The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Another descrepancy that I noticed, between the drawings in the McGee's article, and all of the "Peralta" Stone Map photos I've seen, is on the lower left of the Priest Stone---

Early Priest Map Discrepancy.webp Priest Map Discrepancy.webp

So, is it an infinity symbol, or a "P"?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


Are those shaped stones from the Superstitions?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


Yes,all four are from the Superstitions,found as I have described.They also appear to be from the same area as the stone in the first photo,and photographed pretty much as I found them in April of 2010.


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


I believe it's a "P".

I have "hunch" that two stone hearts remain to be found.....possibly where an "8" is carved prominently in the relevant stone.
IF......they were not misplaced as were the other pair.
My "hunch" also suggests that all "4" hearts were intended to be cached as one.

Here is an enlargement of the symbol under the hilt of the dagger.



  • discidium.webp
    15.5 KB · Views: 1,520
Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


You mean the downward pointing arrow? When I read your question about it, for some reason I thought "under the handle." Dumb mistake.

I've seen that arrow missing on some drawings, too.

Is your image from the Life article? It looks like a "W."

What do you think about the "yellowish" Heart Stone, as described twice, in the McGees' article?

By "pair," do you mean both sides of one stone?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


AS far as I know,the enlargement was taken from the photo in the LIFE article.
It may be just a few scratches,with no significance,but it is clearly not an arrow.
While "W" is a possibility,it also may be a heart,cut in two.A symbol of great loss or divisive latin --"Discidium"--
If actually present,and original,the symbol is placed appropriately,IMHO

Statements by B. McGee clearly indicate that they were aware of Stone Map duplicates.
The yellowish heart was likely a duplicate as well.


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

More Discrepancies in the Heart Stone

In addition to the curious differences, mentioned in posts above, there are a couple of things which stand out concerning the alignment of the Heart Stone and the Trail Map which holds it.

I have edited CJ's Stone Maps photos, to place the Heart Stone into the top Trail Map, as shown in post #4, above. As can be seen, almost everything at the edge of the Heart Stone aligns with the corresponding carvings at the Heart's edge of the Trail Map---

Heart Stone Alignment 2.webp

However, there are a few things that don't. The first category is of possible non-continuation from the Trail Map onto the Heart---

Heart Stone Alignment 3.webp

The two circles in the upper right might be discrepancies, or they might have been merely the endings of those particular lines.

But what really stands out is the creek which suddenly stops at the edge of the Heart. In addition to appearing to be unusual, the drawing of this map which appears in the McGees' article, has the creek continuing on into the Heart Stone. If that drawing is just an error, how would they know exactly what to draw there? All the other depictions, on the Trail Map at least, are very close to accurate, and shows that special care was taken to represent everything accurately. So would they just draw a squiggly line in there, without checking it for exact position, as they apparently did with all the other carving on the Trail Map?

The third category has only one item. That is a continuation of a line, from the Trail Map to the Heart Stone, in which both sides obviously do not align---

Heart Stone Alignment 4.webp

It seems apparent that, whoever made these Stone Maps, and for whatever reason, had done a lot of research, and had put a lot of thought, time, energy, and talent, into planning and making them. With all that planning, would they have made such an error?

Or is there another Heart Map somewhere, on which everything does align properly?

---And on which the line from the Trail Map forms something entirely different on that Heart Stone, that what is depicted on the Heart Stone in the above image?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


The reason your "creek" ends so abruptly, is because it's actually a trail. The 1 wIth the curved line coming off the top and ending in the center of the heart and at the triangle, is also a trail. The "creek"/trail ends because it comes up against the ridge that separates West, Little Boulder and East Boulder Canyons.

Take a picture of the Stone Maps and lay them on a topo' next to the area I have pointed out, and you should be able to draw most of the Stone Maps on it. It helps if you have had boots on the ground for forty or fifty years. If you have a hard time with that, come to the Rendezvous.

Good luck,


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

OR THIS.....Not modified with a photo editor! stone on stone :tongue3:



  • EE.webp
    35.7 KB · Views: 1,401
Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


Thanks for your help. I guess something got askew in re-sizing and rotating that Heart image.

What do you think about the drawing in the McGees' article, where the "Needle" is missing, and there is a creek, or as CJ corrected me, trail, which is not on any of the publically available Heart Stones?

Also their discriptions of the Heart as a "yellowish stone"?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Hello EE Thr
Great post, first I think that the map you posted came from Tom Kollenborns book, from what I have seen it is significantly different than the other maps drawn by julia.
The carved lines on the stone tablet match up if you lift up the heart section and rotate it.
Best Regards

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


Thanks. Do you mean the one marked "Julia," or the apparent copy? Where can the "others" be found?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Hello EE
It has been a while since I was at the Superstition Mountain Museum but as I recall the maps they have on display is where I saw the one attributed to Julia.
The problem with the one depicted in Tom Kollenborns book is that there are symbols which are unique to the stone tablets, which had not been found when Julia was selling her maps.
Also I noticed that the map you posted is not an exact copy of the one from Kollem
nborns book, an oversight on my part.
I am interested in tracking this down because these symbols should not be on any map unless the maker of that map had knowledge of the stone tablets.
Best Regards

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

alan m said:
Hello EE
It has been a while since I was at the Superstition Mountain Museum but as I recall the maps they have on display is where I saw the one attributed to Julia.
The problem with the one depicted in Tom Kollenborns book is that there are symbols which are unique to the stone tablets, which had not been found when Julia was selling her maps.
Also I noticed that the map you posted is not an exact copy of the one from Kollem
nborns book, an oversight on my part.
I am interested in tracking this down because these symbols should not be on any map unless the maker of that map had knowledge of the stone tablets.
Best Regards

there are only two people that know the answer to that question ,ones dead and i am the other ... :coffee2:

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
congrats ya cheap skate, only one cuppa coffee?

Don Jose de La Mancha

tell me about it with the price of coffie i got to cut down to 10 or 12 cups a

my uncle died the other day and its in the paper today .. so kind of off day for me .. lately there is a lot of them off days ...

who knows maybe a smiling mule will catch my eye :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


Thanks for filling in the missing info!

I've seen your posting of your markup of the topo map on the forum somewhere, but it was too small to follow. Is there any way of getting a large hi-res version?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE THr said:

Thanks for filling in the missing info!

I've seen your posting of your markup of the topo map on the forum somewhere, but it was too small to follow. Is there any way of getting a large hi-res version?

just follow the dagger :thumbsup:

ya joe show us where it is ...?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE THr said:

Thanks for filling in the missing info!

I've seen your posting of your markup of the topo map on the forum somewhere, but it was too small to follow. Is there any way of getting a large hi-res version?


PM me your name and address and I will you send you a map.

Take care,


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