The Offer

Hmm, as I hang from my pole watching the crows eat the corn I have time to browse the net. Hey my brain may be full of sawdust and straw, but even that would have me questioning an offer(s) like have been given.

And I've been in that position, no not on the pole, of being offered something for what's on my property.
Silly me owns my farm land, and the mineral rights. Now then if someone were to send me a letter about buried treasure, and offer 1/3rd if they find something, I would think about it. And that's about all I would do. I'm being offered 1/3rd of a maybe.

1/3rd of a maybe, told it could be 50K or nothing. To me I'm going to see if this is serious. So I fire back 50/50 split to see what happens.

Now I get told instead of the loot being 150K total, it is now millions and millions of gold coins.

Wow that's a lot of loot! And now doubts start creeping in. Hmm, first they told me 50K maybe, now it's millions maybe. Me thinks something is not quite right. OK, they were trying to get me to agree to a maybe 50K, and then they would have walked off with multi millions? I don't think so!

And now I'm told it may not even be on my property, but for the use of my land, and my neighbor's I am now only going to get 25% stake of maybe?

I've seen and heard my share of BS while hanging out in the field. And three different stories is beginning to smell a little ripe to me.
And I'm thinking someone is trying to pull the straw over my eyes.

I may be a sack of straw, but way too much going on here to just jump off my pole and go along for the hayride.

I'm not a greedy Scarecrow, but I'm not dumb either. 1/3rd of nothing is nothing, 1/3rd of something is something. But 100% of something is even better.

Me thinks Franklin shot himself in the foot with his approach to the owner. As he stated this guy is a businessman. A businessman who's successful isn't dumb. Told of 150K on his land, and he get's 1/3rd if it's dug up. Something or nothing. Then told it could be millions and millions? BINGO you just told the guy of mega money on "his" land. This guy is no dummy like me, 6 grand an acre+/- is a little high for old farm land, prime land where mine is goes for the most at 3k. . Why did he buy those approx 10 acres?
Maybe he knows more then you. As stated it's ramshackle buildings, overgrown, chock full of rattlesnakes. Not what I would call prime land unless there is something else going on. It's his land, you can't touch it legally. So who's to say he didn't already know about what was there, and now you've just helped confirm it?

The old saying a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, might have been a better way of going about your offer. As is, you are offering him nothing(but the 2 in the bush), a maybe to dig up his land. Maybe a better way would have not said anything, and just ask for permission to hunt, with no mention of said treasure. Or tell him up front that you want to hunt the old homestead/barn/outbuildings for relics and would be willing to share in what you found.

Me thinks all you have done with your offers is to tell this guy that there is something on his property and you have been trying to cheat him out of it.

Now then, kinda on/off the subject. But I was approached with an offer like yours to look for corn (natural gas) on my property, whole $2.00 an acre to look, and a cut of any found. Then it was $50.00 an acre and said cut. Sound familiar? Now crows won't eat where there's bad corn, they go for the good stuff. Every scarecrow knows that. So I check with the other scarecrows.
Find out they've been making deals too. Some of them are real brite even for a scarecrow, some not. Find out my field is ground zero for corn.
So I figure I'll wait a bit, to see what other crows may show up looking for my stuff. My corn, it's not going anywhere. And hanging out pays.
Settle with some real nice crows. Unlike the first ones, these crows don't offer me a maybe. I settle for $1000.00 an acre up front, percentage of gas taken, percentage of gas refined, paid for any roads built, separate payments for each well, and say so of how my fields get put back. And I take care of my neighbor scarecrows too, they get a cut of the goodies just cause their field touches mine.

Your approach to the owner was pretty much the same as the first set of crows I dealt with. I'd say kiss that one goodbye, he'll ether do it himself, pay a pittance to someone to do it for him, or settle for a better offer from someone else.

Maybe it's a good thing, if those coins do exist. All it's going to take is one to hit the market the wrong way and the men in black would be at your door looking for their cut. Don't think for a minute that you wouldn't get thrown under the bus when one of the what 5+ possible parties get caught.

