like this"

then you the mark to mark .. this rock looks like a tree , then it shows you a picture of a horse . no real directions to find the horse just the vision link between one and the other ..

modern navigation is bearing and range always !, that's what is missing in the stones

they are made before the 1500's ..

no question what so ever , it is fact ! i dint care if they had things added or not the main data is before the 1500'S

navigation is like a signature

you can not fake it

and each is like a finger print . one of kind ...

Good afternoon: A minor posting of mine from another room that suggests possibilities for LDM hunters. You just need a $1:00 transistorized operated radio to possibly find quartz veins. I expect that the little earphone ones will do just nicely.

This was the basis for a patent in the early 1900's that actually found a no of Gold veins..

The simple theory was that an untuned radio, with it's noise filters bypassed, would pickup the random static caused by a quartz vein being subjected to the earths normal movements causing a piezo electric effect, forming an effective simple spark gap transmitter. It was also suggested that it might pick up evidence of a metallic body due to a secondary reaction.


Don Jose de La Mancha

i think i am going to leave for another 3 years .....

the reason a transistorize works in that condition has nothing what so ever to do with quartz vein it self ..

my father was radioman in Korea on a b29 ..

he was a teacher of Ham radio and CB to blind people

there is more to it then you know, the smaller transistorize radio tend to hydro dine because of the frequency drift ,and when they are just off frequency they tend to be effected by mineral deposits even the fact that quartz veins do often have trace minerals that s not the reason why they effect the hydro dine of the transistorize radio,, the reason is in the may-tricks of it crystal they echo and catch the length of the radio wave . thus the receive is effect by the difference of the echos ,,

and yes if you are as good as i am you can locate both ore and crystal and it dose not have to be a quartz veins ,, but the SO2 dose respond better then most ..and it dose help if the even is with in a few ft of the surface but not always . it is in fact the effects on the magnetic field that cast the reflection of the quartz veins,, so in fact your not measuring the quartz veins at all , your measuring there shadow in the magnetic field.. in fact for you older Beat frequency metal detector users its much like the faults echos of the beat frequency isolation ...

i worked on my bike most of the day and i got things to do ...latter, ..

Evening lost: You posted -->Reply To This Topic #2273 Posted Yesterday at 05:16:27 AM Quote
you guys scare the sh" out of me .. how do logically think you can judge distance by your standards to maps that you have know idea when they were created ?
Nah, in the case of the LDM , once you are on location, there is absolutely no problem. It is automatic. Once A -> B is established the,rest is automatic.

You also posted -->there is more to it then you know, the smaller transistorize radio tend to hydro dine because of the frequency drift ,and when they are just off frequency they tend to be effected by mineral deposits even the fact that quartz veins do often have trace minerals that s not the reason why they effect the hydro dine of the transistorize radio,, the reason is in the may-tricks of it crystal they echo and catch the length of the radio wave . thus the receive is effect by the difference of the echos ,,
And what may the basic frequency be? All that we are responding to is the Piezo electric factor, just as is used to generate sparks to light your stove or cigarettes. the earth movements cause many of the crystals to produce this effect which is the same as an untuned spark generator, radio wave transmitter.

Don Jose de La Mancha el *Tropical Tramp*

Always Lost wrote
i think i am going to leave for another 3 years .....

What would you gain by that? You are among your own kind here amigo, treasure hunting is in your blood so you might as well admit it - those Superstition mountains have set their 'hook' in you, and they don't let go! :icon_thumright:

last time i looked there was no sparks coming from the stones

i just spend 3 days cleaning my bike engine by hand and most of the time was at night to get out of the noon day heat up here it hit 90 yesterday .. i came in the house at around 3:00 spend $1100 on parts this week and have another 5 to $600 to go before the week is out stepson is pist at me i mist his wedding the other day ,,,to much to do and to little time to get it done .. do any of you now how to get 27 hour days out of 24 hours days .. as close as i can get ,is to forget the hours exist in the first place ,but that some times makes it hard to remember weddings i guess ... perfectionism how the human will can hold you tight and safe within its fist ..

as for the treasure hunting .. treasure is the life we all live day to day ...even if fail to under stand it till it is to late ..

we reach out to try to under stand what we may never full under stand , the path goes colder by the hour and he we are centaurs later trying to put the puzzle back together and we don't even know if all the pieces are still here .. the puzzle has been kicked around more the world cup ball ..

i know no more beautiful place on earth then the superstition mts a place where the heart meets the true evil of mother nature her self ..

yes i miss her dearly ..

Ellie Baba said:
P.S. Ellie have you seen Marcos name on the East end of South Mountain?

No, and I did not even know that it was there. Thanks for the info. Is it possible for you to indicate the spot using google Earth to include a Lon. & Lat. reference? I sure would appreciate any other material you could provide.

Ellie B

Hello Ellie Baba
33' 21' 42.27"N and 111' 59' 07.21W , 47th Street and Pima Canyon Rd. West of the town of Guadalupe
and just South of South mountain Pointe off the Pointe Parkway where 47th street runs east and west of The Guadalupe bridge. There is a picture on Google.
P.S. Where is the degree button on a key pad? O.K. I'm Lost Again! Go though the Pointe golf course and ask at the east gate to South mountain park there.

Ellie Baba said:
Allow me to flip the page to the left so it will be easier to read. What the heck. I'll just add the others, the last page was hard to read.

