The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


I have not checked out all of the facts but isn't Juan Valdez deceased? I do think that this thread has received a fatal wound...Don Jose help me here! I just made a pot of Columbian coffee and Folgers' Juan Valdez has been silent far too long. After two cups I have found myself sitting here in total dis-belief after reading a forum that started out as a great and well informed thread and continued thus IMO as a fairly respectful discussion, considerate to our readers and their support. WTFrack happened here?

I am shocked by the behavior of some of the posters on this thread. We have liars, deceivers, pretenders, cheats, envious/jealous insidious individuals and a disruptive group of treasure hunter want-to-bee’s (sounds like the old west) that do not know their own hole from a hard rock shaft (don't you dare say it!). I will give some great advice to those who are truly disrespectful and disruptive; DO NOT QUIT YOUR DAY JOBS! You need to find another hobby or start contributing some real useful information. This is an awesome thread as can be seen by the visitor's numbers. But, this thread has gone to hell and no one is reading it.

The Owner(s) of Treasurenet do not need negative BS on this site to drive away the masses that want to learn how treasure hunting works. Why would anyone want to be like us? After reading the last few pages of this thread I would leave this site if I were them, but I am not and I represent a long standing group of professional treasure hunters. Let’s get this thread back on track!

I'll post my resume, how about all of you?

Enough said,

Ellie Baba


I wish , this thread to come back on track . I am sad because I deleted more of 50 interesting posts . Maybe was a madness moment , but these was my feelings in that moment . I wanted to quit posting in this forum , but after I thought how I didn't complete my mission .
Maybe some folks believe how I am a liar or a dreamer , but they must " to hold their breath " until seen the final result .

G'afternoon Markmar mi amigo :coffee2::coffee2:. You posted --> Maybe some folks believe how I am a liar or a dreamer

I never doubted that you were :tongue3:. So come sit beside me, who also has been tarred and feathered by disbelievers, and drink your fresh hot coffee..

It's a chronic problem for we geniuses, just make "TROY" your battle cry.

Don Jose de La Mancha


I wish , this thread to come back on track . I am sad because I deleted more of 50 interesting posts . Maybe was a madness moment , but these was my feelings in that moment . I wanted to quit posting in this forum , but after I thought how I didn't complete my mission .
Maybe some folks believe how I am a liar or a dreamer , but they must " to hold their breath " until seen the final result .


Of course your a dreamer, everyone who hunts treasures, are dreamers. Those on here who say there not, are the liars.



I have not checked out all of the facts but isn't Juan Valdez deceased? I do think that this thread has received a fatal wound...Don Jose help me here! I just made a pot of Columbian coffee and Folgers' Juan Valdez has been silent far too long. After two cups I have found myself sitting here in total dis-belief after reading a forum that started out as a great and well informed thread and continued thus IMO as a fairly respectful discussion, considerate to our readers and their support. WTFrack happened here?

I am shocked by the behavior of some of the posters on this thread. We have liars, deceivers, pretenders, cheats, envious/jealous insidious individuals and a disruptive group of treasure hunter want-to-bee’s (sounds like the old west) that do not know their own hole from a hard rock shaft (don't you dare say it!). I will give some great advice to those who are truly disrespectful and disruptive; DO NOT QUIT YOUR DAY JOBS! You need to find another hobby or start contributing some real useful information. This is an awesome thread as can be seen by the visitor's numbers. But, this thread has gone to hell and no one is reading it.

The Owner(s) of Treasurenet do not need negative BS on this site to drive away the masses that want to learn how treasure hunting works. Why would anyone want to be like us? After reading the last few pages of this thread I would leave this site if I were them, but I am not and I represent a long standing group of professional treasure hunters. Let’s get this thread back on track!

I'll post my resume, how about all of you?

Enough said,

Ellie Baba

Ellie Bobber

A desrupted group of treasure hunters is putting it lightly. And over stepping your bounds weather TN needs this is there thing they have moderators leave it to them. Some people are book smart and still Complete Idiots, or can't handle the real world. And alot of your post I would say, were not to professional.

So lets see that resume


Wow! .... I am shocked by the behavior of some of the posters on this thread. We have liars, deceivers, pretenders, cheats, envious/jealous insidious individuals and a disruptive group of treasure hunter want-to-bee’s (sounds like the old west) that do not know their own hole from a hard rock shaft (don't you dare say it!)....

I'll post my resume, how about all of you? Ellie Baba

Well, it's the internet, EB. The water used to be deeper, but now it's a wading pool.

If you post your resume, I suggest you exclude your phone number and address.


Of course your a dreamer, everyone who hunts treasures, are dreamers. Those on here who say there not, are the liars.


