The Offer

Kache, the point you missed is that the photographer worked on speculation so with your point of view, he shouldn't get paid for his labor.

ppratt, Either your memory is gone or you didn't read all the posts. I am not going to keep repeating it. Go back and read the posts for your answer. Maybe take notes? Frankn-3 Eagle_edited-2.webp

Philvis, It doesn't look like you cache hunt. Maybe a park or beach hunter. You don't seem to realise that sometimes a cache hunter puts YEARS in research for a cache. You said you read it so I owe you a share. Well I didn't ask you to read it, so according to your own theory, I owe you nothing! Looks like you violated your own rules! If you read all the posts You would know that the orginal $150,000 mentioned to the land owner was based on the actual cash amount cached. As I went over my notes I realized that he obtained this money with the specific purpose of burying it for backup cach. At the time, gold was in use for legal tender so I theorized that he buried it in the form of gold coins. In the second message I explaned the theory to the land owner and based the amount on the gold value . I also inclosed my business card with each letter. There is no 50/50 split rule. the split is based on the recovery work. Lets look at an example. When the bank loans money to a buyer on a 30 year loan, the bank makes more in interest than the seller makes in profit. As I said there is no 50/50 rule Yea I enjoy cache hunting, but I don't work for nothing.

No Frank, the photographer should only get paid if the potential buyer wants the item offered. What we are trying to tell you is, the potential buyer is the one with the choice here. The photographer is taking a risk, hoping the buyer will want to deal with him. The deal, or OFFER, is totally in the hands of the would be buyer. As I, and others, have already said, you took the work upon yourself, without being asked to do so. Do you also think that Treasurenet ows you something for helping drive so many posters here to this big thread? It does help their site, right?

Kache, I agree the offer acceptance is in the hands of the land owner, but the finding of the cache is in the hands of the TH. If he doesn't accept, he gets nothing. I am sure others have looked for it in the past 100 or so years.hand print-2_edited-3.webp

Kache, I agree the offer acceptance is in the hands of the land owner, but the finding of the cache is in the hands of the TH. If he doesn't accept, he gets nothing. I am sure others have looked for it in the past 100 or so years.

The finding is not in YOUR hands, because you're not looking for it. There are other treasure hunters out there, and many of us would be happy to look for this at 50%. Also, you could have planted a seed in the landowner, cutting you completely out of the picture.

It is good that you have not tipped your hat to the land owner about "what kind of cache or treasure" or "how much" or what container it is or where it is or where it came from. Without you he has no leads, no idea what it is, no clue and no treasure. Tell him he is getting 50% where you and the partner are only getting 25% each. If he was smart he would go for it as he doesn't have to pay you for your research or time digging. If he hired a professional, he would pay for research and or other expenses for him ( The landowner ) to get the entire booty. But he doesn't even know the name or legend of the treasure let alone so where he would start....he couldn't. Good luck Frank and keep us posted, very interesting no matter how this turns out.

Hay kache, if that is true, why hasn't anyone else found it? You say you would like to look for it, but you don't even know the details! Could it behand print-2_edited-3.webp that no one else's research has led to the site?

Kache, the point you missed is that the photographer worked on speculation so with your point of view, he shouldn't get paid for his labor.

ppratt, Either your memory is gone or you didn't read all the posts. I am not going to keep repeating it. Go back and read the posts for your answer. Maybe take notes?View attachment 640042

Philvis, It doesn't look like you cache hunt. Maybe a park or beach hunter. You don't seem to realise that sometimes a cache hunter puts YEARS in research for a cache. You said you read it so I owe you a share. Well I didn't ask you to read it, so according to your own theory, I owe you nothing! Looks like you violated your own rules! If you read all the posts You would know that the orginal $150,000 mentioned to the land owner was based on the actual cash amount cached. As I went over my notes I realized that he obtained this money with the specific purpose of burying it for backup cach. At the time, gold was in use for legal tender so I theorized that he buried it in the form of gold coins. In the second message I explaned the theory to the land owner and based the amount on the gold value . I also inclosed my business card with each letter. There is no 50/50 split rule. the split is based on the recovery work. Lets look at an example. When the bank loans money to a buyer on a 30 year loan, the bank makes more in interest than the seller makes in profit. As I said there is no 50/50 rule Yea I enjoy cache hunting, but I don't work for nothing.

