The Offer

PPratt, You like to stick people into nice little classifications that fit your "thinking" even when you don't know them. You are wrong about partners. Someone picks a partner to make up their weak points, don't ask,If you picked a partner that was the same, the competition would be unbarable and disputes constant in a one upmanship game. It is better to pick a partner that complements your shortfalls. I see you were smart enough to pick up on the pass go and collect, but I must point out that the thimble offers protection making it possible to finish. Like you the cannon just makes a lot of noise. hand print-2_edited-3.webp

So are you saying your partner is weak minded and you point him in the right direction. I do believe the thimble is no match for a cannon. You say classifications I say opinion, and just like the 32 other pages of opinions that say your wrong. Now go and run and tell your partner that your wrong again. I'm assuming he's the shoe. He goes were you go. Or maybe the dog, no matter how many times he gets beat he is loyal.

No, you are saying that. I think the cannon represents your delusions of grandure. Actually that guy in the mirror is you, live with it! You rely on a following that does not exist.hand print-2_edited-3.webp

Can we get this thread locked. I'm tired of this. We have 41 pages of nothing.

So are you saying your partner is weak minded and you point him in the right direction. I do believe the thimble is no match for a cannon. You say classifications I say opinion, and just like the 32 other pages of opinions that say your wrong. Now go and run and tell your partner that your wrong again. I'm assuming he's the shoe. He goes were you go. Or maybe the dog, no matter how many times he gets beat he is loyal.
Why ppratt? You should just go fight with yourself, It would be more fun...

I enjoy the guy in the mirror he's nice to talk to and he gets me. Why would I fight with myself I have such a pretty face. I do this to stir the pot Like franky boy said before if you dont like reading it then don't come back.

Franky you said u pick a partner with weak points. Remember? Because picking someone like yourself would be a bad thing. I was picking out what those bad points must be.

It is like a daggum house fly, No matter how many times you shoo him away, He just keeps comin back.. Now...... Where's my Fly Swatter!!!!!!


PP rat t, You got it wrong. You pick a partner that does not have the same weak points, that way you compliment each other rather than compete with each othet. You say you are in electronics. Watt you say doeshand print-2_edited-3.webp not always make a good connection. It appears to be short in nature although not well connected. Ohm My, the open circuits. You should triack a new route with more capicity and less resistance. Perhaps a new tuned circuit to insure conduction. Your capicity for resistance seems to be out of tune.

It is like a daggum house fly, No matter how many times you shoo him away, He just keeps comin back.. Now...... Where's my Fly Swatter!!!!!!


You must be the partner. BUUUUZZZZZZ

Franky I think both you and your partnet have some bad capacitors.

I found the was a aluminum pull tab. I cut it in half and gave the owner his deserved share.

maipenrai, You say my equippment doesn't count because I already have it!!!! Try chartering a boat and telling the Capt. that the cost of his boat and the fuel that is already in the tank don't count as costs of the charter. He will be laughing as he pulls away from the pier without you.
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But in that instance you are soliciting a service. You approach the boat owner looking for a service to purchase. Not the other way around.

PP rat t, I have have to go back to the old days to describe your posts. Ever hear a 78 with a deep scratch just repeat and repeat? That's you.

John, was that the ring part, or the seal part?

Quartermaster, You are right in a way. Some prior posts have stated that work or equippment done or obtained befor the offer don't count in the cost figguring. The Captain in the example surely figgured his boat payments and fuel in his tank in his cost. He couldn't offer the service if he didn't have the boat.hand print-2_edited-3.webp

I enjoy the guy in the mirror he's nice to talk to and he gets me. Why would I fight with myself I have such a pretty face. I do this to stir the pot Like franky boy said before if you dont like reading it then don't come back.

Franky you said u pick a partner with weak points. Remember? Because picking someone like yourself would be a bad thing. I was picking out what those bad points must be.

ppratt, When 2 people come together on a job, both knowing the same about the job.. Ahhh never mind, ppratt will take 50 posts to answer a yes or no Question

ppratt, When 2 people come together on a job, both knowing the same about the job.. Ahhh never mind, ppratt will take 50 posts to answer a yes or no Question

MMMMM you got me there. Like you and this thread your getting old. I like the others I'm dropping out, your thickheadedness, and stupidity is making us all dumber. I'm thinking father time will get you, before you get on this site to dig. TICK TOCK franky boy.


Frankn. In response to your question will landowner accept one third. First its your lead,how you deal with it is on you. No i don,t think he would at time of original post. This due to customs I encounter. His counter of 50\50 ,only my opinion here,suggests he may have been thinking 40%. No clue where he,s at now but its still your lead to work. Good "luck" whatever you choose.:cup:

PP rat t, how can that be possible? You are already operating at the lowest level. You have not offered one suggestion how I can up his offer. Your ego precedes you and it is blown up like your post.cheerio-1.webp

Releventchair, You might be right, only time can tell.

Well, the third letter to the second land owner has not been answered. I am thinking that maybe he is really old and can't read his mail. Perhaps a visit to him is in order.Funny face-flower.webp

635 responses to this, yet when we need people to write letters to congressmen, representatives, we might find ten people who care..... What a shame. Sadly, it's been this way for 30 years.

635 responses to this, yet when we need people to write letters to congressmen, representatives, we might find ten people who care..... What a shame. Sadly, it's been this way for 30 years.

600 of those are from about 3 people.

Eagle desending.webpDon't worry Jason, some day you will learn how to count past 3 !

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