Yep dumb old scarecrow, who did the same for the crows looking for coal, who doesn't have to work anymore, nor do his kids. (bird in the hand)

Whoops, may not even take one getting caught. The old property finder you hired, he may find out about the swell deal you cut him of 10% of 150k now being worth multiple millions, and decide he too wants a bigger piece and off you go to court.

I really don't think you guys have read the back posts! Try it and your comments will be answered. hand print-2_edited-3.jpg

Man, I didnt know scarecrows were that smart!! You gave a whole new meaning to scarecrow, and I will look at them in a totally different way next time im around a corn field.

Franklin, I meant no harm, and yep I read the whole thread. Just wanted you to hear the other side's view when approached as you did to this land owner. I've been on that end more then once. Take it for what it's worth.
I still don't understand at all why you would have told him about the possible amounts, and change the amounts when writing him. At least for me, approached like that, it would have been setting off all kinds of alarm bells. Upping the amounts to appeal to or make his greed worse, to jump at your offer I still think backfired by just making his greed even more so. To the point he's going to want it all, not part.

I bet there is a scarecrow at least watching the property now. And this one is going to do more then hang on a pole if he spots some crows in his field.
Time to go look for another field.

p.s. Irony at it's best. I found out today there is more then likely something else on my farm.
A scarecrow watches one location, and has so for over 50 years. You might want to look a little closer at them scarecrows, they may be more then just something for chasing some crows away.

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OK, let me say all offers were honest and above board. They were fully explaned in letters to the land owners. The $150000 was the actual amount cached. The app. $12M was my estimate of the value of the gold in the gold coins that I suspect the cache is composed of.

Allright here's my theory on the offer. There is no 50/50 rule in cache hunting! The split is based on the work involved to recover it. I will give an example A man has a piece of investment property that he has never inspected. I get permission to hunt deer on the property. The deer I shot goes into an old building. I go in after him and find him dead beside a rusty but very collectable Cord auto. I restore cars so this interests me. I approach the land owner to buy the car. He sayes he will not sell it but will let me restore ithand print-2_edited-3.jpg. I must pay all cost of restoring it and supply all labor. When it is sold, he wants 50% of the sale price. Would you accept this offer?

Yes, very well put, but it this case, you found the car and restored it, without the consent of the owner, then after the restoration was almost completed, you told him you wanted 2/3 of the sale price! You can compare the situation to anything you want, but that doesnt change the fact that it is still HIS land and HIS gold, and it doesnt matter how many hours you have worked, because you didnt make any agreement with him about the cost of finding HIS gold.

Hey, I realize that to find a cache, you need to do research, and you dont go around contacting every land owner within 50 miles, before hand. But the problem is that you promised too many people, too much money, and as Minergirl pointed out, you thought that the final agreement would be 1/3 all around, you guessed wrong! Everyone would like to have a 50% cut, but now that seems like it wont happen, so now is the time to compromise, or not get anything. I cannot see the land owner giving up on this huge amount of money. It doesnt help saying he is a stubborn old man and greedy, but its still HIS. You lit the fire under his a$$, so now you have to suffer. Is your partner with you on this situation? Will he also give up 1/4 of the gold, because you refuse to compromise?

Sorry I jumped back into this thread, but there is no way I can see your point, giving up a fortune, just because you cant get what you want. Everyone has made mistakes, buying stuff to sell, and then finding out we paid too much, or putting too much work on a project, and cant get our money back, but what do you do next? Cut you nose off to spite your face? Take the best deal you can get and move on. You said you have even bigger projects waiting, wow! I wish I could say that, but if you do, then work on those projects. This project is going down hill very fast.

Yet another solution to the problem. First you get no where in the haggling business if you don't bend your stance. If you don't bend he won't bend. Make a concession. Say he gets 40% and you and your partner split the 60%.

Or Tell him 50/50 is fine after expenses since you have an investment in the deal and will probably have more in equipment. You guys have put in 15k ask him to put in 15k then you are 50/50 partners or have him put in a little and he is landowner and owner of the treasure.