Hello Ellie Baba
Thank you for posting this article. If you find anything on the Cross in a heart symbol or brand, Please post it. Thank you.

FEMF said:
Ellie Baba said:
Allow me to flip the page to the left so it will be easier to read. What the heck. I'll just add the others, the last page was hard to read.

Hello Ellie Baba
Thank you for posting this article. If you find anything on the Cross in a heart symbol or brand, Please post it. Thank you.


Thanks for posting co-ords and here is a link related to the site; (I find this story very interesting and I thank-you for the info.)
When you get a chance take a look at the horse map and study the horse's mane. You should recognize a major map clue that will locate the horse's actual position north and south. This position can only identify one specific area located on the earth. This symbol will be used three times (3X's). One for the north and south location, (2) used as a pointer to identify something and (3) a word to use with the identifier and you will find the two words on the topo map. All of you out there should be able to figure out these clues. You will need a 1900 (or a 1902 through 1912 will do) Florence TOPO 1:125,000 scale.

In the event that you cannot figure out how to solve these clues you will have to admit the stone map architects are much smarter than we thought and we have only just begun. If it helps think like a child and not like a no-it-all adult with something to prove. If all else fails I will explain step by step.

Have fun and do not give up. It will help if someone with knowledge of maps works with you. FEMF, Study the heart.

Ellie Baba


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Mornin Ellie:
"When you get a chance take a look at the horse map and study the horse's mane."
If you do look closely,you may find a two word description in early Latin.One word in the forelock and one word in the mane.
The translation worked well for me,as does the positioning of the reverse 3 on the Priest side of the stone.Both that and the "3" on the Horse are carved at an angle,as is the three of 1,2,3,4.In two cases the threes are aligned with a "P".In the other case the reverse three aligns with the 1847 at the base of the Priest which,co-incidentally,appears inside the heart cavity as well.Another "P",worthy of note,is the "P" of "PELIGROZA",and the subsequent reduction of font size.The patio-like "P" on the heart shaped mound at the end seems to be connected somehow, :wink: .Each of the "3's" do point in the same direction,though.


Ellie Baba said:
FEMF said:
Ellie Baba said:
Allow me to flip the page to the left so it will be easier to read. What the heck. I'll just add the others, the last page was hard to read.

Hello Ellie Baba
Thank you for posting this article. If you find anything on the Cross in a heart symbol or brand, Please post it. Thank you.


Thanks for posting co-ords and here is a link related to the site; (I find this story very interesting and I thank-you for the info.)
When you get a chance take a look at the horse map and study the horse's mane. You should recognize a major map clue that will locate the horse's actual position north and south. This position can only identify one specific area located on the earth. This symbol will be used three times (3X's). One for the north and south location, (2) used as a pointer to identify something and (3) a word to use with the identifier and you will find the two words on the topo map. All of you out there should be able to figure out these clues. You will need a 1900 (or a 1902 through 1912 will do) Florence TOPO 1:125,000 scale.

In the event that you cannot figure out how to solve these clues you will have to admit the stone map architects are much smarter than we thought and we have only just begun. If it helps think like a child and not like a no-it-all adult with something to prove. If all else fails I will explain step by step.

Have fun and do not give up. It will help if someone with knowledge of maps works with you. FEMF, Study the heart.

Ellie Baba

Hello Ellie
Your welcome, and thank you for the Link. Yes I have, and will continue to study the Heart.


I have heard it speculated that the horse's mane reads MILL, or million. The eye is a ten (10).


Thank you. You are a gentleman as well.

Take care,


And how was your day?







Nice pictures, looks like you've been to Prescott, Skull Valley, area.

Thanks for sharing,


Ladies and gentlemen: when the stones were 'made' determines just how sophisticated an audience they would be protecting their secret form. 1800's or prior, would be mostly an uneducated or severely limited ability of solving it..

Maybe we are being too clever in our attempts to solve them ?? Are we reaching the cloud interpretation status in looking for a complex answer, instead of a more simpler one.

As it is, how would you send instructions on solving it to a third party?

Don Jose de La Mancha el *Tropical Tramp*

p.s. after studying the "8 / B" I am convinced that the "8 came first, then the B was cut after."


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Thanks. The pictures were taken just outside of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Something I had not seen before was a herd of eleven bucks. I followed them for about a mile for many of the pictures. I was surprised to survive the chase. Eight thousand foot elevation is hard on an old man used to around 400'.

Take care,


Don Jose,

"Maybe we are being too clever in our attempts to solve them ?? Are we reaching the cloud interpretation status in looking for a complex answer, instead of a more simpler one."

I have been saying the same thing for years. That's probably why so many Dutch Hunters have such a hard time with my maps.
It's just too simple, which makes perfect sense, as I am a simple man. :icon_scratch: :D

Take care,


Simple could have been accomplished with one map,single sided.
Cloudy maps are more of a challenge.



Could it be that the Horse/Priest Stones were created to cloud the minds of those who were trying to decipher the trail maps?

The trail maps are as simple as it comes. Those who are trying see the correlation with the Horse/Priest are unable to see the trail maps for what they are, a simple map of the western portion of the Superstition Mountains.

There are times when looking to the stars for answers, only obscures the obvious picture that is in front of you.

You might ask where the Horse/Priests Stones were when it came time to take those early pictures. My guess is that they were nowhere.

On the other hand, maybe the answer really is in some distant constellation.

Good luck,


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