"Joe, every time I hear you speak about those monuments I curse you for not getting photographs Of course, I'm guessing you've cursed yourself over many times about them too!!! I don't at all question that they were there - I fully believe they were - what surprises me about them being where you found them is that they still existed then! With the searches that went on for Ruth and other assorted dutch hunting in the area as well as Bark, Ely and Barkley's knowledge of the area, I would have thought those monuments would have been torn down LONG before you ever saw them. Were they missed by others (I doubt it)? Were they in such an area that those who knew about them didn't suspect anyone else would find them?
Heck if I know - I just know I WISH YOU HAD GOTTEN PHOTOGRAPHS"
That was a long time ago, but the events are still something I doubt I will ever forget. There are many things I wish I had paid more attention to, like writing down some of the stories that were being told all around me. Never thought I would forget, or even need the information again.
Once we found the monuments, we became focused on getting down to our camp at Willow quickly as possible.
Next time you are there, look straight east and imagine climbing down that ridge.........with a the dark.

I was expecting that we would retrace our steps the next day with Uncle Chuck. Storm came up that night, and Chuck insisted we had to start out of the canyon.
The next time I returned, on my own search, I didn't feel the ney ed to go back to the monuments. I knew where the map was going to end, so that was where I focused my attention. Seemed reasonable at the time.

It may be that some of the monuments on that trail are still standing, or at least the bases might still be visible.
If you were to start at the top of the one (1), just below Tim's Saddle and follow the map/trail to the heart, you would understand why I am so convinced. The map alone should be enough, but many people fail to see how it matches the topography.
Other reasons are the fact that the Stone Map Trail matches Bicknell's instructions to the "T". It was very close to where Julia and Rhiney first tried to get into the mountains. Adolph Ruth camped at Willow Spring. Tom Kollenborn rode that trail on a regular basis, and took Greg Davis up it, where he took picutures all the way to the top. It's where Harry LaFrance led the searchers to search for his cave of gold bars. When Brownie Holmes got tired of
following the trails that Julia and the Petrasches laid down, he started his final search from the Main Mountain.......Why there, when he started his original searching much farther east. When Ed Piper decided to hide and see what the Apache did when he was supposed to leave the mountains, he hid on the ridge between West and East Boulder Canyons. While hiding in the rocks, two Apache found him and escorted him out of the mountains. Something was going on in the middle of the Stone Maps.
I kick myself all the time for not going back to those monuments right away. While those pictures would help you and others, I know, close enough, where they were to know they were part of the Stone Maps.
Take care,