Haha, you got me on the share part I guess! Seriously though, I don't think you should consider the land owner greedy because he wants a 50/50 deal, regardless of your efforts. Now had he asked you to research it and do this and that, I definitely think you should feel entitled to a larger cut, but that wasn't the case. Unfortunately, your time and efforts are something you will probably just have to accept as part of the deal if you want the deal to occur. To the land owner, you are one entity. Now if it was his neighbor, you and him striking up a deal, that would be different. Instead its a conglomerant that has come to him, so essentially, one person. I read on the boards here more often than not where people strike 50/50 deals when metal detecting and I even see it in local Craiglist ads quite often. I know you say its the principle of it because you did the leg work, but you have got to remember that 1) it's not your land and 2) the land owner never asked you to research it. You say it is better for the land owner to have 1/3 than nothing, but isn't it also better that you have 25% instead of nothing? Let's say you are looking at a $12 million cache. 50/50 means you and your partner walk away with $3 million each. At 1/3, you would walk away with $4 million. All the principles in the world wouldn't let me walk away from a deal where I would only get $3 million instead of $4 million...especially considering you don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars sunk into it. Don't let greed/principles make you lose out on what you feel is a sure thing as far as the cache goes. If are serious about this you will try to meet the guy in person or call him one. Don't rely on email/letters as they are VERY impersonal. You may even be able to talk him into a 60/40 cut if you detail your efforts, but a letter will never convince him otherwise. As always though, best of luck. I love to read about this stuff...thus my ordeal of reading through 29 pages!

Well Frankn, I just typed out a very long answer to your questions, and TN seems to think I am not logged in, so the message went up in smoke. But to simplify things, here is what I said.

Everyone that has posted......:laughing7:


And thank you for missing me!

Hay kache, if that is true, why hasn't anyone else found it? You say you would like to look for it, but you don't even know the details! Could it be that no one else's research has led to the site?

I thought you said someone may have already found it. Do you know?

As far as the details, I could learn or find them, just as you did. What one cache hunter can find, another cache hunter should be able to find also. But don't worry, I'm not trying to come in on this cache, I'm just stating that I would be more than happy to pursue a good cache lead for 50%. A lot of cache hunters feel the way I do about this, so I don't think the land owner would have any problem finding someone at a better price. He may even want to try it himself.

Philvis, I know it sounds strange, but it is not the money that matteres most to me. To me it's a three way deal, 2 THs and a land owne and I just cant justify in my mind the land owner getting more than me especially since I and the other TH have the equivelent of over a year of work locating this cache. You echo the theory that he didn't ask for the research, but he sure is willing to reak the benefits of it. Let me state that I have never ran into a situation where the land owner asked for the research mainly before he is ignorant as to the presents of the cache. Let me put it your way. The buyer doesn't ask for those closing cost, but he has to pay them.

maipenrai, I didn't miss you, you gave yourself away with that LIKE post. you still didn't answer the question. I guess the logic is to much for you to figgure out.

Kache, All that braggin! OK. let's see how good you are. Give me the address of the cache site. You said any TH could find it.hand print-2_edited-3.webp

Im sure this thread will break 600 in the next 24h. There is just so much logic in this thread, but your right Frankn, I just dont get it! But I really dont feel so bad, because there are a lot of other people here that dont get it either. How does your partner feel about it, does he get it? Is he giving up his chance to hit a really big one, because you are the only one that gets it? Thats right, I forgot that you have many more and bigger targets. You might as well go after them, because this one seems to be lost.
Thats good that you have time for these chats, for us, its just a pass time, but its costing you millions. I was thinking you had researched this cache so good, that you knew that he buried gold coins, but now I see, it was just a guess on your part. You wanted gold coins, so he must have buried gold coins! Thats ok, lots of us do that too. I wonder how accurate the first figure was, did he tell everyone that he buried $150,000 in coins? I dont really want an answer to that, since thats part of your secretes, Im just wondering out loud. Dont give everything away, yes, there are people here that would love a cache hunt like this. Actually, they wouldnt have to even find it, to screw things up for you.

I should have known that you were clever enough to spot my "like" post. Its hard to pull the wool over your eyes!

This thread just will not die.

What are some of your recent big scores Frankn?

Kache, All that braggin! OK. let's see how good you are. Give me the address of the cache site. You said any TH could find it.

Bragging? That's funny. At least you're able to joke about things...I guess that's good.