I agree , but are elusive dreams and catchy dreams . I choose the second , because have relation with my hands and my brain . The elusive are for children . And for the trasures I like the motto " Veni , Vidi ... "

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I agree , but are elusive dreams and catchy dreams . I choose the second , because have relation with my hands and my brain . The elusive are for children . And for the trasures I like the moto " Veni , Vidi ... "


I choose both, even my wife shares big dreams and childish dreams and after 33years we still laugh at each other, Besides, I don't want to end up a crabby old shister at "JOE"S CRAB SHACK"


Ellie Bobber

A desrupted group of treasure hunters is putting it lightly. And over stepping your bounds weather TN needs this is there thing they have moderators leave it to them. Some people are book smart and still Complete Idiots, or can't handle the real world. And alot of your post I would say, were not to professional.

So lets see that resume



The humor attached to my above mentioned post went right over your head. I can step over any bounds that I want to until convinced otherwise. Walk in my shoes and see the world from my perspective and then I'll listen to your advice and just may consider it. Until then you can kiss Don Jose's mule! I do not post here trying to impress people with my knowledge and skills, which by the way I do possess. There are so many know-it-alls in this world, but call them out to prove their knowledge and skills and sure enough they suddenly fizzle out.

Most people that don't get it never will. To be fair and contain my contempt towards you from overflowing it would be nice if we had the time to spend together on this trail to treasure. Therefore since we do not know each other well enough I'll use my energy on something more useful like putting a "treasure hunters resume" together. Have you caught the humor in this post? Laughter is very healthy and you make me laugh! You ever watch "Sponge Bob Square Pants?" Remember Mr. Crabs? He owns the Crabbie Patti. Owning a crab shack could be fun!

Best regards,

Ellie Baba aka Elwood Blues, one of the Blue's Brothers

I do not appreciate the term "Ellie Bobber" and if you were here I would clean the bar room floor with your tongue!

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Wrmickel1, I'm sorry it took me so long to post my resume but here it is!

The not humor attached to my above mentioned post went right over gods head. I can step over any bounds that I want to until convinced otherwise. Walk in my shoes and see the world from my perspective and then I'll listen to advice and just may consider it. Until then' I'll kiss Don Jose's mule! I do not post here trying to look smart' people with my knowledge and skills, always seem to come out looking like a fool, I'm a complete know-it-all in this world, I prove my knowledge and skills and sure enough, It suddenly fizzle out.

Most people that don't get it never will. To be fair and contain my love towards you from overflowing, it would be nice if we had the time to spend together on this trail to treasure. Therefore since we do not know each other well enough I'll use my energy on something more useful like putting a "treasure hunters resume" together. Have you caught the humor in this post? Laughter is very healthy and you make me laugh! I learned everything from "Sponge Bob Square Pants?" Remember Mr. Crabs? He owns the Crabbie Patti. Owning a crab shack could be fun!

Best regards,

Ellie Baba aka Elwood Blues, one of the Blue's Brothers

I do appreciate the term "Ellie Bobber" and if you were here I would clean you with my tongue!

Well Dan Aykroyd, What a "GREAT RESUME" And good luck on the queer quest!


PS; Ellie Baba, How would one put a like on his own post, There seems to be no option!

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Well Dan Aykroyd, What a "GREAT RESUME" And good luck on the queer quest!


Hi All,

I have never put anyone on ignore before, my kids and so many other young people read these forums and wrmickel1 has basically re-written my post (an imposter) to infer that I am a homosexual. Someone needs to draw the line. My best move is to place him on ignore. Done!

Ellie Baba

Hi All,

I have never put anyone on ignore before, my kids and so many other young people read these forums and wrmickel1 has basically re-written my post (an imposter) to infer that I am a homosexual. Someone needs to draw the line. My best move is to place him on ignore. Done!

Ellie Baba


I put the wrm on IGNORE some time ago. There are some people that just aren't worth one second of consideration. He is one.

Take care,


be queer for
SLANG "to have a strong liking for; be obsessed with"

You can be "queer" for cupcakes.... It doesn't mean your gay...


Well Dan Aykroyd, What a "GREAT RESUME" And good luck on the queer quest!


While there may have been a double meaning, I took the comment as a reference to the 1892 newspaper story about Julia's search for the mine as being a "Queer Quest..."



I put the wrm on IGNORE some time ago. There are some people that just aren't worth one second of consideration. He is one.

Take care,


Now Joe:

You just don't like people who question the statice quo, You and eb should go on a quest.

You two cupcakes:laughing7:

Hi All,

I have never put anyone on ignore before, my kids and so many other young people read these forums and wrmickel1 has basically re-written my post (an imposter) to infer that I am a homosexual. Someone needs to draw the line. My best move is to place him on ignore. Done!

Ellie Baba

All come on! Ellie Baba

Give me one more chance, Maybe I could help you on your quest, At least your book won't be boreing. Maybe I could throw you a bone or something, or you could give it to your lap dogs Springfield and Joe. Nahh wait a min-nut sometimes goodbye is a SECOND CHANCE.

SEE YA! Maybe in the bar you were talking about, HUH


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