I would have at least made a counter offer that was different from the first offer you are insulting his intelligence by giving him the same offer. I would probably toss your second offer in the trash and be done with it.

I would never expect a land owner to cut me in on a deal better than 50%. In fact, I would feel fortunate to receive such a deal. A treasure hunter who expects more than this is either greedy or lacks common sense.

Maipenrai, I noticed you didn't answer the question. Is it a yes or no? This is the same situation, his car on his land.You keep bringing up the point that work done before the offer doesn't count. As I have mentioned in past post, many types of jobs are done on speculation and the worker expects to get paid for that work. If you went into an art gallery and saw a price of $500 on a painting does that mean that you would not pay for the work already done? I guess you can't drive either because the labor is put on the car price before you bargain. As you can see from my question above There is no such thing as a fixed 50/50. I can say that your point is going downhill faster. Buy the way I have not found or removed it yet so the example above is correct.hand print-2_edited-3.jpg

You have to convince the land owner, not me! You are spending way too much energy trying to get everyone on your side, and whats the point? Actually, I think we ALL are spending way too much time on this. You are not going to change your stance, and looks like we are not either. Only difference is, we are only losing a bit of time, and you are losing millions of dollars! I cant believe this thread has over 500 replies. Maybe its like Americian Diggers, we dont like it, but were hooked on it! hahahaha

Why would I go into an art gallery and pay for a painting, if I didnt want it? You made a similar statement before, so I understand what you meant, but you still dont see any difference in work that was agreed upon, or work that you just decided to do on you own, and expect to get paid for it.

I will give you the same type of example, you gave me: You go on a cruse holiday, and come back to shore, and a photographer has taken everyones photo and made them into gifts, with a price tag of $10 for each, are you obliged to buy them, even though you never ordered one? No, and that happens everywhere in the world. Someone takes a chance that you will buy his product, and if you dont buy, its destroyed, and he is out that money.

Hey that's one of my family's businesses we restore antique and classic autos and even a few race cars.
Just saw an really nice 37 SC 812 on the block, this was a numbers matching, all documented restored and ready for paint. Fully gone through mechanically, including a rebuild of the engine, complete new interior, all trim, and so on and so on. Everything worked. 1 of 184 built by the factory.

You doing all that work, would amount to some serious bucks on your part getting a basket case to this condition.

And both you and the owner would have lost your butts on it.

It didn't even make reserve of 42k at the auction.

Foolish for the owner to sell in today's market, and if you were the one footing the bill on restoration, you would have been nuts to have taken on the job.

Kinda like what may happen in your actual case. It's still a maybe, there is no guarantee the money is there.
You'll be out your time, least according to your agreement with the property inspector, you won't have to pay him.

Maipenrai, You still didn't answer the question for the second time! Is it a yes or no? allright let's use your example! Would you tell the photographer his work didn't count and you would only pay him $5 for the picture? I bet you would go home without a picture.

Dr. Syn, The point was that work done on any project is the basis of the sale price or offer. Some just disregard the work and pull 50/50 out of the air. As far as the cache, some are babbling "It is His", when in reality it doesn't even exist until it is recovered. It might have never existed, it might have been recovered by, the cachier or another TH, It might have been partly used.The TH bears all the risk and the land owner none.
PS, It was an example. The only one I ever rebuilt was a '35 Ford roaster and I wasn't good enouth at the time to convert it to hydraulic breaks.hand print-2_edited-3.jpg

Maipenrai, You still didn't answer the question for the second time! Is it a yes or no? allright let's use your example! Would you tell the photographer his work didn't count and you would only pay him $5 for the picture? I bet you would go home without a picture.

Dr. Syn, The point was that work done on any project is the basis of the sale price or offer. Some just disregard the work and pull 50/50 out of the air. As far as the cache, some are babbling "It is His", when in reality it doesn't even exist until it is recovered. It might have never existed, it might have been recovered by, the cachier or another TH, It might have been partly used.The TH bears all the risk and the land owner none.
PS, It was an example. The only one I ever rebuilt was a '35 Ford roaster and I wasn't good enouth at the time to convert it to hydraulic breaks.

