Wow! And I thought I had problems! Dividing it up between 4 land owners? You didnt even want to give the one land owner 1/3, and now you want to divided it up into smaller shares? I cant believe this; if the gold is on the first land owners property, you want to give another land owner part of his share?? Im sure he will just jump with joy on that idea!! He already feels its HIS, now you want to give some of HIS money to his neighbor too?
Why not just make this deal, if it can ever be made, go get the gold, and be done with it. If it isnt on his land, then make the same or I hope, better deal with the other land owner. Of course, you want the same 50%, no matter how many people are involved. He is NEVER going to go for a trick like that.
And these ideas floating around, that all you have to do is outlast him are silly too. Unless he is in his 90's, you have a better chance of dying before he does! If he is a "business man", as mentioned many times, he is not going to give you half of HIS money!
Your are right, "all money every issued by the federal government carries the full faith and trust of the federal government...........bla, bla. Are you going to cash it in like that? Why do you come up with these ideas? Are you trying to prove it is legal tender and so have no problem with cashing it in? And melt value? Yes, why not melt down coins that may be worth thousands or tens of thousands, so you can get the melt value, good idea. Also you could just put the valuable coins in your pocket and give the land owner the less valuable coins, and tell him gold coins have no collector value. Im sure, as a business man, he knows nothing about anything, especially how to keep someone from taking HIS money.