Either you were born with the knowledge of this cache and it's location, or you learned it. If YOU learned it, what makes you think someone else couldn't learn it?

maipenrai, Looke like you have a case of the get it syndram. Now tothe serious stuff. The first $150K is from one of the orginal sources. Let me ask you a question. If you were going to get $150K for backup money and you had the choice of gold coins or paper money, and he had that choice, which would you bury, assuming ,as it was at the time, that each carried face value? The value of the gold in the coins has risen to around $12M which was the second amount I mentioned. This value could go on futher as ppratt has mentioned based on the collectors value. He appearently has some experience with coin grading and value where I have only delt with some silverdollars and shall I say , a few gold coins.

John, It amazes me too. I expected to get a few helpful hints on how to press for the 1/3 split, and I did get some good ones that delt with the physology of human nature in barganning. and a hole flock of nay sayers. I am enjoying it and hoping for some more inteligent input. No one with any smarts talkes about sizable scorses, but I had researched Dutch Schultz and was going to look for his chest of millions but a member claimes it has been found but not where I was going to look so I am on the fence with that one. I have also researched another where the family wealth was buried and the cachier died suddenly. There is a permission hang up on that one also.
PS John Have you figgered out the last of the Beal codes?coins_0003 T 5 peso_edited-2.webpcoins_0004 1854 F_edited-1.webp

Ok for the life of me I can not find this figure franky boy has spent to feel he deserves such a large cut. He (franky) claims he has answered it, so he won't tell me. Can anyone help how much has this man and life parter spent

He mentioned $100 for fuel, and hundreds of hours work, but he didnt say how much he was charging for the hour. Of course that could have been in gold coins, so............

Ok for the life of me I can not find this figure franky boy has spent to feel he deserves such a large cut. He (franky) claims he has answered it, so he won't tell me. Can anyone help how much has this man and life parter spent

I believe his biggest potential expense was offering the guy to locate the current property owner for a 10% cut, which was way too much. He could have hired just about anyone to do that for less than $500. Otherwise he mentioned research time and gas.

I believe his biggest potential expense was offering the guy to locate the current property owner for a 10% cut, which was way too much. He could have hired just about anyone to do that for less than $500. Otherwise he mentioned research time and gas.

Thanks guys. Well hell 500 to get a few million. I would say that is a good turn around, wouldn't you? Like I said before hours researching I could careless about. I know researching is long and hard work sometimes, but if your not a good researcher then sometime your just wasting your time. I know I went to the library a lot in college but I wasn't researching or studying, but I told my parents I was.

Next time I see Bill Gates (like that will ever happen) I'll tell him I put up 1K of my own money to do work for him that he never asked me to do in the first place, and he owes me around 16 Million. 8 Million is for my partner he held the dust pan while I swept.

ppratt. You sure have a bug up your as s about how much I spent. Tell me how much you spent on your last cache hunt. You are wrong about the LARGE CUT. I am personally only asking for an EQUAL CUT. I don't think anyone has an accurate record of exactly how much they spend on detecting. The expenses are mixed with other expenses like online computer time. Compensation for the maybe years of research. I have mentioned that I have spent over $100 in fuel cost and $15K will be due another researcher if the cache is found. How about the cost of the library of books I use for research. The cost of actually going in the area and interviewing relatives of the people in the story. Then there are the expenses of my partner which are about the same. He was up there with me interviewing the relatives. Now lets look at the expenses of the hunt and recovery. Thousands of dollars in equippment. The cost of a base camp maintained on site,Yes it might take quite a while to cover the likely spots in the rough terrain. The main thing you are forgetting is this thread is about THE OFFER. True, as I said before, it is based on the expenses. Now don't give me that line about He spent $65,000 to buy the land. That has nothing to do with locating the cache. He bought it ashand print-2_edited-3.webp an investment and will reak the profits when he sells it.

Well ppratt, if you said you have read the thread and couldn't find any of the expenses, what does that tell us about your research ability

Phil, Paying nothing now for the researcher was better than paying $500. If the cache is found I won't worry about $15K.

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Yes Frankn, Of course you have expenses, even us tot lot hunters have expenses. But dont you already have the equipment, detectors, shovels and such. You also have a motor home, so what exactly are the thousands of dollars of equipment that you need. If you bought this equipment for other projects, you cant really put thoese expenses on this project. Since it was you that brought up the fact that you have all these expenses, just give us a hint at what they are. Im not even concerned with your research expenses, because no one knows how many hours you spent, not even you, only a guess. But the other stuff you should have a fair idea of how much was spent on this project.

It just seems to most of us here, that you are putting too much emphasis on expenses, that dont really amount to much, except for the research.

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