Frankn, this is exactly what people are trying to tell YOU. YOU are the one telling the photographer (landowner) that his work (ownership) doesn't count for much, so you offer him only 1/3. And it's YOU who are going home without a picture (treasure).

And yes, the treasure, if there, does indeed exist, no matter how lost it may be.

maipenrai. Well you read it and you are still afraid to answer the question. You even avoided posting so you wouldn't have to answer the question. CHICKEN! Is it that to give a yes or no would contridict your own statements?

Kache, Do you read backwards? The photographer did the work on speculation and gave a price. The land owner would be the one that receiver the offer. Hay I have won some & lost some in life, but I don't dwell on either one. Life keeps rolling along. I am involved in so many projects that I would have to make time to look for ants_edited-1.jpg

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Kache, Do you read backwards? The photographer did the work on speculation and gave a price. The land owner would be the one that receiver the offer. Hay I have won some & lost some in life, but I don't dwell on either one. Life keeps rolling along. I am involved in so many projects that I would have to make time to look for this.

One of us obviously does read backwards. The photographer OWNS the picture he took, just as the landowner OWNS the land where the treasure might be. I think you've got your comparisons a bit mixed up.

Hey franky I keep asking a question that u haven't answered maybe your the chicken how much money have u spent for u to think you deserve such a cut

Ok, first things first. I just spent well over an hour reading 29 pages of this post. I know I wasn't asked to read it, but I did, so I feel that I am owed a fair share of this cache now. Me putting in over an hours work is worth some part of this fortune.

Here is my perspective:

1) Originally you mentioned $150k to the owner and a 1/3 split. You later said as a strategy you would go back and inflate the split amount as to if it were gold coins that made up the cache. My perspective from reading this from the beginning to the end (well, page 29) is that you strongly felt the payout would be $150k. When the landowner didn't bite at the 1/3 split, you thought it might be a good idea to up the ante by bringing in gold coins into the mix. In the beginning it never once appeared that you thought the cache was worth more than $150k. You either didn't explain yourself well to us from the start or you have convinced yourself now that the cache is made of gold coins.

2) Before even discussing the 'cut', as a landowner, if someone sent me an email and/or letter with one 'low' figure in the first letter and then a substantially larger figure in a subsequent letter, every warning flag and alarm would be going off in my head. Afterall, he probably also just received some emails from Prince Abubacke in Nigeria who is offering him a cut of his lost fortune.

3) The cut - I don't care how much time or promises of payment to other people for services rendered you have made. The fact of the matter is simple; The landowner NEVER asked you to do any of that. You are not owed ANYTHING for doing that. That was something you did with your own free will. If someone comes and cuts my yard without asking and then asks me to pay them, they are crazy. It's a pretty simple thing, you feel you are owed something. You keep saying the landowner is greedy or making decisions based on greed, but its pretty plain and clear that you are the greedy one. The cache is on the property of someone else. If you want it, you go by their matter how much research you did. Otherwise YOU will never have it. A 50/50 split is VERY generous for both sides. You are getting access to something that isn't yours and they are getting profits for something that technically they own because it is on their land. If I am a landowner, I could care a less if you have 1 or 10 partners. If you want something valuable on my land, regardless of how much work I did or did not put into it, I'm not giving away the farm.

4) Proper strategy - I work in banking. If you want to make a deal or get something done, you talk to someone in person or even by phone. Letters and emails are very impersonal and send fraud warnings up. Call the guy or better yet, arrange an in person visit.

5) My final perspective is to take the 50/50 cut. Stop being greedy. As I said earlier, he didnt ask for you to research the cache or make deals with others for something that is on his land, that he technically owns. Please don't twist things and say that he may not even be the owner since someone else left it there years ago.

My two cents. Please let us know what you do. As a partner in this cache hunt, my interest is for you to take the 50/50 split.


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